Seven and Final

The Reason




After a while Jongin gets used to Luhan’s presence. He doesn’t like it better but he tolerates it. Sehun doesn’t give up on having them together so he thinks it might be better to turn things less bitter. Jongin even agreed to provide help with his Korean.

“It’s mandu dammit!” So maybe he isn’t the most patient teacher but he’s trying. And to be honest there’s no need for him to be extra nice when Sehun isn’t around and at the moment Sehun is in the bathroom. “Mandu!”

“I’ll mandu your face if you don’t shut up!” Jongin snickers at this. For such a little word Luhan can really manage to screw up the pronunciation badly, or Jongin wants to believe that he naturally at everything. Anyway, Luhan’s voice is just plain annoying. Not to mention the miserable attempt to make a pun that was, to say the least, ridiculous.

“Your jokes !”

“Your attitude .”

“No but really how hard it is to say such a simple word? Are you five?” Sehun comes back at this moment and they both straighten their backs and Jongin makes sure to splatter a wide smile on his face to soothe the ambience and he can see Luhan thought of the same. “Luhannie…how come you can’t say love…such a beautiful word. Come on say it with me. Saranghae.” Jongin breathes out the last syllable to make it sound extra tacky. Luhan frowns at him and Sehun looks confused as he sits.

Saranghae.” Luhan turns to Sehun and drags the word. Now it's Jongin's turn to scowl . The tables turned. He hates that Luhan can always make his way out of his investees. He would’ve have retorted but at that moment the lady of the library comes to scold them and to make them keep it quiet.


Jongin isn’t romantic. Or maybe he likes to think he isn’t. Or maybe he is but he doesn’t like to let out to be. Probably the last. Either way he feels nervous because this is the part of dating he always skips and he has no idea how this works. The invitation he throws at Sehun is the proof of exactly that.

“So…do you want to eat something?” He asks while they’re lying down on the bed side by side, hands laced. Jongin is playing with Sehun’s fingers and his voice comes out a bit weak and shy. Sehun looks at him.

“I guess.”

“I mean…go to a restaurant and stuff.”

“Well that’s where people usually eat so, yes I guess.” Jongin sighs because Sehun isn’t understanding anything and he’s supposed to know Jongin like the palm of his hand but he can’t even tell when he’s been asked on a freaking date.

“I mean, going to a restaurant,” He turns to look at Sehun and their eyes meet. “with me. Together.”

“Was I supposed to go alone?” Sehun blinks and Jongin groans in frustration.

“No stupid. On a date with me. At a restaurant. On a date!” He repeats himself not really sure if it’s for Sehun to understand or if it’s for the sake of him getting used to that word. Sehun laughs and pecks him on the lips.

“I know stupid.” He recaps because it what they do whenever the call each other a name. “You’re so hopeless.” So Sehun knew and let him struggle with what seemed like the hardest proposal ever and took no pity on him. It makes Jongin frown.

The date goes rather well except for the part when Jongin feels a hundred notches more nervous than if he had to make a big speech in front of politicians. And even then he doesn’t think he would that nervous, maybe not even nervous at all. This is all new for him and his chest hurts so much for a minute he thinks to be having a heart attack. Turns out it’s only panic. He breathes slowly and tries not to make Sehun notice. But Sehun notices because Sehun notices everything he doesn’t need to notice. They’re seated side by side inside a booth and Sehun slides a hand on Jongin’s thigh beneath the table and rubs soothing circles to see if he calms down. The younger is all smiley and this eases him a bit. Jongin wants to kiss him so bad and he goes for it despite knowing it’s a bad idea. As predicted Sehun’s reaction wasn’t the best and at some point he thought that the younger could’ve gotten up and left. But he didn’t.

“Don’t do that.” He says shyly removing the hand and going back to eating the deliciously made kimchi.

“You’re my boyfriend.” Jongin says as a matter of fact. He starts to like that word. A whole lot.

“Just don’t.” He’s looking around the place to inspect if someone saw the previous happening.

“You think people care?”

“They do Jongin.” He snatches a piece of meat with his chopsticks and brings it to his mouth. Jongin sighs.

“I don’t care if they do and you shouldn’t too.” Sehun turns and looks at him.

