
The Reason




“You are what?” It’s not articulated Korean but it manages and Sehun understands nonetheless. They’re in Jongin’s favorite coffee shop around Seoul. A little space cramped between huge apartment buildings but despise the over public location it’s a rather quiet space. He likes it for the coffee. It makes the greatest coffee he’s ever tasted and he finds himself not liking any other kind. Sehun would disagree with him.

“He asked me lessons so…I’m helping him.” The younger answers as if it doesn’t mean that big of a deal. Probably doesn’t, probably it only means a big deal to Jongin but he wished Sehun would understand why. Because he doesn’t even like the remote idea of Sehun being alone with another guy, whoever this guy could be, doesn’t matter he doesn’t like the prospects of it anyway.

“And you do anything he asks you to? Wait-” Jongin interrupts himself. “What in the world is that brat doing in Korea anyway?” Suddenly the boy’s words previously to their departure make sense. When he said not to wish to see Jongin there, there being Korea. Jongin frowns at the realization.

“He’s older than you Jongin.”

“Do I look like I care? As if.” He scoffs. “He even looks younger than you.”

“He’s going to try a shot at SM if I’m not mistaken.” Sehun tells sipping on his drink and Jongin just laughs. It’s really no surprise at some point and it’s just funny how it doesn’t match the boy's in question image at all. “If not at others, in case he doesn’t get in.”

“Good luck with that. I guess he’ll manage with that pretty face of his. He’ll do great!” Jongin doesn’t hide the derision in his voice.

“You always have nice things to say.” Sehun says with a fake smile that only lasts as long as the sentence. “I happen to have heard his voice and he sings pretty well.”

“When did all of that happen?”

“Why, is Kim Jongin jealous?” If the question itself wasn’t provoking enough Sehun decided to add a playful grin and a bat of lashes. Jongin broods on that word. Jealousy. Probably a whole new concept for him and he doesn’t really like the urging temper that it gives him but he can’t help it. He understands Yixing’s boyfriend’s punch now better. He feels like giving one just as nice to Luhan’s pretty face.

“Yes, Kim Jongin is jealous so make sure not to make me worse.” He says in full honesty and Sehun merely laughs making Jongin frown because he doesn’t like to be mocked and he is being pretty serious.

“He likes bubble tea…I like bubble tea, I guess…” He sighs rather drastically. “It was a match made in heaven.” Jongin eyebrows furrow even more.

“I knew you liked him. Always so giggly. He isn’t that funny.” He retorts with gritted teeth and sips on his coffee making sure to focus his energy on its wonderful taste rather than his emotions.

“We have things in common.” Jongin looks at him.

“SM won’t have him.” He ignores and sips some more coffee. “He’s too old.”

“I don’t know.”

“And he’s chinese.” He contemplates the black inside his mug. “You should try out.” He tries not to stutter because this is the last thing he wants to say. If anything he always made sure to keep Sehun away from that. It’s a world he’s seen before and a world that isn’t as appealing as it seems. He always warned Sehun about it and was happy that the younger never made any rushed decision about it but he knows he can’t keep Sehun away from it forever because after all it’s something the boy wants and Jongin can't really chain him to a chair for merely selfish purposes.

“Me? You’re saying I should try out? Me?” Jongin rolls his eyes.

“It’s what I said, isn’t it?”

“What’s your angle?” Sehun narrows his eyes. “Always bad mouthing these companies and suddenly you’re advising me into it?”

“I’ll never stop judging those soul eating monsters but…if you really want to go…I can’t really stop you.” He takes a glance at Sehun and he looks thoughtful mixing the pearl tea with its straw.

“Hum. I’m not sure. I want to go to college…” Sehun seems to be lingering the pause a bit too much. “…with you.” He looks at Jongin for a second before going back to stare at his drink and Jongin’s eyes are attentive on him. He smiles. Because he's happy and relieved with the answer. Because Sehun is saying sweet things again and he looks cute like this, shy with his cheeks slightly rose and Jongin loves this side of Sehun. Because it’s cute Sehun that manages to melt his heart and can make it thump faster and skip beats and become so loud Jongin thinks he might faint.

“Please do.” Jongin doesn’t spare any hesitation. He was never one to walk into careful ground anyway and Sehun knows he’s always straight with his words and about what he wants. The younger looks up at him.

“But you were just saying-”

“I didn’t mean that. Are kidding me? I don’t want you anywhere near them but…it’s what you wanted so I thought…you know-- give you some support since I don’t do that so often.”

“You do…in your own way but you do.” Sehun still sounds shy and Jongin feels like kissing him at this point but hunching himself over the table and grab his chin displaying to everyone around them that kind of show wouldn’t be that good of an idea especially considering Sehun wouldn’t find it much amusing. Jongin sighs because it has been almost three weeks already and Sehun hasn’t gotten used to any sort of affection in public yet. Jongin isn’t crazy for it either and he’s more than willing to wait for Sehun but not even being able to grab his hand makes him a bit sulky. Sehun makes up for it with little escapes into cramped up spaces or deserted streets. It’s all really cute but Jongin has a need of displaying possession that is keener than he’d like to and he needs that little touch over Sehun’s thigh, that hold on Sehun’s waist or grabbing his hand to show people Sehun is his. “I don’t want to go that badly anyway.”

“It’s okay if you do, you don’t have to listen to me.” Sehun doesn’t look at him and keeps playing with the straw moving it inside and out the whole on the cup’s lid.

“You would forever hate me if I went.” He says and Jongin couldn't agree more.

“Except I would never hate you Sehun.” The younger finally looks at him now and their gaze lasts a few lingered moments until he speaks again.

“I don’t want to go. I would never be able to see you again. And that’s if I even would manage to get in.”

“If you couldn’t see me I’d go find you.” Jongin shoots him a smile and Sehun smiles back shyly.

“I can’t sing. Let’s just leave it to Luhan. I made up my mind anyway.” Jongin hums in response and takes a sip on his already cooling off americano. “You can come with me, you know, tutor him.” At this Jongin almost chokes.

“That’s funny.” He releases a chuckle. “I’ll probably shoot myself in the process. And you know he likes me just as much as I like him.”

“True but your chinese is better than mine anyway.”

“It’s cute that you want to include me in that but don’t. Even though I would love to keep an eye on you two I can’t stand Luhan.”

“Alright.” Sehun says sipping on the rest of his bubble tea. Jongin leaves his Americano aside since it has already gone cold and he hates cold coffee.


Two days later and Jongin is faced with Luhan’s frown at his door.

“What the ?” He doesn’t know what to actually say so he just mentally curses Sehun and closes the door on Luhan’s nose. Out of instinct, he’d defend later. He turns to go back to whatever he was doing until Sehun comes from the living room with a soft surprised look on his face.

“Was that Luhan?” He asks with a pen in his hand.

“No, it was Satan.” He doesn’t spare on his unpleased frown and follows his trajectory back to the leaving room. He can see Sehun scowl and sigh. A couple minutes after siting himself back on the couch he sees Luhan looking all condescending and displaying an unamused face. “Oh, it was Luhan after all.” Jongin fakes a smile that falls the same instant going back to stare at the television. He wants to punch the wall since he really doesn’t want to damage Sehun’s pretty face. He didn’t sign up for this, let alone in his house. It’s summer vacation, a weekend for that matter and he was comfortably alone with his boyfriend, although said boyfriend was studying, and now he has to deal with undesired people and probably for, in his opinion, the longest time in the world. Yes because any time wasted around Luhan must feel like undying hours. He can feel the devil’s stare on him as he goes sit at the table where Sehun was previously entranced in his books. Jongin can only ask mentally why Sehun thought this was a good idea. He expressly said that having Luhan and himself together wasn’t a good plan yet the younger went through with it. He can hear papers ruffling and soon he listens to Sehun asking about Luhan’s doubts in chinese. Everything sounds innocent but he can’t help but take a glance once every minute, probably every second, Jongin doesn’t count. There’s no touching, no intimacy neither there’s Luhan’s flattery eyes all over Sehun, them set on the texts books as well as Sehun’s. He sighs and goes back to watching, girl advices on how to get men? That’s what he gets for not paying attention to what he’s doing. He changes the channel and settles for a stupid cooking show. There’s nothing else interesting and he can’t cook so might as well learn. He’s entranced on how to make scallops or whatever when Sehun calls his name. He gives him a glance just to test the waters and when he sees a smiling Sehun he decides to get up although Luhan’s face is scrunching at him. When he comes over Sehun asks him about a particularly harder translation and Jongin happens to know it but when Sehun finishes his question Jongin chooses to steal his lips rather than answering. Sehun gasps and pulls away almost immediately in shock. In Jongin’s defense he was just asking for it and he has his stupid animal instinct to prove others what’s his. Sehun doesn’t seem too happy about this but Jongin is relishing on the way Luhan’s expression is grimacing. The younger decides he’s too embarrassed to continue whatever so he offers Luhan an apology and asks if they can finish another time. The older frowns but accepts anyway and Jongin smiles at his small victory. So happy he proposes Luhan guidance to the door.

