Life Decision

You Just Disappeared

[ Daehyun's Pov ]


"Oppa, where are we going now?" Ara asks. I look at her direction for a couple of moments and return my gaze to the road. I thought for a moment. "Remember where our first date was?" I said reminding her. She thought for a few seconds and nodded. "Then you know where we're going," I simply said with a smile. 

I glanced at her quickly and saw a giant smile spread across her face slowly and I looked back once again at the road. I started slowing down as we got closer to our destination. I turned the steering wheel to the left and the car veered into the parking lot. I unlocked all of the doors and Ara climbed out of the car. I pulled the key out of the ignition and unbuckled my seat belt, opening the door for myself and climbing out of the car as well. 

I opened the car door to Ara looking into the Han river, watching the sun set. The mixture of different colors, yellow and orange. The overlapping layers, flawless. 

I took Ara's hand, guiding her towards the Han River and having a better view of the perfect sunset. We both sat down on the soft green grass and she lay her head lightly on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. Ara lifted her head slightly and looked at me. 

"Why'd you bring me here?" she asked innocently. My eyes twinkled as I replied. "You'll find out my princess." Each word of my answer dripped with affection. Ara seemed to realize something was different today and didn't ask questions any further. "Okay, I'll wait for you to tell me then," she simply said, closing her eyes and having a smile on her face. 

I stared at her flawless face for a few moments. I took her hand and we both got up from our comfortable positions. "What's wrong?" she asks. I turned around for a moment and put a finger to my lips. I glanced at my watch. "5. 4 -" I started to countdown. 

"What are you doing?" she asks me yet again. "2." I gestured for her to look out into the sunset as the sun disappeared slowly. "1." I turned to look at the direction where the sun was hiding behind the mountain, awaiting for what would happen next. "0." As the number left my lips, fireworks exploded into the sky. A smile burst out in my lips. I glanced at my beloved and saw a giant grin plastered onto her face. I chuckled to myself, satisfied of her reaction. 

"Do you like it?" I asked. She appeared to be in a trance like state. Her gaze didn't leave the fireworks exploding into the night sky. Each one a different color, a different design. 

A few guys appeared on the side of me and gave a thumbs up. While Ara was looking at the fireworks, I threw a thumbs up to the five of them, glad that I had such fantastic friends. All five of them disappeared into the shadows and left the two of us alone in our little world. 

As the fireworks ended, the sky returned to its normal state of being a single color. Ara turned to look at me, her eyes gleaming of happiness. My eyes twinkled in response. She threw her arms around me and I wrapped mine around her petite waist. "Wait." I pushed her away sligthly after a few moments of skinship. 

She blinked, confused of my response. I grinned and took a small box out of the pocket of my blazer. Her eyes lit up as she saw the presense of the miniscule item. I bent down on one knee and opened the box. I didn't care whether I dirtied my clothing or not, what mattered was her. And her only.

"Will you marry me?" I asked nervously, my palm starting to sweat, awaiting her answer. I didn't know how many times I've practiced this simple sentence in front of the mirror. Making sure there were no mistakes in this one sentence. I couldn't stutter. I couldn't forget what to say. This sentence had to be perfect and nothing else.

I awaited in silence as Ara slowly opened  to respond. 

"Yes." Ara replied with a smile, not saying anything else. 

I took the ring out of the box and slid it onto Ara's pale, slender ring finger. I threw my arms around the petite girl and she s her arms around my waist. I couldn't stop smiling. A grin was permanently plastered onto my face. I pulled away slightly to look into Ara's beautiful brown almond eyes. 

My eyes went down to her lips and her gaze hovered over mine. Slowly, the two of us leaned into each other. Our lips met. Ara's lips were soft and tasted slightly of chocolate mixed together with mint. She kissed back slowly and I tugged at her lower lip a couple of times. She opened letting her entrance open.

I slid my tongue skillfully into her small mouth and met with her tongue. Her hands began to go up from underneath my shirt, resting her hands on my back. While my hands went under her sweater. I laid my hands on her bare waist as we continued to kiss each other. 

We pulled away realizing our awkward destination. 

Five guys appeared from the shadows and started slapping my back, congragulating me. I took Ara's hand in mine and we walked back into the car, the five of the guys following closely behind. 

I opened the door for Ara and she got into the seat. The five boys filed in one by one in the back and I got into the driver's seat. I drove back to my house. 


We had many plans to do.

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britt29able1 #1
Chapter 7: I literally cried from reading this. Poor Daehyun. You're a great writer.(: