I'm Secretly in Love with the Person I Hated Most


A/N: Long chapter for you guys :D




Your family decided to move from Busan to Seoul when you were 7 due to your dad's work.

Since you're the only child and new in that place, you don't have anyone to play with. You started to find friends in your neighborhood. But all of them rejected you because of your Busan accent. According to them, they find it disgusting. That's why, you are always at home playing by yourself.

One morning, your mom noticed how bored you are. So, she urged you to go the park near your house to play there. At first, you're hesitating whether you'll go or not. But then, you ended up going. *Might find new playmates that will accept me* You hopefully said to yourself.

You were so happy when you saw so many children playing in the park that day. They were here and there. Happily playing together. You roam around and spotted a group of girls playing with their dolls.

"Hi," you greeted as they looked at you. "Hmmm... C-can I play with you?" you stutter because your trying your best not to sound Busan.

"Yes," the girl with the long wavy hair said.

"NO!" the girl with the slit eyes and short hair blurted out. "You are the new girl here right? The one from Busan?"

"Ne, majayo." you said in your Busan accent.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Did you heard her?" the tallest girl taunted.

"Neh, Majayo! Hahaha," the rest of the girls answered imitating your Busan accent. Then all of them bursted out laughing. 

"We don't want to be friend with a person like you! You're so disgusting! Come on girls let's find another place to play with." the girl with the short hair with slit eyes said while glaring at you.

(A/N: Hello! So here's the thing. I'm don't hate nor making fun of those korean who have the way Busan people speak. It is just that, I made it like that, to make the story plot...nicer? If that's the right term for that. So I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart. *bow bow*)

The girls gather their doll and leave you there dumbfolded. You just starred on you feet because of too much embarassment. Without you knowing, you're already crying. You seated to the nearest bench, held your head low, and just let out what you feel.
*Can't they just accept me for who I am? It'll not cause any harm to them anyway! They are so unreasonable!!!*

You are busy crying when suddenly, a hand that is holding a handkerchief pop out on your view. You look up and saw that the one holding the handkerchief is a boy who is showing you his heart warming smile, who have a very round innocent eyes and a very beautiful face.


Me, my hyungs, and my dongsaengs decided to meet up at the park before heading to Kris hyungs house to play. I'm so excited to me play with them again! I run as I made my way to the park's entrance.

*Huh? Did I came early?* I said to myself when I got there. It is a week end morning so there are so many children playing around but no one of my friends is there. *Maybe they are roaming around. I'll just go inside to find them.*

As I roam inside the park, I got frustrated because I can't find any of them. So, I decided to asked other kids if they saw them.

As I look for someone to ask, a girl sitting on the bench caught my eyes. *AHA! I'll just ask her!* I started to walk towards her.

"Yah," I said as I reach her. She didn't even look at me. Maybe she didn't heard me. "Yah!" this time I am sure that it's louder. But then again, it seems that didn't heard me. She just keep her head down and somewhat, she is busy starring at her lap. As a lower my head to see her face, I was shock to see that she is actually crying. *Otteokke?* I reach my hand to my pocket and got my handkerchief. I held it to her. Just then, she looked up to me with her watery eyes. I can't help myself but smile because of her cuteness.


As I look up, I saw a boy smiling holding the handkerchief and giving me the look as if telling me to get the handkerchief. I hesitate first, but then ended up getting the handkerchief. I muttered thanks as I weep my tears. The boy seated next to me.

[No One's POV]

As you took the handkerchief from Chanyeol, he took the seat next to you.

"So...tell me, why are you crying?" he asked as he curiously looking at you.

You lowered you head and answered with you trembling voice,"B-because no one wants t-to play with me." Because of this your eyes starts to water again.

"Don't want to play with you? Why?" he asked and frown.

"Can you here me speak? I have a Busan accent." you sniffle.

"Ah... So you're from Busan. W-wait! So your telling me that they don't wanna play with you because you speak Busan?!" Chanyeol blurted out. You shyly nodded. "Hahahaha!" he cracked up. He really got this so funny and clap like a sealion.
(A/N: see what I did there? SEALION! Haha)

*I see, no one really want to play with me. Even him find it very funny that I came from Busan. I should not came here for the first place.* You sadly said to yourself.

