Reason five

50 Reasons To Hate Park Kyung

Obviously depressed, I went into the school's building.

School started again, Christmas was over and I knew, a strenuous schedule with an annoying Kyung came along until the next vacation or holidays.

I waited inside our class room when Yoojung arrived.

She beamed at me and waved. I gave her a tiny smile, but suddenly she turned around again.

Blinking thrice after facing me with a blank expression, Yoojung headed over to me.

"What's the matter?" I asked, referring to her face just now and she frowned. "What?"

"Your face a few seconds ago." I replied and she withdrew her actions. "There wasn't a face of me...okay, I have a face, but you know what I mean!"

"There was a blank page all over your face, don't deny that, that's just not Ok Yoojung, my dear." I shook my head and she bobbed her head up and down. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"School ."

This time, I was blinking. Well, that made sense.

She clasped her hands, smiling again. "We didn't see each other since the day before Christmas...what did you get for Christmas?!"

"Ah, a new laptop, perfume, some jewels, [   A/N: >:D same here   ] not much though." I answered and she nodded. "I got Teen Top's album, finally! May be old but, yay, Niel!"

"You're so obsessed with Niel lately." I let out a soft chuckle and looked at her, "Else?"

"Perfume, sweets, the same as always." She nodded and grinned. "How did you celebrate New Year's Eve?"

"With my cousin. Actually like last year. Kris allowed me to bring along my friends too, so, we had a fun evening. We screamed like retarded kids when we counted to New Year."

"You always tell me such awesome stories about your cousin! I should meet Kristine once too!" Yoojung pouted and I patted her head like a puppy. "You're my best friend, don't forget that and yeah, I'm going to tell it her when I see her next time."

Soon Mrs. Bang arrived for English and we sat down.

"Okay, we're going to work in groups to two. Get a friend and compare what you did before Christmas." Mrs. Bang voice echoed through the room and quickly she turned around, drawing a chart on the board with four columns.

I glanced at Yoojung and she seemed lost. "Help me, Jinhee..."

I smirked and gestured her over to me. She did so and I pointed at my paper. "What did you not understand?"

"I got half way what MLK did but I'm still confused. There many reasons again?"

Before I spoke the door opened and Kyung exhaled. "Hi." He grinned mischievously and I rolled my eyes. "New year is ruined. Great."

"Park Kyung, something to say?" Mrs. Pang fiercely glared at him and his smile just grew wider. "I'm late."

"I see that."



"Ara~" he stumped away but laughed and high fived Zico who he just passed by, followed by Jihoon.

I shook my head but went on explaining things to Yoojung.

"Ah, now I know, you're lacking of the last point. Here, he was against slavery. That's why the sentence after that doesn't make any sense."

She nodded and squeezed in what I just said.


I ignored Kyung and went on.

"Yah, Jinhee!"

I sighed and faced him with a low voice. "What, dumbo?"

"What do we have to do?"

"Comparing." I asnwered in English and Mrs. Bang noticed my angry voice. "Something wrong?"

"Kyung's not getting the task." I explained and she nodded, talking back English. "Kyung, work with Yoojung and Jinhee."

"What?" the three of us shrieked in chorus and she continued drawing. "Live with that."

I leaned back and Kyung's chair squeaked as he scooted closer. "Hi."

"You already said that." Yoojung faked a smile and so did Kyung. "I greeted your notebooks because they're cooler, okay? So what do we have to do?"

"You just write down what we'd take centuries for you to understand..." I mumbled and he pouted, trying to be cute. "That wasn't nice~"

"You're not nice." I crossed my arms and he took off his jacket, revealing a blue pullover with a smurf on it. I just stared at that ugly piece of cloth. Of course, something like this was in right now but...

That...that was just cancer for your eyes.

It didn't fit his whole outfit at all.

"Did you find this in a second hand clothing container or...which happy clown sold this to you?" I asked pitiful that he paid money for that and Yoojung chuckled.

"You don't like that? This is in!" He beamed and I pretended to puke. "But not things like that...It looks like your mom laid things out for a five years old but 18 years old boy."

"I'm a man." Kyung pushed out his chest and Yoojung and I laughed at the same time. "You aren't for god's sake."

"Manlier than you."

"No , Sherlock." I gasped just out of joy and cracked up but Kyung shook his hands. "N-no! I meant, just more mature!"

"You and more mature, my !" Yoojung emphasized the "you' and we fell into a even deeper laughter.

"Just stop dressing like a pre-schooler and we'll leave you alone with your fashion." I tried to stop laughing but when the word fashion crossed my lips I just couldn't hold it back any more.

"What is good fashion in your opinion?" Kyung leaned his head onto his palm and stared at us, while I tapped my chin.

"Yoojung here is dressed perfectly and absolute beautifully! This is a good example!"

"Hmph, not really." Kyung shrugged and both our jaws dropped.

"My friend here is known for that. Don't say such words." my eyes turned into crescent moons and I exhaled through my nose but he just put out his ball pen. "I don't even care..."


We had to go outside for the second recess and I rubbed my hands against each other to produce warmth, what didn't help, so I cursed at myself. "Stupid me, I didn't bring any gloves with me!"

Yoojung next to me just chuckled. "Haha."

I slapped her lightly and we heard two similar 5th grader voices.

"Wasn't he the one who was rolling around in the snow before Christmas?" one girl asked and the other one shrugged. "I think so, why?"

"Look at what he's wearing."

"This looks so weird. I know we're just new to this school, but this really looks stupid." They laughed and I facepalmed. Why do I know such a person?

#5 to hate Park Kyung: his weird fashion style


i was listening to I Don't Need A Man throughout the writing and suddenly it flowed like asdfghjkl

i was like starting with three sentences but i was all like


then i put on that song and i finished it all in an hour i think :DD

comment and subscribe lovely readers


p.s. who of you thought i was talking of exo's kris first?

a friend who read that chapter because i sent it to her before told me she did ;DD

p.p.s. totally writer's block with this and my other fics, random random oh and the chapter are now called 'Reason...'


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Hi loves, I have blog post up as to why I have left without a trace, it'd mean the world if you checked it out ♥


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Chapter 5: I dearly miss this fic ):
Chapter 7: omg im so glad i found this story ♡
waiting for the next chapter
Chapter 7: DIESES

Chapter 7: another awesome chapter, well worth the wait. looking forwards to the next one!
Chapter 6: Please update soon author-nim~ <3
Chapter 6: kyung hat vollschaden :D
Chapter 6: lol...Kyung is really the master of weird dance moves XDD
sooo awesome saengie! ♥
Chapter 6: Awkward dance. Everything is weird lol
Chapter 5: Yoojung got that swag :DD