05. the need for change

What A Girl Wants


Why does the world hate him?

This was simply not Yong Junhyung’s week.

Firstly, Hyuna wants to take a break and work things out. Then he catches his girlfriend with another guy. And after that, he finds out that everyone knows that they’re dating and dating for idols is a big unspoken no-no.

But now, he doesn’t even know if they’re going out anymore.

Junhyung let out a long sigh and buried his face in his arms on the table.

“What’s wrong, hyung?” Dongwoon sat down on the seat opposite him.

“You don’t know?” He looked at him with incredulous eyes.

“Well, I know that people know you’re dating Hyuna.” Dongwoon said slowly, and cautiously, afraid that he would say something wrong.

The older man sighed once again. He just wanted to talk to her and work things out. But he didn’t have the courage to, he was afraid that what he had heard and seen was true. He didn’t want to confirm those speculations and end up single.

Dongwoon eyed Junhyung, trying to work out what was wrong. “Since you’re not upset that everyone knows… There must be something else…” He tapped his chin, “Ah! You’re bummed because there is something up with you and Hyuna!”

“Bingo!” Suddenly, Hyunseung galloped into the kitchen, made a gun with his hand and pointed it at the two men sitting at the dining table. As Junhyung and Dongwoon turned to look at him, Hyunseung quickly scurried away.

“Is that true?” Dongwoon pretended that Hyunseung never appeared and leaned closer to Junhyung. “Did you have a fight with Hyuna?”

Junhyung didn’t know whether he should tell Dongwoon. Dongwoon did have experience though. He had a girlfriend – Kwon Sohyun – and they were happy, even though they had their ups and downs, they would always happily return to each other.

“We didn’t have a fight… but there is something.” Junhyung muttered.

“Ah-ha!” Dongwoon exclaimed, obviously proud of himself, “So what is it?”

“She wanted to take a break.”

There was silence.

“What does that mean?”

Junhyung looked at the younger man with a shocked expression. “It means that she doesn’t want to see me!” He almost shouted. He realized that she probably didn’t want to see him and almost instantly became bummed again.

“Oh…” Dongwoon nodded. “That’s… sad.”

“I know. I’ve been very sad.” He mumbled.

Dongwoon decided to change the awkward atmosphere. “So… what are you planning to do?”

“I don’t know. I just want to see her.”

At that moment there were knocks at the door. They were soft raps against their front door, followed by the doorbell ringing. It couldn’t be their manager since their activities were now suspended because of the influx of paparazzi around their dorm and he left Beast to their own devices.

The two men sitting on the couch glanced over at the door with confused expressions. They had no idea who would decide to give them a spontaneous visit. Maybe it was the CEO to discuss about Hyuna and Junhyung’s not-so-secret relationship.

“Who is it?” Dongwoo called to the door as he got off the couch.

Junhyung just sighed at the prospect of getting scolded from his boss. He was feeling bad enough.

The door clicked as it opened and Dongwoon gasped.

“Who is it?” Junhyung asked in a dull voice while staring at the wall. “Dongwoon?” He turned to face the maknae when he didn’t reply.

“Oh, Hyuna.” Dongwoon stated instead of greeting her. “What are you doing here? How did you even get here? There are photographers and reporters everywhere!”

Junhyung almost jumped out of his seat at the sound of her name, but he forced himself not to. In order to maintain his cool image, he wasn’t going to overreact and show how excited he was to see Hyuna.

He swallowed and hid behind a pillow to watch the people at the door since Hyuna hadn’t seen him yet.

“Is Junhyung around?”

“What if he’s around?”

“I just want to talk to him… about things.”

“Well…” Dongwoon nodded. “He’s over there.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the living room.

Hyuna nodded and gave Dongwoon a small smile as she made her way over to the open-spaced room. “Junhyung?”

The said man removed the pillow from his face. “Hyuna…”

She sat down next to him, although they were sitting centimeters away from each other, she felt extreme distance between them. “How are you?”

Feeling miserable. “I’m fine.” Junhyung tried to smile. “You?”

Just missing you. “I’m good too.” Hyuna returned his smile.

“You don’t have any activities either?” Junhyung tried to make casual conversation, knowing that she didn’t come just to have a simple chat with him. Maybe if he kept talking to her, she’ll forget her real purpose for coming to see him.

“Yeah. We aren’t able to go to music shows because we can’t even get out of our dorms.” She shook her head, slightly laughing at the surrealism of it all.

