Ok Minhee

Our Love...Will It Last?

“Y-yunho….what are you doing?”

“Oh nothing,” Yunho said as he started moving in closer

“Ehem!” They both turned their heads to whom had made the noise. Yunho widened his eyes and backed away. Jaejoong stared at the woman who was at the door tapping her feet with her arms crossed and glaring at Yunho.

“What do you think you are doing to the poor girl Yunho!”

“Min-Minhee ah you have it all wrong!” ‘girl?’ Jaejoong thought ‘why do I have to always be mistaken as a girl?’

“Awwww it’s okay you don’t have to be scared, He’s a big freak that’s all.” Minhee said as she walked over to Jaejoong and hugged him. Jaejoong who was suffocating started coughing, making Minhee let go.

“oh I’m sorry, call me unnie okay? What’s your name?”

“Um I’m a boy.” Jaejoong said as he coughed again.

“You’re a boy? No way.” Minhee quickly grabbed his face and moved it from one side to the other examining him. As she came to the conclusion that he was a boy she smiled but before talking she put her hands on his area just to make sure.

“YAH!” Jaejoong screamed.

“Oh don’t worry, I’m just making sure you are a guy.” She smiled and walked to the couch and sat down. Once she sat she signaled him over to sit, which he did.

“Hey, what about me?”

“You almost molested him so you stand or you can go get us some drinks” She smiled.

“ugh…fine” Yunho left towards the kitchen leaving the two alone.

“So if you’re a guy and you are in this house, you must be Jaejoong…Am I right? Because the only other boys that come here are Yoochun and Junsu but that's rarely....so am I right?” Jaejoong looked up shocked before he nodded.

“How do you know me?”

“Yunho used to talk a lot about his first love, and how he died. Not too long ago he had told me that he saw another boy who looked just like Jaejoong but he was a student.” Jaejoong nodded, and looked at the woman in awe ‘Why does she have to be so pretty?’ He thought.

“Look I know that you look like his past love, and I don’t mind if you and him hang out and mess around, but could you please keep in mind that I am his fiancé.” She looked at Jaejoong and smiled,
“Can you do that for me?”

“Umm……Sorry what’s your name?”


“Minhee shi don’t worry about it I don’t plan on staying in Korea for too long, and even if I was to fall for him, I promise that I’ll speak of it to no one and make sure that I don’t let it out, and not let my actions get haywire.”

“Thank you, Sorry if I sound mean it’s just because you look like his ex, I feel as if he’ll fall for you once again.”

“It’s fine don’t worry about it.”Jaejoong smiled but deep down he was hurting. ‘stupid heart I thought I already told you to stop!’

“Okay I brought Juice! What were you guys talking about?”

“Nothing.” Minhee said as she smiled at him.

After Yunho set the drinks down he quickly went and sat by Minhee and started conversing. Jaejoong looked at the scene and stared. ‘They make a good couple…a beautiful woman with a handsome man….If I was to be with him it would only cause trouble…I have to keep that promise and make sure I don’t fall for him…cause if I do I don’t know what will happen.’ Jaejoong thought to himself before smiling at them.

“I’m gonna go and prepare something for you guys to eat.”

“Oh you know how to cook?” Minhee asked

“Yea living by myself helps out,”

“Well do you want any help?”

“No it’s fine, you two continue on talking.” Jaejoong said as he stood up took his drink with him and left towards the kitchen. He quickly drank his juice and put it in the sink, He headed towards the fridge and saw barely anything.

“I’m not going to be able to make much with these things.” Jaejoong said as he stood up, went to the guest room where his stuff was and grabbed his sweater and wallet. As he walked out he could feel eyes following him.

“Where are you going?” Yunho asked.

“Grocery shopping.”

“We’ll come along,”

“Ah no it’s fine  yo-“

“No we’ll go, I haven’t been able to get out and I’m leaving tomorrow so…” Minhee said.

“I understand but I was planning to walk so.”

“I’ll drive,” Yunho said as he grabbed his keys.

“A-alright, I'll be in the lobby waiting,” Jaejoong said as he went out and down the elevator first. He sat down on the bench waiting for the two.

“He’s cute…Hey go ask his name.” Jaejoong looked up as he saw the two receptionists telling each other to go over. Jaejoong smirked and chuckled.

“Hurry go over!”

“Fine!” Jaejoong looked at her walk over as she flinched from having him look at her.

“Umm…We were wondering….”


“SHUT UP I ALREADY SAID WE!” She yelled at her co-worker before turning back around.

