Yunho with a girl....How funny

Our Love...Will It Last?

"When are you going to stop following me?"


"Well You're going to have to sooner or later"

"Who said?"


"Like I'm going to listen to you the one who keeps running away." Jaejoong looked behind him and stuck his tongue out. " Do that again and I'll do something to it." Yunho smirked as Jaejoong widened his eyes, turned his head back and walked faster.

"Stop following me I have to go to work soon"

"Oh even better i can sit and watch you all day long."

"Freak" Jaejoong mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Yunho smiled as he looked down for a bit to look up and see no one. "What the.......where did he go?" He started looking around frantically soon crossing the street.

"Finally, he's gone. I wouldn't want him finding out about me being a host now..." Jaejoong looked at Yunho cross the street past him as Jaejoong quickly turned back the way they were coming from to go to work.

*Desirable Pleasures*

"Youngwoong got one here already over there." Jaejoong's employee nodded his head to a girl with long curly brown hair with a short tight red dress on. Jaejoong nodded as he checked in and walked towards the girl.

"Hi Julie how you doing?"

"Youngwoong oppa!! I'm so glad you're here already. Ahhh I've had such a bad day I had to come see you right away!" Julie jumped into Jaejoong's arms as he hugged her. He pushed her off him as he held her shoulders to look at him. He put his thumb on her lips as he pecked her cheeks.

"Now what's wrong? Tell oppa all about it."


*after the story and all that stuff*(a/n lol i am so bored so i am actually going to leave this the way it is)

"God man too many people eh Dae Hyun can you like call some of the people on my list to re-book some other time?"

"Youngwoong I don't know if you can do that"

"Aww come on man why don't you take them for yourself for some more money eh?"


"I know I know."

"Good" Dae Hyun smiled "Besides it's only 20 more people."

"Yea 20 have you ever had more than 20 in a day?"


"Exactly....Ugh fine next one?"

"Over there by the water fountain."

"Ugh ok let's do this."


*Jaejoong's House*

"Ekk I have to go take a shower and get all these different perfumes off me." Jaejoong said as he started stripping taking off his T-shirt and walking up the stairs. After Jaejoong was done he walked out of the bathroom and looked over at the clock; 11:00pm.

"Well i guess dad's staying out always. I swear he sleeps around so much that he shouldn't even come back." Jaejoong talked to himself. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water walking up to his room. He set the water aside as he jumped onto his bed making it bounce, he placed an arm under his head and the other on his stomach with one of his knees rising up.

'Who is that guy who kept following me around this whole day.God he was so annoying, And how the heck does he know my real name?! No one knows it except damn it!' Jaejoong shifted to his side still with an arm under his head. 'Who does he think he is calling me that too though, If he continues everyone's going to know! But why do I always seem to answer all his questions...more like why do i even talk to him, i barely even respond back to Hyunki...GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HE'S SO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Jaejoong yelled/thought as he kept messing his hair up and twisting and turning.
*Next day*

*Yunho's pov*

"Yah Yoochun get your up!" Yea I know I bet you guys are wondering how come I'm talking to him again when I ditched him when he killed Jaejoong well you see It's a thing called friendship, I soon got over it and forgave him.

"I am up god who wouldn't be after your crazy outburst."

"Hehe sorry but I want you to find out where Jaejoong lives."

"Yunho ah...Jae...Jaejoong's dead...I thought you were over this what happened? You even have a Girlfriend why are you doing this again?"

"No Yoochun he's still alive I'm sure I saw him this morning!"

"Yunho! Do you hear yourself?! You've gone crazy! Crazier than when he was dead."

"Come on Just check it he also goes by the name Youngwoong." I gave him the puppy eyes.


"Come on please Yoochun just this once for me?"

"..........FINE! Don't bother me anymore after though."


*End of pov*

*Next Day Night Time*

"Yunho ah!" Yunho turned around to see a girl running towards him, a girl with brown long bouncy hair, green almond shaped eyes, and red plump lips almost a replica of Jaejoong. But of course Yunho always only thought Jaejoong was going to be the best.

"Minhee ah! How are you?" Yunho smiled as he hugged her and spun her around making her giggle.

"I'm fine but how come I don't see you come to my house as much as you used to?"

"Oh I've been busy."

"Ah right, sometimes I wished you weren't a Jung...but then again if you weren't we would've never met, so I take back what I just said." She laughed as she clung onto his arm. Yunho chuckled as he kissed her cheek.

"So what are we gonna do today to make up for you bailing out at our other date?" She asked laughing.

"Hmm how about eating out then let's go watch a movie."

"Sounds good let's go." She smiled as she dragged Yunho to his car.

*Jaejoong and Friends*

"Hey guy's let's go to the movies today!" Hyunki shouted to everyone since it was a Friday.

"YEA!!!!" Came the loud roar of voices. Hyunki smiled his cute smiled as he looked at Jaejoong.

"How bout you Youngwoong? Gonna come with us?" Jaejoong looked at Hyunki, then to his watch and back at Hyunki.

"Sure I guess It's better than going back home." Hyunki's smile widened as he jumped up and down clapping glad that Jaejoong was going to join them.

*Movie Theaters*

"Yunho what are we going to watch?"

"Well what are you feeling?"

"Some action right now."

"Alright how about G.I Joe? I wanted to see how good that korean guy's acting was, everyone said it was good."

"Ok I've been wanting to watch that too!" They quickly bought their tickets, food, and drinks, and immediately went to seating. When the movie was just about to start Yunho could hear a bunch of teenagers talking and laughing. As he looked towards the entrance he saw many teenage boys with drinks and some chatting and high-fiving at some jokes other guys made. When all of them cleared out he saw the last guy with his hands in his pockets, not really caring what was going on and standing next to a guy who was talking to him. His eyes widened.

"Jaejoong." He whispered.

"What was that honey?" Minhee asked

"Huh oh um nothing." He looked back to see Jaejoong staring right back at him, he was smirking,'ahh crap he got the wrong idea' They didn't know how long they stared at each other but Jaejoong broke the gaze as the guy next to him called his name, and they both continued past Yunho's seat towards the top row.

*Jaejoong's pov*

"So Youngwoong did you finish that math homework? I swear it is so hard." I stuffed my hands into my pockets and sighed as we walked up past the tall wall to view the seats, Hyunki continued on talking as I looked over the seats, and as I scanned the area I didn't expect to see that guy again, I stopped in my tracks to see who he was with...A girl...hahaha how funny yet he still follows me around when he has a girl like that, I smirked at the thought of it. He turned his face my way and I not noticing stared back.

"Youngwoong....Youngwoong!" I turned away from the gaze and continued on to go to the top row.



awww i didn't get any comments :( i hope there are some people who read this

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meechan35 #1
Chapter 14: Awwwww. You are going to abandon this story? Why? The strory is good. It is not boring at all.
meechan35 #2
Chapter 13: Yunho's behaviour is confusing me. He has a fiance but he keeps kissing Jae.
meechan35 #3
Chapter 4: This story is so funny.
meechan35 #4
Chapter 1: Why Jae forgot about Yunho?
Chapter 14: One by one MIA (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Chapter 8: (^_^.) today is #mkmf9thanniversary #MKMF2008
Jahsa4 #8
Chapter 10: I love this story because its funny
WTF? i'v been waiting for like 1000000000000000000 day and in the end i got (deleting story)????
anyway i really love this story you did a good job on it and deleting it it's your chose so yeah ..later