“You know how things are, just don’t push it. You can have me when we’re home.” He adds a wink and turns back to face the table again. Jongin smiles but he isn’t happy. He wants to be able to show affection for Sehun in public without caring for anyone. He knows Sehun is right and that there’s boundaries but he is sick and tired of those boundaries and he just wants to send all of the old minded people a piece of his distaste. And if kissing Sehun in front of their faces would help he would use that exactly. He keeps quiet anyway and picks up his chopsticks to finish the rest of his food. Sehun is smiling and brings a sangchu ssam for Jongin to engulf. Yes because Sehun made sure for it to be inappropriately large. “Besides, you wouldn’t be able to control yourself.” He laughs cheekily and Jongin would retort if he hadn’t his mouth stuffed at the moment. He makes sure to voice it out when he’s finished though. Because if there would be an over eager person out of the two it would most definitely not be Jongin. After all, the one that always makes the first move or in most cases shove a hand down the other’s pants is Sehun.


No time is a good time but he figured when they were lying down ready to go to sleep would be good enough. In honesty he forgot to bring the little charm with him to the restaurant so he couldn’t really give it to Sehun then. Anyway, he found the guts to finally hand it to him and as usual he feels stupid. He never did this before and it feels as intimidating as inviting him for dinner. He reaches the bedside table’s drawer for the little key chain.

“Here.” He shakes it the air above Sehun’s face. The younger gets surprised but quickly realizes what Jongin is holding and he laughs. Jongin retrieves his hand and frowns. Not at all the reaction he was expecting.

“You bought me a keychain?” Sehun hunches over him, almost crushing Jongin’s ribcage to grab the little pendant from his hold. The younger smiles and lies back on the bed when succeeds.

“You’re cheesy like that…I thought you might like it.” Jongin says sounding a little indignant. After all it was a nice gesture. Sehun could’ve been a little more sensible and not laugh at it.

“Why a panda?” He asks while examining the gift.

“I don’t know. I bought it back in china I thought it was cute.”

“That’s so gay of you.” Sehun mocks.

“There we go.” Jongin sits up and threatens to get up but Sehun laughs and grabs his arm before he could leave. “I’m not buying you anything anymore! You’re so ungrateful.” Jongin scoffs pulling at his arm to get away from Sehun’s hold but the younger hangs tight.

“I’m joking. It’s cute. I like it.” He tugs more roughly and Jongin falls back on the bed almost knocking heads with him. When Jongin positions himself better back on the pillow Sehun reaches to kiss his cheek and he can’t help but smile at this. He turns his head to catch the younger’s lips in a chaste and simple kiss.


By now Jongin is two hundred percent sure that he’s in irremediably in love with Sehun. He still isn’t sure if he was all along or if there was something that clicked somewhere in the middle but he’s sure that Sehun is the one. Even the one and only. And this is good for him, the final realization and everything that comes with it. Now he can finally start to act according and stop pretending like he owns something that he obviously never did. His heart. And along with this he can tell he’s changed. Not officially. That won’t happen. Because people don’t change, people never change, not fully. There’s character buildings and don’t go down. But although still rough around the edges he is different and he sees the world through a new set of eyes. A new vision. Because love it’s still a new thing to him. The loud pumps in his chest and the desperation for affection are certainly things Jongin doesn’t fully know how to deal with yet.

But he does fully understand Sehun now. He sees him like he never did before. Because Jongin never paid attention, because Jongin was blind or Jongin didn’t want to see, but he does now and he knows. What makes him tick, what makes him mad, what makes him smile and what each smile means, because Sehun has a million different ways to smile and Jongin has learned them all. He knows what makes him laugh and how he likes his kimchi and that he loves Jongin’s useless foot massages. He has learned and mapped every inch of his body and how he likes to be touched and where, what’s his favorite position and what makes him beg for more. And Jongin would learn it all again every day for the rest of his life because there’s always something else he discovers and falls in love with.


Jongin gets surprised, to say the least, when one day he comes home and finds singing star prodigy Do Kyungsoo along with Luhan and Sehun in his living room. Not at all something he expected and probably the last thing he wanted to face. As if the devil cohered a meeting and decided to set the place in his house. He almost has the urge to throw a vase at them and send them off with a foot on their asses but he controls himself, and hopefully his expression, as he makes his way in and over by the table where they’re sitting. There are papers set on top, that Jongin recognizes as Sehun’s notes but then there’s a small card with an all too familiar logo over them. Jongin feels like punching the two visitors right at that moment.

“What is this?” He asks in the most careful way he can, managing to make his voice steady.

“Kyungsoo entered the summer auditions.” Luhan speaks in chinese and Jongin glares at him. Sehun doesn’t look like he wants to explain so he settles for asking Luhan.


