A Blissful Relationship... or?

"Studying" Abroad


You and Jonghyun have been secretly dating for a few months now.  After your first date he got the courage to ask you to officially be his girlfriend and gave you your first kiss.  He was going to be on T.V. today and they were going to announce something big about his upcoming activities.  You the T.V. and began to watch the talk show. 

MC: So we’re here today with SHINee’s main vocals Jonghyun! ( The audience cheers as he walks onto the stage flashing a smile left and right.  He sits on the stool after one last wink to the camera.  That was his signal to you, his “I love you”). Welcome Jonghyun!

JH: Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here with you and with my manager hyung.

MC: We hear your manager has something big to announce to all the Jonghyun fans out there, is this true?

Manager: Yes we would like to give you the viewers, fans, and even Jonghyun himself, a surprise.

MC: Ahh so even he doesn’t know about it?

Manager: yes that’s correct. ( He turns to face Jonghyun) Jonghyun we’ve decided to include you in the following season of “We Got Married”! It’s completely up to you if you want to join it but you are free with your schedule.

Your heart stopped at the mention of “We Got Married”. You knew he wouldn’t fall for another girl, you knew he wouldn’t even take the job.  He wouldn’t right? You meant more than that didn’t you? “But who am I to stand in the way of his career?” you asked yourself as you waited for his answer.

Jong was stuck, he didn’t want to do the show! He had a girlfriend and he loved her.  He wanted her to stay with him even if it was just for the rest of the year.  When she goes back to the states he’d visit her every time they had a concert there.  She lived in LA after all! She could still date him. And after some time they could get married and live together.  Have a family with cute kids and everything.  He had imagined all of that WITH HER.  Not with some other idol; even if it was fake.  He wanted the real thing and he wanted it with her

He was taking forever to give an answer.  You were worried that this meant it was a yes.  As he stared at the camera with sad eyes you confirmed that he was taking the opportunity.  And why shouldn’t he? He could meet another idol and they would match each other perfectly.  Quickly before he answered you turned the TV off.  You couldn’t bare the idea of him leaving you.  You felt suffocated in the room and with tear filled eyes you ran outside.  You kept running and running till you legs gave out.  It wasn’t till you looked around that you realized you had ran to the place where you and Jong first saw each other. Laying on the grass, you cried out your emotions. Tears flowed and your chest heaved up and down as your heart felt like it was being crumpled. 

Jonghyun shot up from his seat, earning him a strange look from everyone in the room.  “I’m sorry” he said, “ I can’t take the job.”

“Why Jonghyun??’ His manager asked dumbfounded.

“Because I don’t want to marry a random woman.  There is someone special in my heart right now and I think she’ll be there for the next 10, 20, 30 plus years to come. I refuse to call anyone my wife but her.” With that he bowed and apologized to his manager, the mc, and the audience and ran out. His fans were in an uproar at the announcement of his love for a certain woman.  He had to find you but you wouldn’t pick up your phone.  He called your friend and she explained that you weren’t in your room but she had seen you run out crying and couldn’t catch up to you.  A sudden idea hit him and he hung up the phone and ran faster than before.




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ilabya33 #1
Hehe, Jonghyun is my ultimate bias as well >.< This was a sweet little story and I love the dramatic love declaration scene, my melodramatic self simply enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 5: EEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! i super DUPER love it...................shucks........gonna sub now