“Hey, how did you even get out of your dorm?” Junhyung asked, curious.

“I have my sources.” Hyuna smiled, her eyes sparkling. “And I won’t tell you.”

Junhyung raised his eyebrow, “Come on, you won’t even tell me?”

In only moments it seemed as if they never had any problems. It was just like how it used to be before the break, before it all happened. They wondered why it was so bad in the first place.

“No.” Hyuna grinned cheekily and then looked down. She realized that if they continue on like this, she would not be able to tell him what she wanted to.

He noticed the change in the atmosphere and glanced over to her.

She stopped looking into his eyes and looked onto her lap. “Junhyung…”

He swallowed. “W-what is it?” He tried to act calm but his heart was pounding furiously against his chest. He could feel his hands warming up and he was nervous.

“With everything happening…”

Junhyung didn’t want to hear it. “Hyuna, no.”

Hyuna lifted her gaze from her lap and towards him. Her eyes were wet but she refused to let the tears fall. “You know we can’t do this anymore.”

“Please don’t. We can work things out.” He almost pleaded, reaching out to take her hand into his.

She pulled her hand away from his grasp. “Junhyung no! We can’t do this. Things haven’t been going well recently, and now, with our relationship revealed…”

“It doesn’t matter.” He tried to smile. He wanted to comfort her and convince her not to take this step.

“We should break up. It’s too hard to make it work.” She said in a soft and reluctant voice. “Junhyung, I really loved you and I still do. But I’m sorry, we can’t do this anymore.”

Slowly tears fell from Hyuna’s eyes and Junhyung felt his heart breaking.

He could do anything for her. That was how much he cared. Even if he had to say embarrassing words, he would do it. “Hyuna, I l-love you too. So why can’t we work this out?”

But it was too late. He should have said it earlier. It was too late to start becoming a better boyfriend. If he had taken more caution in protecting their relationship in the start, it could have been different now. He could have been someone that she could rely on and not someone that caused her pain. They could have been happy.

“Junhyung, I’m s-sorry.” She kept her head down and tried to keep her voice as stable as possible as she rose from the couch. With a small yet pained smile, she walked towards the door.

He didn’t know what to say. He felt as if his whole world was crashing down on him. After all, Hyuna was his world.

The door clicked as it closed and she was gone. He sat there in silence. Junhyung had watched his girlfriend break up with him, leave him and he didn’t do anything about it.

He really was a useless boyfriend. He was never any good with words to charm the ladies, he couldn’t remember all the little things that would make her day and he wasn’t able to show her how much he cared.

Now with the media knowing about their relationship, it just added oil to the fire already burning out of control. Soon enough, the company head would have a ‘talk’ with the two to clarify what this was all about, and dismiss these claims about their biggest stars dating.

“Hyung, is everything okay?” Dongwoon asked with uncertainty.

Junhyung couldn’t hear him.

He had realized why she had done what she had. Hyuna was thinking about their future. She always was. She had left so it wouldn’t affect their careers. When it came to the press conferences, they would be able to say that they never went out. They were just ‘friends’ and nothing else.

This pained him in the chest. It felt as if someone was stabbing him with a knife.

Why did he let her go? Even though he loved her so much, more than he had loved anyone else before, he had let her go the easiest.

“Dongwoon, I’m going out.”

“H-hyung, why? There are too many reporters out there!”

He loved her too much to let her go another time. Although he had failed once, he wasn’t going to fail again.

Junhyung stopped at the front door and turned back to a shocked Dongwoon, “That’s why I’m going out.”


Oh my, it has been too long since we have last updated (months)

Sorry for the extremely late update! But here it is now!

Hope you enjoy and thanks for all the support! :3

JSMPKK - 26/08/11

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*thumbs up* Pretty good ^_^ Update soooooon!
Lattice #2
YAY! Update!! keke<br />
I hope this time Junhyung make things right...<br />
I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
fanfictionlover97 #3
thanks for updating! please update soon again! this is so sad ):
yunri14 #4
update soon please =]]
fanfictionlover97 #5
update soon pleaase :]
pokeaheart #6
do update soon! thank you! <3
Hi new reader.i like it story.Please update soon.Hwaiting!
Lattice #8
The media knows??? OMG!!!<br />
Please update soon
0_0 plzz udate soon it's really interesting
OMO ''We need to talk'' ,that sounds bad DX <br />
anyway Update Soon ... plzzzz :)