{ t h r e e }

Do Kyungsoo, Jjang!!!


“Jongin….?” An unsure little voice resounds from behind a slightly ajar bedroom door. The boy named Jongin’s eyes light up visibly, then he eagerly disentangles his body from layers of blankets and seems to say something but unfortunately, being too focused on getting his freedom from the fluffy materials, his voice gets muffled completely. 
Another boy calling his name a few moment ago giggles and pushes the door open, dragging his huge, thick Ben10 blanket in his right hand and blue penguin plushy in the other. “You are being eaten by blanket monster, rawr!” he says, jumping up and down excitedly. Series of grunts replies him before a long sigh was heard from somewhere on the bed.
“Ugh! I beat them down, Kyungie! Now let me help you board this ship.” Jongin climbs down from the bed, softly maneuvering Kyungsoo’s shoulder and takes his heavy blanket swiftly.
“Thank you.” Kyungsoo says sweetly, giving his friend a shy peck on the cheek. 
Jongin beams.
“This way, Your Highness!” he exaggerates a little because Kyungsoo looks too adorable in his alphabet pajama and boy, is he glowing? Jongin surely can’t help but to adore his little hyung some more! Kyungsoo nods full of pride, playing his role as a prince being escorted to the ship by the brave captain.
“How long have you been on the ocean, captain?” Kyungsoo, now seated safely in the center of the bed, asks while clasping his hands under his chin, eyes shining with adoration.
Jongin rearranges their blankets and comforter before hopping to join Kyungsoo on their ship. He seems to think deeply, brows knitted together and lips pursed, and answers with a voice he supposes to be a resemblance of ‘adult voice’. 
“About four months and a week, I believe.” He scratches the imaginary beard on his chin, nodding and puffing his chest just a bit higher. Kyungsoo’s gaze feels warm and Jongin likes it.
“Whoaaaa that’s awesome, my dear captain!” Kyungsoo gushes while snuggling further under the cozy blanket, always keeps the protruding lips in that lovely shaped smile of his.
And with that, the beginning of their journey to another precious sleepover starts… 
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i made a poster for do kyungsoo, jjang!!! :D


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Dettadwiarto #1
Chapter 5: This ff is the death of me ... Arghhh .. I turn into a mush after reading every chapter ... :) thank you, author-nim
Chapter 7: Lol trolldae!
Chapter 6: Poor Yeollie haha!!
Chapter 5: Asdfghjkl CUTE!
Chapter 3: SO CUTE!
Chapter 1: CUTE!
Taokyo #7
KILL ME SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!