“umm…well we were wondering what’s your name and can we have your number?”

“Where’s your phone?” Jaejoong asked. The girl got her phone out and handed it to him. He grabbed it and quickly put in his number. He handed it back as the girl bowed many times thanking him. She headed back towards the desk and smiled at her friend as her friend took out her phone and put the number in her phone also. Jaejoong sat on the bench waiting but soon got annoyed and grabbed his phone out but put it back once he noticed he didn’t know Yunho’s phone number. He shrugged and left without them. He called a cab over and left.

“Thank you sir you can drop me off right here.” The driver stopped as Jaejoong handed him money. Jaejoong quickly got out and went inside the grocery store.

“What can I make for three people?” Jaejoong strolled around the store and grabbed whatever he needed and a couple extra things. Once he paid for everything he looked at his phone and saw that it was 6 already.

“I’ll just make something for them to eat.” Jaejoong said as he headed back to Yunho’s apartment.

~The lobby~

“Where is he?” Yunho said as he was scratching his head walking around the lobby.

“Maybe he already left.” Minhee said trying to calm him down. “I mean we did take a while to get ready.”

“I’m gonna ask the receptionists.” Yunho said as he walked over to their desk, “Excuse me have you guys seen a guy with short brownish blondish hair.”


“What, you have his number?!”

“Yea his names Youngwoong ahhh what a good name for a good looking guy.”

“D-do you mind if I can have his number?”

“Sure!” They said as they gave him Jaejoong’s number. Yunho thanked them and immediately called.


“Where are you?!”

Who’s this?

“Yunho! Now where are you?!?!”

“Ahhh I’m in the cab coming back.”

“Why didn’t you wait?”

“You guys took too long so I got annoyed and left.”

“That’s not a good reason to leave!”

“Okay I’m gonna hang up now I’m outside.”

“Wai….He hung up!” Yunho said as he looked up to see Jaejoong walking in.

“Hi…”Jaejoong said as he carried the 4 bags of grocery he had.

“Don’t 'hi' us.”

“Yunho ah leave him alone.”

“You know how worried sick we were?!”

“Well I made it back in one piece so, no need to worry anymore.” Jaejoong said as he headed towards the elevator bowing at the two girls making them squeal.

“Why’d you give them your number?”

“Ah now I see how you were able to call me.”

“Just answer me already!”

“I wanted to.”

“Yunho stop it! Your yelling is going to make people mad!” Minhee yelled at Yunho.

“Well then why are you yelling at me?!”

“Cause you keep yelling at Jaejoong!” ‘they are perfect for each other’ Jaejoong sighed as he entered the elevator with both of them right behind him.

“If you guys could, could you stop yelling it’s killing my ears.”

“GOOD!” Yunho yelled.

“If you keep yelling I’m not cooking, and I’m moving back home…”


“Okay just wait till we get inside the house I’m lea-“

“NO!…I’ll stop.” Yunho sighed as they got out of the elevator and into the house.
Jaejoong quickly cooked for them and set the table as they waited at the living room.

“Dinners ready!” Jaejoong yelled as he walked out to the two. They got up and walked to the table but was surprised to only see 2 plates on the table.

“You’re not eating Jaejoong-shi?” Minhee asked.


"Why not?"

"I’m just keeping a promise.” Jaejoong smiled as he grabbed a water bottle and walked into his room, while Minhee stared at him wide eyed.

“What promise is he talking about?” Yunho asked

“Huh?! Oh um…nothing….nothing at all.” Minhee said as she smiled at him, “Let’s eat.”


ooooooooooo did u guys get the hint at the end hmm??? haha
anyway time for previews again^_^


"Just wait I will make him mine!"


'Loving a boy...is wrong...why am i so stupid?! I should've known that from the start!'




muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! >:D comments are

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meechan35 #1
Chapter 14: Awwwww. You are going to abandon this story? Why? The strory is good. It is not boring at all.
meechan35 #2
Chapter 13: Yunho's behaviour is confusing me. He has a fiance but he keeps kissing Jae.
meechan35 #3
Chapter 4: This story is so funny.
meechan35 #4
Chapter 1: Why Jae forgot about Yunho?
Chapter 14: One by one MIA (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Chapter 8: (^_^.) today is #mkmf9thanniversary #MKMF2008
Jahsa4 #8
Chapter 10: I love this story because its funny
WTF? i'v been waiting for like 1000000000000000000 day and in the end i got (deleting story)????
anyway i really love this story you did a good job on it and deleting it it's your chose so yeah ..later