Together Forever

You Got A Message:JinYoung Path



~A Few Weeks Later.


''Hey,Minzy...Lately I've been thinking about something...'' JinYoung suddenly said while you were watching a movie.''What is it oppa?'' You asked,looking at him.

''What do you say...If we be together forever?'' He smiled,making you chuckle.''Why are you laughing?'' He asked confused.

''Because even if you didn't ask that,we would be together forever because we love each other and at least I don't ever want this to end.'' You explained raising my eyebrows.

''Really?'' He asked and you nodded.He hugged you and kissed your nose.''Then what do you say about this...let's get married!'' His sudden proposal shocked you,but still made you happy.

''Araso.'' You answered smiling and then he kissed you.

*Getting married?That would be really...beautiful...* You said in my mind while feeling his sweet and warm lips.


~Next Day


''C'mon Minzy,you can do better than this!'' Dara was scolding you for failing in dancing.''Mianhe unnie...I just have a lot of things in my mind.'' You explained and sat down,huffing.

''What's wrong,Minzy?'' Bom sat next to you and caressed your shoulder.''It's not bad...It was just sudden.'' You were getting the 'field' ready.

''Wae?What happened?'' CL asked as well.''JinYoung proposed me...He asked me if I wanted to marry him...'' You said,lightly smiling.

''And what did you say?'' Bom asked.''I said 'yes'.What else could I say?I love him a lot...I want to spend the rest of my life by his side.'' You explained.

''CAN I BE THE BRIDESMAID?!'' Dara shouted while jumping around.''We all will you genius...'' CL said face-palming herself.

''And when are you planning to get married?'' Bom asked smiling.''I don't know...'' You shrugged your shoulders.''Soon,probably.''

''I can't wait!Our little maknae is getting married!!!!'' Dara hugged you tightly and the others hugged you as well,making you shed some tears.

2 months had passed since JinYoung's proposal and you had arranged the date of the wedding.It was two weeks away and almost everything was ready.

You have been looking for over a week for my wedding dress,since you wanted it to be perfect and beautiful.Finally,you had made your decision.


You really liked your dress.It was finally time for my last wedding rehearsal and you was pretty anxious.

''You are so beautiful.'' You heard JinYoung's voice.''Oppa?'' You turned and faced him.''What are you doing here?You're not allowed here!'' You said smiling.

''So what?I wanted to see my beautiful bride...'' He placed his hands on your hips and kissed you.''U-UM...'' You heard Bom's 'coughing' voice and you immediatly stopped kissing.

''The groom?'' The lady who owned the shop asked smiling.''Oh,you are JinYoung!From B1A4!My daughters love your music!'' She added.

''Gomawo,my lady!'' He smiled.''And yes I am the groom.''

''Don't you know it's jinx to see the bride before the marriage?'' She asked while placing a dress on a chair.''I do but,I couldn't wait for two more weeks.She is my drug.''

His words made you blush really hard.''Shh,JinYoung!'' You said in a low voice and he chuckled.''Why are you shy?'' He tapped your nose but you just showed him your tongue.

''They suit each other so much...'' The lady said to the girls while gazing at you two.''I wish them the best!'' She added.

''Come on girls,let's leave them alone.They need it.'' CL said and they all got out,leaving you and JinYoung alone.

''JinYoungie...'' You said in a low voice.''What is it?'' He asked.''Will you make me happy?''

''I will.I promise on my life that your hapiness will be the most important thing for me...'' He hugged you tightly,caressing your back.

''Saranghamnida.'' He murmured.

''Nado oppa...'' You murmured back.

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Chapter 1: gosh~~ update soon please~ and the GD's path too!!!
anyways i'll sucribe to both paths~~ ahaahah
anyways i'll sucribe to both paths~~ ahaahah