Trick on Yunho

Our Love...Will It Last?

"Youngwoong why are you late?"

"I'm sorry I had errands to run and lost track of time."

"You're lucky you are the one who makes the most money for me"

"Sorry sir." Jaejoong bowed

"Whatever just hurry up and go change!" Jaejoong bowed again and went into the men's changing room. He quickly changed and went back out and looked at his list of people he had to see today.

"Jiji ok....blah blah blah......whoever this girl is.....blah blah blah.....HANA!!!!" Jaejoong screamed making his co-workers stare at him. He bowed and looked back at the list. He smiled as he saw the name. Although Jaejoong didn't really like the girls who booked him. He liked Hana because she was there just to have someone to chat with although Jaejoong did give her a bad attitude at first but when he found out that the only reason why she booked him was because she could tell he didn't really like this job and she knew he needed someone to talk to just like herself. He looked at the time she was coming in.

"7...and she's my last one that's good" He smiled and put the list away. He went on taking all the other girls out acting like his usual self, not really caring about them as they threw themselves at him who knows how many times. He looked at his watch and grinned. "It's 7" He sat down at one of their booths and waited for 5 minutes before he heard the door open. He turned around and stood up immediately seeing who it was.


"Youngwoong!!" she smiled, walked towards him, and hugged him tightly. "I missed you, how have you been?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug.

"I've been good just the same old with my father and everything. How bout you?"

"I was going to tell you on our little date" She smiled and walked out with him.

"So what are we going to do?"

"I just wanted to walk around the city with you and talk today." She sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked knowing something wasn't right. She turned and looked at the windows of the stores.

"Youngwoong ah....The thing is...." She stopped walking and stared at him. "I think....this will probably be our last time meeting."

"What?! Why?!"

"I'm engaged." She showed Jaejoong her finger with the ring on it. "That's why I haven't really been showing up was because my parents have been making me and my fiance get ready for this."

"So your marriage is an arranged one?"

"Yea, I was dissappointed but I guess being rich it's bound to happen right?" Jaejoogn sighed and looked at her.

"So you booked me just to say goodbye huh?" She looked at him and nodded.

"I'm sorry Youngwoong, look we can still keep in contact."

"I don't think your husband will like you calling a guy, especially one who is a host."

"Ahhh that's probably true..." She smiled and laughed causing Jaejoong to laugh also.

"Well it was nice knowing you Hana" Jaejoong smiled and hugged her again.

"Same to you Youngwoong." He turned his head and kissed her on the cheek for a while and then pulled away. He held her by the shoulders and looked at her in the eyes.

"Now I want you to be strong okay? If that guy does anything you don't like just tell me okay? Oh and make sure to invite me!" Hana chuckled and nodded her head. Jaejoong smiled and kissed her forehead before leaving. He turned around once again and waved to her before they both went their seperate ways.

*Yunho's p.o.v*

I was out eating with Minhee, since i haven't really been with her for the past week, but of course my mind was on someone else. And who was that person ding ding ding!!! Correct Jaejoong. I sighed and couldn't really eat so i just played with my food.

"Honey....Yunho are you alright?" I looked up and smiled and nodded."Are you sure. Is the food not to your liking? If it's not I'll tell the waiter and te-"

"No the foods fine, I'm just not hungry right now?"

"Well do you want to go somewhere else?"

"No just finish up I'll wait," I smiled and looked out the window looking across the street seeing a couple standing there talking. *Hmmmm that guy kind of looks like Jaejoong...oh my god it is Jaejoong! He's with a girl though...Who is she?!* my fist started clenching as I started getting angry at seeing Jaejoong with a girl. I soon felt a hand on mine and saw Minhee's hand. I looked up and she looked confused.

"Yunho are you sure you're alright?" I chuckled and nodded she sighed and returned to her food. I looked back out and they were hugging this time. *He's turning his head! If he turns that head anymore I will go crazy! He kissed her!!!* I immediately stood up and slammed my hand on the table

"HOW COULD HE!?!?!?!" I screamed huffing and puffing. Everyone in the restaurant turned and stared at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care my love just kissed a girl. Boy is he going to be getting questioned tomorrow. Minhee hissed and turned and bowed apologizing to everyone.

"Yunho I think it's time we go." She paid the bill and pulled me out. once we got outside she grabbed my face and made me look at her. "Yunho what happened?"

"I'm sorry I don't know what overcame me" Oh yes I did.

"Well don't do it again okay?" I nodded as she gave me a quick peck. I looked across the street and saw Jaejoong and that girl leaving. She looked awfully familiar....I swear I've met her somewhere before. I shook it off and looked at Jaejoongs retreating figure. Well I'll be seeing you soon Jaejoong. I smirked and walked after my fiance towards the car.

