03. she's my girlfriend, not yours!

What A Girl Wants


Waking up in the afternoon on a break day was simply the best. Junhyung rolled around in his limited space on his bunk bed, though it was small; he felt comfortable. There were no recordings scheduled and no shows or performances the group had to go to. BEAST were left to their own activities for the next two days and the six members were overjoyed.

Happily eating some rice in the bedroom while playing around on the laptop doing who knows what was the man they called Lee Kikwang.

“Kikwang ah, what are you going to do today? Did you wanna go shopping?” Yoseob inquired via poking his head through the gap of the door.

Kikwang shoveled some more food into his mouth and moved the cursor around the touchpad before he replied, “Mm, I’ll think about it.”

“Aw, come on! We haven’t been out of the dorm to do normal things in ages.” Yoseob whined clinging onto Kikwang’s arm though he didn’t seem to pay much attention.

“Alright, we’ll go out! Just let me finish my rice first!” Kikwang gave in to Yoseob and shouted with a mouth full of rice that sprayed a few pieces onto Yoseob’s face.

Yoseob wiped the pieces of rice off his face with a disgusted expression. “You’re fowl, man. FOWL.” He slowly slivered out of the room and closed the door. But not before he was entirely out of the door, Yoseob flashed a goofy grin. “I’ll be waiting, Kikwang… You better come quickly.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Kikwang scrolled around on his laptop and scooped up the remaining blobs of rice onto his spoon.

Lolling on the bottom bunk, Junhyung heard the entire conversation. Not that he really wanted to hear about Yoseob and Kikwang going shopping together but because he wouldn’t have been able to nap any longer since Yoseob was displaying his booming cutesy voice.

Since he was pretty sure he couldn’t be able to sleep anymore, Yong Junhyung decided to take initiative and strike up a conversation with the man in the room with him.  “What are you going to buy at the mall?” Junhyung asked while he picked up a plushie to squeeze into abnormal shapes.

“Huh? Oh, I dunno. Just whatever Yoseob wants I suppose. I might get some clothes and everything…” Kikwang drabbled on still chewing on the remnants of his breakfast that was supposed to be eaten in the morning. “Did you want to come to?”

“Not really.” Was their conversation only going to go this far? Well, Junhyung had no intention to get up from his warm spot in his bed.

Then Kikwang added, “You should buy a gift for your girlfriend – KIM HYUNA.” It seemed like Kikwang was trying to remind him of her existence.

What was Kikwang talking about now? Junhyung raised an eyebrow, not that Kikwang could see it since he was lying down. “What for?”

“Boyfriends usually buy gifts for their girlfriends once in awhile. Didn’t you know?” Kikwang said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“How would you know? You’ve never had a girlfriend before…” Junhyung still had his eyebrow raised.

“Oh nobody cares about that.” Kikwang flapped his hand at Junhyung. He went back onto his main point, “You should treat her better and spend more time with her.”

Junhyung was still entirely confused with Kikwang as why he brought up the topic and was becoming slightly irritated with the younger man. Junhyung sat up, “Why do you keep talking about Hyuna? She’s my girlfriend, not yours!”

“It doesn’t seem like it.” Kikwang added quietly.

Kikwang was wrong when he thought that Junhyung couldn’t hear him mutter. “What was that?” Junhyung started crawling towards the edge of his bed.

Just as Junhyung and Kikwang were getting fired up and Junhyung was starting to get really pissed, they were interrupted. If another word came from Kikwang’s mouth, he swore that he was going to punch him. There was a knock on the door and it creaked open. “Kikwang…” Yoseob peered into the room. “It’s been like, two minutes. I’m tired of waiting, come on!”

“We’ll leave it here today. Consider my advice carefully, Yong Junhyung!” Kikwang did that ‘I’m-watching-you’ finger-pointing thing and departed the room before Junhyung could scramble out of his bed.

“Aish.” Junhyung slumped back onto his bed. “Why is Kikwang always like that?”

“He’s like that because… should I tell you?” Somehow, Doojoon managed to get into the room without Junhyung noticing and sat down beside him.

“Whoah!” Junhyung hit his head on the top of the bunk in surprise. “You’re sneaky, Yoon Doojoon.”

Doojoon crossed his arms over his chest and laughed. “So, did you want to know?”

Junhyung thought intently. Should he find out why Kikwang was being an to him and why he always spoke about Hyuna? “Actually… I’ll find out when the time comes.”

“Hmm…” Doojoon eyed Junhyung. “Good choice!” He gave him the thumbs up and sat up ready to depart from the room.

“Don’t go yet, Doojoon.” Junhyung grabbed his sleeve.

Doojoon stopped just a step away from the bed, “What?”

After thinking for a while, Junhyung had made up his mind and he was going to show Kikwang how he can be a good boyfriend to Hyuna. Although he was already a great boyfriend, Kikwang didn’t believe him. He had already got her parents approval too! Why couldn’t he support them as well? With this, Junhyung was determined to get Kikwang’s approval.

To start, he had to show how affectionate he was to his girl.

“Um, do you have Hyuna’s number?” Junhyung asked shyly.

Doojoon just stared at Junhyung blankly. “Say that again?”


“This is so out of character for you.” Hyuna looked around the restaurant. “But this place is pretty…” Her eyes glimmered.

Junhyung laughed mentally, after he had finished laughing to himself. He flashed her a smile. “I thought you’d like this place. After all, it’s beautiful just like you.”

Hyuna cringed at the corniness. “Uh, thanks.” She smiled nervously. “So, why the sudden date? Not that I don’t like going out with you, it’s just that you usually wouldn’t take me to places like this.”

“Don’t I usually take you to places like this?” Junhyung frowned.

“Yeah... But this place is kind of cramping your style.” Hyuna traced the rim of the wine glass with her finger.

That was kind of true. He didn’t fancy too expensive restaurants that had giant, sparkling chandeliers that could crush you if they fell. “I guess you’re right. But I felt like treating you to something a bit more extravagant tonight.”

“Very nice.” Hyuna laughed.

After a few more moments of small talk and finishing their order they couple fell silent. Hyuna was busily admiring the interior of the ultra fancy restaurant and while Junhyung was discreetly trying to make sure he looked cool.

“Junhyung.” Hyuna stopped glancing around.

Junhyung also stopped trying to fix himself up. “What’s wrong?”

“We need to talk.” Hyuna didn’t smile as she said it. Usually Hyuna would flash cute smiles and happy gestures, but there wasn’t any. This seriously worried him.

“But… Aren’t we talking now?”

“No. We have to talk.

Junhyung gulped. This didn’t sound good.


Chapter 3 is unleashed!

Junah couple's problems are starting to show...

Hope you enjoyed this update! We are loving the new subscribers and comments!

JSMPKK - 10/05/11

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*thumbs up* Pretty good ^_^ Update soooooon!
Lattice #2
YAY! Update!! keke<br />
I hope this time Junhyung make things right...<br />
I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)
fanfictionlover97 #3
thanks for updating! please update soon again! this is so sad ):
yunri14 #4
update soon please =]]
fanfictionlover97 #5
update soon pleaase :]
pokeaheart #6
do update soon! thank you! <3
Hi new reader.i like it story.Please update soon.Hwaiting!
Lattice #8
The media knows??? OMG!!!<br />
Please update soon
0_0 plzz udate soon it's really interesting
OMO ''We need to talk'' ,that sounds bad DX <br />
anyway Update Soon ... plzzzz :)