“I’m auditioning for the winter one’s.” Jongin furrows his eyebrows because he can even predict what Luhan is going to tell him. “I was asking Sehun to come with me.” Jongin can’t contain himself and hits a fist on the table startling Sehun and Kyungsoo.

“No!” He doesn’t care if his voice sounds mean and harsh anymore. “He’s not going!”

“It’s not really your call.”

“ you Luhan.” Then he turns to Kyungsoo and speaks in korean. “And you better get out of my house right now and while you’re at it take the devil with you.” He points to Luhan. “Go audition the you want but leave the out of my house!” He yells the last sentence.

“You don’t own him Jongin.” Luhan speaks calmly while standing up.

“Aren’t you a control freak.” Kyungsoo says following Luhan. Jongin feels anger rushing through him and he would’ve lost it if the other two wouldn’t have obeyed his order. There’s silence until the door clicks shut and Jongin shoots Sehun a glare from across the table.

“What the Sehun?”

“Apparently Luhan met Kyungsoo somewhere near the SM building. I don’t really know-” He starts slowly.

“I don’t care!” He screams and Sehun is taken aback by this. “Were you even considering on going?! You said you weren’t going Sehun. You said you didn’t want to go.” Desperation is clear in his voice. The younger gets up from his chair and meets Jongin on the other side of the table.

“I thought you supported me.” He says softly and Jongin groans in frustration bringing his hands to his hair because Sehun isn’t making things easy as usual. Because, yes Jongin ing supports him and wants to, always, at all costs but not if it means losing him.

“I do.” He breathes out and drops his head. “Anything. Anything but this…I thought you wanted to be with me. You said you wanted to be with me.” He looks up to search for Sehun’s eyes. It amazes him how needy he sounds but he can’t help it. “Were you lying?”


“Then promise you won’t go!” Jongin almost feels like crying because for moments there he felt like he could’ve lost Sehun all over again. Fear and anger fill him and he can’t make the hurt in his heart stop. He feels like he’s been betrayed and he wants to be mad at Sehun for still considering going away but he can’t help but be scared. So he holds on to that and begs. “Promise you won’t go!”

“I won’t go.” Sehun sends a small smile towards him. “I’m not going.” He says but Jongin still feels doubtful. And as if Sehun knew this he cups Jongin’s face with his hands and kisses him. “I promise.”


Sehun is yet again giving Luhan Korean lessons when Jongin wakes up the next day, already too late to call it morning. He frowns because he thought to have gotten rid of the devil’s spawn for a moment there but apparently he was wrong. When he walks in, Luhan eyes him but his gaze quickly changes directions.

“Dude!” It’s Korean and Jongin snickers at that. The little doll isn’t actually learning the right type of words now is he? Sehun is looking at him in reprehension and it’s when Jongin notices that he’s . He almost feels ashamed for a split second but then he remembers he doesn’t really care. And it bothers Luhan obviously and that makes him happy.

“Problem? You know where the door is.” Jongin suggests while making his way to the kitchen, passing a little too close to the table. He can hear Sehun apologize behind him and then a chair ruffling the floor. Soon he feels a hand on his shoulder.

“Jongin, that’s really inappropriate.” He would defend that he didn’t expect surprise visits or that he didn’t do it on purpose because first this is mothering house, so it’s rather out of habit and second he’s really damn sleepy that he didn’t even notice. But Jongin isn’t one of excuses anyway.

“I thought you liked it.” He says instead sending out a wide grin just to be an idiot and Sehun laughs along although trying hard to keep it cool and serious. He slaps Jongin’s arm for good measure.

“Stop. Go get dressed.” He fails to suppress his smile obviously and Jongin takes great pleasure in that. To commemorate he grabs Sehun by the waist and kisses him, hard. Sehun kisses back for a second before starting to pull away, turning him to the door and pushing him forward. “Go.” Jongin sighs and whines to be annoying but, and even though reluctant, he obeys because Sehun decides to slap his for emphasis and that’s just the right amount of support he needs. Jongin makes sure to flaunt as much as he can as he passes through Luhan again because, well, bothering Luhan will always be one of Jongin’s favorite hobbies. Considering he can’t get rid of him, this is all he has-- he’s got to take advantage of every opportunity that opens. And the disgust face Luhan is making makes Jongin extremely satisfied.