*end of p.o.v*
*Next Day*

"Stupid school. I hate school. The only reason i'm still here is because I need a good education to get a good job to get the hell away from my stupid gambling father." Jaejoong mumbled to himself as he walked to class.

"Kim Jaejoong...His name is Kim Jaejoong you guys don't know him?" Jaejoong stopped walking and scrunched his eyebrows. He turned around and saw the one person he did not want to see after what he has told him. Jaejoong quickly turned around and started speed walking not wanting Yunho to avert his eyes if he were to run. Too late.

"JAEJOONG!" He sounded different...he sounded...angry? Jaejoong turned around and saw Yunho run towards him. Jaejoong sighed as he grabbed a hold of his backpack and ran as fast as he could towards his classroom. He made it and shut the door just in time as Yunho started banging on the door. Jaejoong keeping it shut since there was no lock, told Hyunki to come over.

"Hey Youngwoong, why you keeping that door closed." Jaejoong looked up,

"Hyunki I need you to keep this door closed okay don't let anyone in especially the dude that is banging right now okay?" Jaejoong pleaded and like usual Hyunki agreed. He made sure Hyunki had a good grip on it before he walked away.

"Okay imma hide in the closet tell him I jumped out the window." Jaejoong whispered to Hyunki.

"Are you crazy we're on the 5th floor that's 30 feet up you honetly think he'll believe it?" Hyunki whispered back. Jaejoong stood a while thinking with Yunho still banging and trying to open the door. Jaejoong turned around and saw his classmates staring at what was going on. "Guys I know you guys don't like me but please help me out this once?" Jaejoong begged his classmates. The girls and guys looked at each other and discussed before looking at Jaejoong and nodded. Jaejoong smiled. "Okay I need you guys to grab a notebook and a pen and once Hyunki-

"Hurry up will you I'm losing my grip!"

"Okay once Hyunki let's go of that door I want you guys to chase him out asking for his autograph" they nodded as they immediately grabbed for a notebook and pen, even asking other people for one.

"Why his autograph?"

"He's a CEO so it's fine. okay ready guys?" They nodded, "okay let me hide behind this first...On the cound of three...1....2..." the students got up and walked towards the door ready to barge,"..3!!!!" Hyunki immediately let go of the door and stepped away letting the students go through it and running towards Yunho. His eyes widened as he started running away.



Jaejoong laughed as he stepped out of his hiding spot. Hyunki looked back at the door and shook his head.

"Why'd you want him to leave so much?"

"He's annoying," Jaejoong said as he walked to his seat.

"How so?"

"He just is." Jaejoong sighed as he sat down, Hyunki shrugged it off and looked at the clock 10 minutes before class starts.

"I wonder if he left."

"Let's check outside the window." Jaejoong exclaimed. They ran towards the window and saw Yunho standing at the gate breathing hard. Jaejoong laughed at the sight. He soon heard chatter and looked at the doorway seeing his classmates. Jaejoong bowed and smiled again.

"Thanks guys...for helping me." They looked at Jaejoong and smiled.

"No problem." one student said.

"Yea it was actually fun, strangely." another one said as they went to their seats.

Hyunki walked to Jaejoong's desk and placed a hand on it.

"So me and the guys plan on going to the arcade, you want to come?"

Jaejoong thought for a minute before nodding. Hyunki smiled and went back to his seat just as the bell rang.

As school ended Jaejoong stayed behind to finish the rest of his homework for a bit as his friends waited for him outside by the door. Jaejoong quickly did his work, turned it in, grabbed his things, and ran down the stairs to his friends. As they were almost out of the school gates Jaejoong felt someone pull his arm, and before he knew he was pushed against a wall, in between 2 hands, and feeling someone breathing down on him.

"Ow...." Jaejoong whined looking up in surprise, thinking that the person had already given up. "Yunho...."


here's some previews^^

Yunho smirked and pulled Jaejoong into his arms.
“His lover,”
“Why…why did you kiss her?”
“I felt like it.”

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meechan35 #1
Chapter 14: Awwwww. You are going to abandon this story? Why? The strory is good. It is not boring at all.
meechan35 #2
Chapter 13: Yunho's behaviour is confusing me. He has a fiance but he keeps kissing Jae.
meechan35 #3
Chapter 4: This story is so funny.
meechan35 #4
Chapter 1: Why Jae forgot about Yunho?
Chapter 14: One by one MIA (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Chapter 8: (^_^.) today is #mkmf9thanniversary #MKMF2008
Jahsa4 #8
Chapter 10: I love this story because its funny
WTF? i'v been waiting for like 1000000000000000000 day and in the end i got (deleting story)????
anyway i really love this story you did a good job on it and deleting it it's your chose so yeah ..later