Chanyeol just recover from laughing. You braced yourself from more taunting that he will do, but instead, "That's really funny. They are so ridiculous and so unreasonable." he said.

"H-huh??" you asked. You can't believe on what he just said because you thought that he'll also make fun of you.

"There being ridiculous! Not wanting to play with because you speak Busan?! How pathetic they are!" he exclaimed.

"You don't find it disgusting, me, speaking in busan accent?!" you asked.

"No! I don't have any problem with that," he look at you eye to eye and gave you a very heart warming smile. You can't help but smile back. "Oh and by the way, I've been talking to you but I still don't know your name."

"Oh, Kim ______-imnida" you stand up and politely bow your head.

"Ahh, _____-ah!" he smiled upon saying you name. "I'm-"

"CHANYEOL-AH!" someone shouted.

"Well, that's my name." Chanyeol said as the both of you look for the one who shouted his name and saw a doe eyed boy running towards you together with the pack of boys.

"Hyung!" shouted back Chanyeol as he stood up. But then he receive a whack on his head from the doe eyed boy. "OW!" he complain as he rub his head. "YAH! HYUNG! WHAT'S UP WITH YOU?! WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!!" he shouted.

"WHY?! WHY?!" the doe eyed angrily said. "We've been waiting for you at the entrance!"

"OH MY GOD... LUHAN! How could you... run that fast!" a tall boy with a mysterious face pant when he catch up the doe eyed. And in millisecond, the rest of the boys joined in. All of them are panting.

"Hyung... Why... are you here?" the youngest boy asked while catching his breath.

"OH! Right! I forgot! Hehe (^_^")" Chanyeol said as he shyly rub the back of her head.

"Let's go! My mom is waiting for us." Kris said.

"Let's go!" the boy named Luhan said.

Chanyeol was about follow them but remembered that he is with someone. He turn around to you. "Hyung wait!" Chanyeol said. The rest turned around and that when they notice you beside Chanyeol.

"Oh! Hyung! You got a girlfriend!" the youngest said while eyeing Chanyeol.

"A-ANI!" Chanyeol shyly blurted out. "This is ______." he said as he gestured to you. "______-ah these are my friends." as he gestured towards his friends. "_____ is my new friend." he said proudly.

*Friend?! He already treat me as his friend?* you smiled to yourself.

"She's new here and she's from Busan." Chanyeol continued.

"A-annyeong haseyo. Kim _____ imnida. Manasseo bamgapsumnida!(It's nice to meet you)," you greeted them and politely bowed your head.

"Annyeong haseyo! We are Exo!" all of the greeted in unison as they bow back.

"E-exo?" you repeat with a questioning look.

"That's the name of our group," the tallest and mysterious look said. "My name is Kris Wu." he smiled.

"I'm Byun Baekhyun,"the one with the chinky eyes said.

"I'm Luhan!"the boy who called Chanyeol earlier said with a very sheeply smile.

"I'm Kim Jongdae, Chen for short," the one with the high cheekbone said.

"I'm Do Kyungsoo, D.O. for short," the one with the biggest eyes you've ever saw said.

"And I am Oh Sehun. I am the maknae! How old are you?" the youngest asked and gave you a very nice smile.

"I-I'm 7 years old"you politely said.

"CHINCHA?!" Sehun said with a very creepy smile. You nodded. "Can I call you noona?" you nodded again. "OH!OH!OH! I NOW HAVE A NOONA~!!!" he cheered and jumped around.

Chanyeol wants to hide to his embarassment over s. "So, do you want to play with us? We are going to Kris house to play there." he offered.

"Yes! Yes! Noona! And you know what, Kris hyung's mom is a very good cook!" Sehun said giving you a very hopeful look. 
(A/N:LOL XD as if they own the house!)

"C-chincha?!" you can't believe what they said. You look at the other boys. They are smiling at you as if telling you that you are welcome. You nodded happily.

"Okay then, let's go! Because my mom is already waiting for us since YESTERDAY." Kris jokingly said. Then all of you walk towards Kris house.

*Finally! I have people who I can call my Friends. Thank you EXO, and most specially Chanyeol* you happily said to yourself.

A/N: see here, You and Chanyeol are still okay with each other. When did you start hating each other? Let's just wait for the next chapter. Pyong~

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