It’s night time, around dinner, and Jongin is sprawled out on the couch munching on a bowl of instant noodles. The good kind, Sehun insists. The younger is set between Jongin’s legs with his own bowl and they’re watching stupid guessing shows. Jongin gets, close to everything, right and Sehun only scoffs his losing saying they’re too fast and he can’t answer correctly due to the spicy sauce inside his mouth. Jongin objects and laughs accusing Sehun of bull which earns him an elbow to the stomach. Not a good idea and almost a disaster of hot noodle broth all over Jongin’s couch and carpet or Jongin himself. After a bit Sehun steals the remote and ends up changing the channel setting the television to a re run of Justin Bieber’s never say whatever movie which makes Jongin roll his eyes.

“Seriously?” He asks but Sehun only shushes him in response. Jongin sighs and makes Sehun sit up so he’ll be able to put his bowl in the kitchen and while he’s at it he grabs the younger’s as well.

When he comes back he doesn’t go to the couch right away and lingers a bit more by the door. Just looking at him and feeling desperately in love. Sometimes, there are days, when he thinks he can’t take it. It’s like he’s walking on a thin string and he can fall to a pit at any given moment. Because he can only think about how his life would be without Sehun and can’t stand the thought. He thinks that he’s holding on too strong but he can’t help it. He’s just afraid that Sehun will eventually grow tired of him and actually leave. He waited so long what’s more to wait? What’s more to want? Jongin really doesn’t want to think about this and live on what’s happening but he never thought he would ever get so dependable on Sehun like he did. It’s really desperate.

Sehun looks at him and blinks but Jongin takes almost a full half  minute to realize that he’s being watched. When he finally wakes up from his trance he goes back to his place and hugs Sehun from the back.

“If you don’t want to watch it I can change it.” The younger says.

“Stay with me.” He planned on saying no Sehun I can handle Justin Bieber for you, no Sehun it’s fine or yeah whatever. Instead he just poured out his heart involuntarily. He tries to curse his brain for the bad functioning filter but Sehun his grabbing his hands and caressing them softly with his thumbs and he forgets the rest. Concentrating only on Sehun’s body heat against him and the soothing circles on the back of his hands.

“You’re being stupid again.” The younger says quietly.

“It’s your fault.” Jongin can hear and feel a soft chuckle out of Sehun.

“I’m not going away.” He grips Jongin’s hands tight and this is all the older needs for reassurance. To finally have some peace inside his head. Maybe not for too long because Jongin is always full of uncertainties inside himself although his exterior shows the opposite. And Sehun is the biggest uncertainty of all. Because Jongin is afraid. Because Sehun was the only to ever love him this way. The only to ever love him.

“Let’s go somewhere.” Jongin whispers and it makes Sehun turn to him and Jongin can see that Sehun finally understood what he said. Without having to explain himself. He can finally see it. The love inside Sehun’s eyes. The younger leans, gives him a peck and smiles when pulling away.

“Let’s go to America.” He says and Jongin smiles.

“But your english .” He retorts just as whispery as before and it makes Sehun frown. The younger hits him pushing him down on the couch taking the opportunity to straddle him. Jongin was ready to bat him away but Sehun grabbed his wrists and leaned in, keeping an inch away.

“ you.” He says in better than good english before kissing him, this time longer and harder. When he pulls away he gets up just the sit again on top of Jongin, this time on his stomach making gold for injury. Jongin coughs and groans in pain but this only seems to give the younger motivation to continue.

“Okay—Okay America it is.” He says in order to be taken pity of. Sehun stops and gets up thankfully and Jongin sighs in relief. “Fat .” He throws while getting up as well just because he likes to take things to the limit. Or maybe he just has a masochist side.

“I’ll sit on you again.” Sehun threatens and Jongin kisses him to shut him up.


Because their love story started bumpily and there wasn’t any surety that it would end well. Because Jongin never thought of it as a love story knowing that he never deserved such love. So he didn’t see it. Just to discover that it was right before his nose. But as they say, it’s better late than never.


Crappy ending? Idk. You tell me. lol

Anyway I hope you guys liked it. ^^ I love you all. Thank you so much for having subscribbed.


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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 7: Wow u must write more sekai. U must. U should i insist bc u write them so nice so beautiful so.... Argh. I love your story so so so much!
kamjongin #2
aggggggggghhhh! why can't I multiple upvote for my fave Sekai fics! This is one of the few best!
I love this~~~~~
Chapter 7: * A * thank you for writing such a wonderful story.
Chapter 5: "-deranged sehun." xD i love it.
Chapter 7: I liked this. :)
Chapter 7: i love the ending damn much~~OMO so cuteeee
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww <3 so cuteeee >////<
sehunnie is so addicted to ___ :DD
my sekai feelsss ;a;