Going to Korea

"Studying" Abroad


You were woken up by your phone alarm telling you it was 9 A.M. You had a morning class at 10:30 for English History and your final that day.  Forcing yourself to get up, you looked at the state of your dorm around you.  Your bed was a mess of papers and books spread around your sprawled body.  Empty cartons of instant ramen were scattered around your floor and night stand along with 1 or 2 cans of Monster.  It was the unmistakable scene of a late night cram session at its finest. 

After smacking yourself a few times to wake up you quickly took a shower and got dressed. After preparing your bag and eating a quick but filling breakfast you headed out the door to head to class.


Just got two more questions to go and I’ll be done…. C’mon you got this … you studied… you …. you… #$%^ what is the dang answer!!?? OH… it’s B ^.^”


You got out of class feeling exhausted but fully confident in your score.  Better yet, it was your only class of the day and the last final of the year.  As you were making your way back to your dorm at UCLA you got a call from one of your friends and dorm mates ________.

“Ey what’s up?” You answered.

“Dude you have to check your email!!! Like right now if you can!” She was on the phone panicked.

“Why, what’s going on?” You sat down on a bench and began to pull out your lap top from your bag.  While you logged into your email your friend explained that the dean’s office emailed her about her acceptance into the Korean exchange program for the full year. You scrolled through your email until you found one from the dean’s office.

“Dear Miss. _______,
            We are proud to inform you that due to your dedication in studies and excellent grades in your time here at UCLA, you are accepted into the Korean Exchange Program.  You will be provided with room and board shared with another selected student of same or different major. Meals will also be provided for the year. Your flight will leave on the 29th of June in order for you to become accustom to life there over the summer.  Your ticket will be mailed to you and should arrive within the next week.”

You didn’t bother to read the rest, you were just so excited to be going to Korea for an entire year!

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ilabya33 #1
Hehe, Jonghyun is my ultimate bias as well >.< This was a sweet little story and I love the dramatic love declaration scene, my melodramatic self simply enjoyed reading it.
Chapter 5: EEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! i super DUPER love it...................shucks........gonna sub now