Overcompensate with Headlines and Flash of Photography?

We Don't Fight Fair, We Don't Fight Fair

The sight was quite a shock.

His dear wife, was seated on their dining table. She wore a silk China Blue dress, knee-length, and yet it was ridding up to her thighs. And holding her knee fold was a large hand of a man, which wrist was circled by a silver watch. A pair of lips pressed themselves onto his wife’s lip gloss glazed ones.

“Nayoon…” he called her name. His voice was barely hearable, even for himself. It was barely above a whisper. And yet his wife and the other man turned their head towards him. Nayoon’s eyes widened. Her reddened lips parted, as if she was about to say something.


Before he knew it, his legs brought him out of the kitchen, passing a long hallway, passing the living room, out of this mansion, into his sleek black car. His long steps didn’t give any chance for his wife to follow him. And his mind didn’t give him a chance to think, where he should go or what he should do next.



Too much flash lights, too much camera.

And his lips were numbing of smiling for so long. He shot a look towards his comrades, his mates when shooting the movie. Younger faces always looked fresher, less fatigued than him. He held back a bitter smile. Sweet face, kept on the sweet face.

“Jung Yunho sshi! Jung Yunho sshi!” a voice called. He turned to the source and instantly a shutter sound followed by white flash of a camera. The actor fought an urge to blink, and forced himself to smile brighter.

“Questions, Jung Yunho sshi!” a journalist exclaimed. “It’s a romantic comedy movie, and you got a lot of love scenes between you and Song Hyekyo sshi. Despite the fact that you were happily married to Lee Nayoon sshi, did you shoot those scenes with ease?”

Jung Yunho smiled a little. He offered a small laugh and answered, “It’s not that hard actually. Hyekyo and I had been friends since long, so there was no awkwardness at all. Even her boyfriend told me to just put my everything in those scenes and not to worry about his fist.”

The journalist chuckled lightly while scribbling down the actor’s answer into his notepad. More heat hitting him from camera’s flash lights. It felt like the air’s temperature had raised a few degrees. And yet the actor held himself not to sweat too much. He needed to keep that sweet face on, even at the mention of his wife’s name.


“Ah, how tiring…”

Yunho held back a frown as those words slipped out from a rookie actor. Youngsters, all complain after a small work. It was no wonder; they hadn’t been used to this kind of life.

“It was just a premier, Junsu ah,” Yunho smiled. He shot a knowing look to the young actor’s manager and offered another smile. “You’ve worked hard at the shoots. Keep it up, you’re still young, you can get any better, and must exceed me someday, hmm?”

“I’m sorry, Yunho sshi. It’s just that I’m so tired after today.” Junsu looked up and smiled shyly. “Then again, you are just too great to surpass. Look at the number of awards you’ve gotten. Even working on a project with you was a great honor for me.”

Yunho laughed and patted the younger’s head. Well he had been used to lots of praises. Some were whole hearted, some were fake. From how Junsu looked at him with admiration with those honest eyes, he knew the boy wasn’t lying.

The elder excused himself, making his way towards the restroom. He needed some water splashing his face to clear up some of his makeup. It felt like he was wearing a translucent mask. He didn’t want any more disguise grazing his skin. He had putted on a mask to hide his scars inside. The pain. He didn’t want to be any more fake.

Yunho opened the restroom’s door with a great force. He went straight to a sink and looked at himself in the mirror. Oh, look at that. He was getting older. Despite what people said about his ‘masculinity God had curved into his features’, it was actually no more than just a picture made by age lines. He took off his suit jacket and placed it carelessly into another sink nearby.

Dress of China Blue.

He winced as he remembered the first time Nayoon wore the outfit; at a barbeque party his sister held. It was the first time he introduced her to his friends, despite the fact that they were famous and crazy flow of press media and information had made it worse.

That was the first time she met that man with a silver watch on his wrist.

The actor turned the faucet to its maximum. He cupped some water into his palms and buried his face into them. It wasn’t enough. The relief he felt, it hadn’t satisfied him yet. He took some more, splashed his face some more. Again and again until he went desperate. His movement went harsher. He didn’t think at all. He didn’t care if his expensive Armani shirt was soaked, stained by his washed makeup.

It hurt so much that he still needed some more relief after those water. He didn’t want anyone seeing him like this. He needed some soothing. He was weakened by his fragility.

She didn’t cheat on him. She didn’t. Not ever. Never.

Lips on his wife’s and silver watch on a masculine wrist.


He raised his hand into a fist as he found his reflection on the mirror. If some water on his fatigued face didn’t relief him, then maybe some blood and pain would.

“My, what we are having here?”

Yunho turned wide eyed at a man standing under the restroom’s doorframe. A camera was directed at him, followed by flash of white and shutter sound. A picture of a broken Jung Yunho was taken. The camera was lowered, revealing a smirking face.

“It’s okay, Jung Yunho. Let’s just pretend that you are still the greatest actor ever alive in Korea, and I’m just a humble journalist, Kim Jaejoong. Pretend it good, please. Just like what you did in interviews and movies.”



A/N: I always wanted to laugh at myself for being able to think about the middle and ending of the story and got confused with the beginning... I'm the only one here? Comments?

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Chapter two!!!


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Chapter 4: This is so cool;)!! I'm so dumb to not had read this.. Please update;3! I can't wait to know what happen soon~
Chapter 4: i love jaejoong in this story
poor yunnie how can his wife cheat on him =_= b"tch
please update soon ok
Chapter 4: Once reading the chp, I can't stop. I like it so much,the tenses jaejoong made, yunho just control himself when jaejoong is around.
Carla58 #4
Chapter 4: I love Jae's character in this xD...I want Yunho to hire Jae to take out his wife. This fic is really good. Looking forward to the next chapter ^^
Chapter 4: I'm in love with your writing style and this story! It's so.. thrilling?? And Jaejoong, this role of a twisted murderer fits him well :) I'm excited to see what comes next!! >w<
Thank you for the hard work! :D <3
Chapter 4: wow some news,,,,yun really had short temper...well see who would act first, his wife or his desicion
Chapter 4: Chilling, and so pleasurable to read. Jaejoong is so...y twisted. Don't know the right word. ANd YUnho is just being stuborn as a mule. Updete soon!
MiszCJung #8
So thrilling! :D and Yunjae is sooo ayyy! Jae esp! As an obsessed murderer! Wooot~
Chapter 3: it was short (>_<)....why!!! i want more more .... when would you update this or your other storys ???? they are addicting you know
Carla58 #10
Chapter 3: It's starting to get exciting, I'm looking forward to their talk
thank you for the update :)