Reason one

50 Reasons To Hate Park Kyung
"I-I'm here!" he shouted from afar and I chuckled through my nose, looking to my best friend again.
", I really was about to type but he went-"
"Ladies~...Jinhee." he walked past us and I purposely pushed his chair back, hoping he'd fall, but to my dismay, he caught it just in time.
"Lame, girl."
"Try was worthy, 'kay." I rolled my eyes and Kyung sat down. "What're you talking 'bout?"
"None of your business, mister. Go away or die...just disappear out of my sight." I groaned annoyed and he just scooted closer to Yoojung and me. "Let me just listen a bit to your conversation, please~"
"No, go!" I lightly shouted but Kyung didn't even back away a bit.
"No...just talk...I won't even annoy you." I rolled my eyes once more. "Unbelievable...okay, ehm yeah...I wanted to ask him some things but he just went offli-"
"Who's he?" Kyung butted in and Yoojung glared at him. "What was that with 'I won't even annoy you?' "
I loved my best friend, we both had the same passion. Disliking Park Kyung.
"But I'm curious~"
"Don't talk or off..." I snapped and he smiled. "Did you learn for the geography exam?"
I rubbed my right temple. "No, and now go."
"I learned quite a lot. Oh, I'll be getting such a good grade! Ask me some questions! I'll be answering them and they'll 120% true."
"You're annoying. Go home." even Yoojung seemed to explode and I nodded.
"Just once, I'm so good with this!" Kyung spoke giddily and I pointed at some girls. "Talk with them...I think they'd be happier."
"But I want to annoy you two because I'm awesome like that and you're perfect to annoy!"
I sighed loudly. "God okay! But shut up then, please!" He nodded quickly and I took an atlas.
This took only about two minutes but in these two minutes he got all the answers right we asked him.
Damn, he's good in this subject! Too good!
"Silence students! I'll be handing out the testings now. Don't you dare to cheat, you know I see everything."
And he really does. Mr. Han was the worst teacher of them all and to our bad luck, our class teacher and tutor.
All students got a hate on him.
I looked at the sheet and took a glance at the first task. "Hmm, okay." I whispered and went over to the second one.
What the hell is this?! Oh, a country. And what do I have to- No!
I already messed my hair and looked over to my left where Kyung sat.
I shook my head. No, don't you dare asking that kid! He'll be pulling you off when he finds out you need help.
I saw how he happily wrote everything down like the answers where right in front of him.
They aren't, right?! I fixated my glance on his paper. Cam...Cameroon? No...Emu? Why does there stands emu?! There stands nothing from Australian animals!...This word kind of looked like Big Bang too...forget it, I cant read that .
"Jinhee, keep your eyes by yourself. Last time. The next glance and I give you an F." Mr. Han warned and I slowly went back to my piece of paper.
"I'm gonna die." I muttered under my breath and pinched my eyes, trying to concentrate on what I had left in my brain that could help me somehow.
"How was the exam with you?" Kyung grinned and I kept shooting daggers at him. "Shut up..."
"It went awesome with me. I hope we can get it back soon!" Kyung clapped his hands and I shoved his face away. "Sit back down, spoiled brat."
"How was the exam, guys?" Mr. Han asked afterwards and from every corner you could hear "it ", "too difficult" or "when do we ever need this in our life?", what matched pretty much what I thought.
Only from that happy chicken next to me came the sentence, "Awesome! I found it easy, but I learned amazingly much and very well!" Kyung smirked.
"Oh boy, get that smug smile out of your face before I rip your mouth out of it." I shook my head in disgust and Yoojung patted my back.
"I totally screwed it, you?"
"Same here." I gave her a nod and we talked a bit.
On the next day of school, we had geography again. I started scribbling all over an empty paper while our teacher talked senseless stuff.
"...Hee...Jinhee!" I looked up casually.
He hated me,
I hated him.
And even worse, he likes Kyung.
"Yeah?" I faked a smile and so did he. "What are you doing?"
"Ehm, taking notes." I looked down at an ugly face I just draw where I wrote HAN below.
"Oh really? What kind of notes?" he crossed his arms. He might be good looking, 23 years old and the swarm of all girls but inside he was the worst bastard of them all.
"Hmm, about the earth, and so on." I nodded lightly but Mr. Han insisted stubborn. "Tell me, what stands there?"
"Why are you so picky on me? You always choose me to bicker, seonsaengnim."
"I don't choose you. The whole class except a few are useless as students. 11th grade, of course. By the way, I already took a look at your exam. It could be better, madame."
"See? You pick me again. Could you just leave it and don't always make me bad?" I pinched my eyes and he shrugged. "I'd leave it, if you were better in school like, for example Kyung! He's an excellent A-student in geography."
Kyung smiled pleased. "Thank you, Mr. Han."
"Could we just continue the period?" I asked, totally annoyed of the attitude of my teacher and he nodded.
"Why not? And Jinhee? Maybe you could take some real notes, not just doodle around." He turned to the board and started explaining.
My blood boiled and additionally, Kyung spoke to me. "Har. Har."
I gave him the death glare well known death glare of me and he shut up finally.
Next week came quicker than expected and that meant, we'd get the testings back.
"My mood is so down." I shook my head and Yoojung sat down on my desk.
"My mood is so high." Kyung appeared and we gave him that look.
"Nobody is talking to you." I hissed and he shrugged, beaming. "But it is true. I'll get a good grade. I just know that." Whilst Kyung was boasting about his skills, Mr. Han handled out the exam.
"Yes, A+! Told you!" Kyung shouted right into my ear and made a short victory dance. At that moment, five pieces of paper fell onto my table. I sighed soundly and looked at it.
"D-...knew it." I closed my eyes and looked at Yoojung. "How about you?"
"D." she replied and Kyung slapped both of our shoulders. "Hey, dudes! He happy! Oh ~" he inhaled deeply and let it out in the next sentence, "You don't have an A+!" He pointed at us, tilting his head now and then.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I closed my eyes and tried not to shout at that immature kid.
"How snooty can he get...? That's close to disgusting..." I muttered under my breath.
There's so much to hate on that guy...That's it! I should count it!
#1 reason to hate Park Kyung: he's snooty.
first chappie~ how was it? (: teeell meee pleeaase ♥ i give you chocolate ^^
and maaayyybeee~ you could take a look at my other fics? i'd love you for that~


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Hi loves, I have blog post up as to why I have left without a trace, it'd mean the world if you checked it out ♥


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Chapter 5: I dearly miss this fic ):
Chapter 7: omg im so glad i found this story ♡
waiting for the next chapter
Chapter 7: DIESES

Chapter 7: another awesome chapter, well worth the wait. looking forwards to the next one!
Chapter 6: Please update soon author-nim~ <3
Chapter 6: kyung hat vollschaden :D
Chapter 6: lol...Kyung is really the master of weird dance moves XDD
sooo awesome saengie! ♥
Chapter 6: Awkward dance. Everything is weird lol
Chapter 5: Yoojung got that swag :DD