A could be Christmas?..

Orphans Under the Mistletoe

You woke up to the sound of the alarm clock that you hated so much, you did not want to move even though you knew you had too; to clobber that damn clock! But you felt so warm, like an embrace *wait…a hug!?* you slowly looked to your left and saw yours and Yoseob’s arms tangled around one another *well this is awkward* you thought, *but it’s so nice and warm, I don’t want to move* You felt Yoseob stirring beside you and you (for some unknown reason) pretended to be asleep, “Allison, Allison wake up” he gently shook you and without meaning to; you sighed in annoyance and cuddled in closer to him, you were almost asleep again. Yoseob chuckled *Allison looks so cute when she’s asleep* not seeing any other option since you were rather resistant to waking up, he lifted you carefully and held you with one arm like a child as he gingerly made his way down the ladder. When he got to the bottom, he gave the alarm clock a firm whack and started to carry you bride style. You were fully aware of this and for whatever reason, loving it! No one else was awake yet and this meant your ‘ride’ from your room, down the hallway and the flight of stairs to the kitchen; went uninterrupted.

Yoseob’s strong arms made you feel safe and secure, he carried you with such ease as though you had the weight of a single feather, but that wasn’t the best part…he was still shirtless. You could feel his toned muscles up against you as he carried you and it took an astronomical amount of self control not to squeal. He placed you down on one of the chairs and right then and there; you fell asleep again. However, the next time you woke up, it wasn’t to the sound of a bomb proof clock, it was to a voice. A beautiful, male voice: singing. You peeked through your eyelashes and saw Yoseob facing the other way making breakfast and yes, the angel like voice was indeed his! You became lost in the melodious words floating through the air, he sounded amazing- no, he sounded perfect!

Without thinking you said “You have a wonderful voice” and he jumped at your sudden awakened state, “! You heard me?? Aish, this is so embarrassing…” and you saw his face turn a very Christmassy shade of red. You were confused “Yoseob, what’s there to be embarrassed about?” and he shook his head at you “I’m a guy, guys aren’t supposed to like singing” You scoffed, “Do you know how many male artists there are out there? So, so many and here you are saying that guys don’t like singing” he stared at you “Yeah well who the hell likes a guy that can sing? I’m not even that good anyway…” and you saw his fake smile fall. You were shocked “Well I really like guys that can sing, I think they’re a lot more manly than most because they aren’t afraid to express their feelings and for the record, I think you have a beautiful voice” you said all this looking him straight in the eye and to be honest, you stunned him! But you weren’t finished “Also…I’d really like to hear you sing again” you said, nervously laughing. Needless to say, his jaw dropped.

You laughed and then said “So how does that song go again?” and you started singing the song he sang before, his eyes widened at you and he slowly nodded. “Yeah…that’s how it goes” he said quietly, *she can sing so well! She sounds just like-* “Yoseob? What’s wrong?” you said, interrupted his thoughts, “Uh, nothing” he answered “Tell you what, I’ll tell you what I was thinking when you tell me about your past, ok?”, pretending to laugh it off. Trying his best to change the subject he suddenly said, “So do you guys celebrate Christmas at the orphanage?” and you shook your head sadly, “No, we can’t. We don’t have the money for decorations, let alone presents” you replied. His face fell, “So the Orphanage has never had a proper Christmas?” your shoulders sagged and you answered “No” Yoseob saw your pained expression, realising how bad you felt for the children he had an idea “Uh, well what if we have a Christmas this year?” and your eyes bulged “W-What?? How can we do that?” you asked slightly stuttering in shock, “Well, do you think we could go to the shops tomorrow? I’ll need to buy some things if that’s ok” and you slowly nodded.

Yoseob put some toast in front of you and a mug of nice, hot tea and smiled “Awesome, so how long has it been since you last really had fun out of the orphanage?” he asked you “Uh, years, why?” and he chuckled at your response, “Ok.  Well I, as a male who has no idea about shopping what so ever, shall try my best to make shopping for Christmas fun” you beamed at the blonde, who knew he could be so sweet? He lowered his voice to a whisper and leaning across the tabletop; he pressed his forehead to yours and said “That’s a promise ok Allison?” his eyes shining with anticipation as you nodded. You leaned against his forehead once more and said “There’s one thing we need to do for this promise to official” you lifted your pinky finger with the rest of hand in a light fist and you smiled when he linked his pinky and then touched his thumb with yours.

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Chapter 8: Dongsaeng, you have such awesome readers!
I just reread the entire story..... it's so great~ <3
I miss your updates too dongsaeng... T^T
Saranghae~~~ <3 <3
I miss you update (T ^ T)
Chapter 8: This is honestly one of the best fics I've read so far!!! You're a great author!!
Chapter 8: Loving this <3
GDraseob #5
Chapter 8: For, real, I'm just enjoying the reading I am doing each time that you're uptdating.. I can't wait longer but take your time... This is so wonderful!! ;)
Chapter 8: I missed ur updates
Chapter 7: awww....seobie....wae you so cute~~~ :3
b2strockz #8
Chapter 8: lalala where did Yoseob go anyway? would there be drama soon? lol i'm guessing~
Chapter 8: ............
I. Missed. You. So. Much. DD':
I'm crying tears of happiness right now, dongsaeng.
When I saw this was my story update, I smiled like an idiot for like, 10 minutes. It was so amazingly cute. I love it, and you <3 <3 Saranghae~~ And I shall look forward to he 20th. That's when I'll be able to talk to you all the time again!!! <3 <3
Chapter 7: Please update soon!!!!!!