“You’re disgusting.” The older says after Jongin opens the door for him and before stepping out.

“Like wise mold, stay away from Sehun.” He retorts and Luhan snickers now already out of the apartment.

“He’s my friend I’m not doing that.”

“I don’t like you.”

“I don’t like you either.”

“Find a ing teacher!” He closes the door once more in the older’s face before he could reply and goes back to the living room. “If I ever see that thing again in my house you get no for a month.” Sehun frowns at him in response.


Jongin doesn’t get rid of Luhan though. The guy doesn’t get to his house anymore but he’s with Sehun every time Jongin’s with Sehun. He starts to think the younger just plainly hates him and is getting his so bitter sweet revenge for all the years that Jongin was a prick. He thinks he’s right when one night after Sehun getting his way inside Jongin’s pants, tells him that he only does this so Jongin will be reassured. It makes him laugh really. It’s a nice thought but although his jealousy exists he isn’t actually worried about Luhan whatsoever. The guy is not Sehun’s cup of tea if Jongin may say; Sehun is more of a coffee kind of guy. That’s what he tries to tell himself anyway.

So okay they don’t flirt, so okay Luhan’s straight, so fine Sehun is tutoring him for study purposes and study purposes only, Jongin can see this but it isn’t the risk of them engaging in any sort of relationship beyond that that bothers him. What bothers him, beside the fact that Sehun spends too much of his time with him, it’s Luhan’s actual presence and his effect on Sehun. He isn’t worried about Luhan’s hand on a leaning shoulder or pretty lashes that bat charmingly or that sweet smile that could lead a lion into a devil’s pit. He doesn’t like Luhan. End of story. Because Luhan talks to much and Luhan is childish and he acts like a kid and looks like a kid playing in the grown up world and this is all too sickening to Jongin. Mostly he’s afraid Luhan might lure Sehun in into his idea of becoming a famous Korean pop star. He’s happy that Sehun decided against it and Jongin isn’t willing to let him change his mind. And besides that he simply doesn’t want Sehun to befriend Luhan. 

Thankfully Luhan is a forgotten subject when Jongin can have Sehun all to himself and Jongin makes sure to be extra careless when it comes to leave bite marks on Sehun’s milky skin. After an agonizing hot day stuck into a, thankfully air conditioned, library with Sehun and idiot Luhan revising their Korean he goes home and has Sehun bent over his living room’s table. Yes, his, because Jongin owns his own place. Because he’s nineteen and his award winning father couldn’t take listening to his ing any longer. By now Sehun has been already been living there for whole summer.

He screams loud and shameless when Jongin enters him, whines when Jongin stops to flop him onto couch, groans in frustration for Jongin’s teasing and finally when he reaches his he moans long and breathlessly.

“.” Jongin is above him now sitting on his lap, still dressed for the exception of his jeans hanging low, offering a stark and tired Sehun his fingers covered in his own . Sehun frowns at him and turns his face when Jongin insists reaching his fingers closer and closer to his mouth.

“No.” He grabs Jongin’s wrist averting it away. “You it, filthy .” Jongin smirks and complies making sure Sehun watches him obscenely his digits clean. He kisses the younger right after which only earns him a push and a disgusted face from the other. “I don’t like it….” He whines as he tries to bat Jongin off of himself. He looks like a child that doesn’t want to eat his food. Jongin resists for the fun but ends up getting up because his couch needs cleaning.



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lalicesarang #1
Chapter 7: Wow u must write more sekai. U must. U should i insist bc u write them so nice so beautiful so.... Argh. I love your story so so so much!
kamjongin #2
aggggggggghhhh! why can't I multiple upvote for my fave Sekai fics! This is one of the few best!
I love this~~~~~
Chapter 7: * A * thank you for writing such a wonderful story.
Chapter 5: "-deranged sehun." xD i love it.
Chapter 7: I liked this. :)
Chapter 7: i love the ending damn much~~OMO so cuteeee
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww <3 so cuteeee >////<
sehunnie is so addicted to ___ :DD
my sekai feelsss ;a;