Chapter 2

One Roof, 3 Group Gangsters, 6 Boyfriends - Christmas Special


After breakfast, Yongguk took out the bakery items while Reina washed and dried them up. ‘Lets start!’ Reina clasped her hand together, excited to do some baking.

Yongguk chuckled and turned her around, ‘You forgot about this. Aigoo’ He lightly knocked her head before he helped her wear the apron on. He pulled her closer to tie the strings behind her back.

Reina just meekily smiled and gave a quick peck on his lip while her hands were wound behind his neck. ‘I have oppa here with me, even if I forget, you’ll be there to remind me just like now isn’t it?’ Reina tapped on his nose.

The side of Yongguk’s lip twitched into a smile while he looked into her eyes. He leaned in and nuzzled her nose with his before he gave her lip a quick peck. ‘That’s right, I’ll always be there for you’

Reina let out a small laugh, ‘Oppa, you’re getting more and more cheesy. Did Himchan oppa or Chunji oppa influence you?’ Reina raised a brow at Yongguk who raised his brow as well upon listening to what she say.

‘Yah! I heard you Kim Reina!’ Himchan called out from the living room.

Reina shrugged ‘Well at least Chunji oppa didn’t’

‘Don’t think I never heard you!’ Chunji yelled back from the stairs while Reina’s eyes widened. Yongguk laugh upon seeing her expression and quickly pecked her lip ‘Looks like they hear you angel’ he chuckled again when he leaned back.

Reina shrugged ‘Oh well it’s the truth anyway’ she say before she quickly shouted out ‘Love you too oppas!’ she said before both Chunji and Himchan could say anything.

Yongguk chuckled ‘I love you too!’ he say before he leaned in and peck on her lip again and he rest his forehead against hers ‘I guess Im really getting more and more cheesy but you know its only for you right?’ Yongguk winked before he leaned back while Reina chuckled and slapped his arm.

‘Alright lets get started’ Reina turned around and was about to start when Yongguk stopped her. ‘You forgot this’ he held out her rubberband in front of her. Reina was about to reach it when he held it away from her.

Reina turned around but Yongguk stopped her ‘Stay still’ he whispered in her ear before he gathered her hair with his hands.

Yongguk carefully picked up her hair and tie them up with the rubberband in hand ‘Tell me if it hurts’ he was as careful as possible since the last time he tie her hair was ages ago when they were still kids.

‘Is it too tight?’ Yongguk asked as he fixed her hair.

Reina shook her head ‘Aniya, its fine oppa’

‘Arasso’ Done, Yongguk went to the basin to wash his hand before he returned by her side.

Yongguk held the ingredients out to Reina who mixed the ingredients into the bowl. He took the cookie trays lying by the side to Reina when the batter was done. Yongguk watched as Reina carefully poured the batter into the tray.

Yongguk raised his brow when Reina suddenly let out a chuckle. ‘Whats so funny?’ he asked as he tuck a strand of hair behind Reina’s ear.

‘You’ Reina said without looking away.

Yongguk pointed at himself ‘Me?’

Reina nodded her head and laugh again. ‘Why?’ Yongguk asked not knowing but Reina didn’t reply. She continued to fill up all the holes on the tray with the batter in hand.

Reina gasped when Yongguk suddenly pulled her hand to stop her. She had almost dropped the mixture in hand. ‘Oppa, you scare me’ Reina gave Yongguk a look.

Yongguk placed the batter away and trapped her in between his arms. ‘So mind telling me why Im funny before I become even scarier?’ he raised his brow and looked at her.

‘Nope’ Reina replied with a straight face.

‘Mwoh?!’ Yongguk’s jaw dropped at her surprised answer.

Reina let out a chuckle again. Yongguk frowned at the sight and pinched Reina's nose. 'Why are you laughing again?'

Reina burst out into laughters instead of replying. 'Yah!' Yongguk couldnt help but feel frustrated about it. 

'Hahahahha arasso arasso, I wont laugh at you anymore.' Reina raised her hand in surrender but let out a chuckle again.

Yongguk raised his brow and she immediately stopped. 'Now tell me, whats so funny?' he demanded.

Reina leaned in and pinched his nose 'because the fierce and almighty leader of B.A.P is wearing an apron standing in the kitchen making cookies. Who would have expected that?' She sneakily dipped her finger intp the left over batter and dapped onto his nose.

Yongguk froze in place while Reina slipped away and picked the tray of cookies before placing them into the oven. 'Yah Kim Reina!' Yongguk shouted.

'Uh-oh' Reina squealed before she made her made out of the kitchen.

Reina was fast but Yongguk was faster. He caught her in her arms before she could make her way out of the kitchen. ‘The fierce and almighty leader of B.A.P wasn’t for nothing even when he’s wearing an apron’ Yongguk smirked and whispered into Reina’s ear causing shivers down her spine.

While Reina paused in her place, Yongguk took the chance and draw a line on her face with the left over batter. ‘Oppa!’ Reina turned around and called out when she realised what he had done.

‘That was for payback. You’re the one who started it’ Yongguk smirked.

Reina pouted and slumped her shoulder. ‘Right, I was the one who started it’ Yongguk chuckled at her cute sight and pinched her cheek. ‘Come on, lets get that wash away’ Yongguk lightly pulled Reina to the basin and helped her wash it away.

They sat on the counter and waited while the cookies were being baked. Yongguk lightly Reina’s hair while she rest her chin on her palm and stare at the oven. ‘Tink!’ Reina immediately jumped up from her chair when she heard the sound from the oven.

Reina was about to take the cookies out of the oven when Yongguk stopped her. ‘I’ll do it’ he took the mitten away from Reina and wore it on.

‘I can do it too’ Reina complained but Yongguk shook his head. ‘I cant risk the fact that you might burn yourself’

‘How would I burn myself when Im wearing the mitten?’ Reina threw her hands up in the air.

Yongguk chuckled as he took the cookies out ‘Anything is possible with you Reina’

‘Mwoh?!’ Reina looked at Yongguk in disbelief.

‘I hate you oppa’ Reina folded her arms and looked at Yongguk with grudge.

Yongguk let out a small laugh and pecked on her lip ‘I love you too. Come on’ he pulled her over to the table where the decorators were laid out, ready to decorate their cookies. 

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msmurder95 #1
Chapter 5: Haish. How i wish you would make another sequel to the sequel. LOL. The amount of love i have for this story, you cant even imagine! :D Great job authornim! ;)
NickHippo #2
Chapter 7: OMG!! I r-read all again and it still give me the overly sweetness!!!
<3 this special story sooooooo MUCH!!
ailisu #3
Chapter 7: oh god. SWEET SWEET L.JOE
ailisu #4
Chapter 6: AWWWW! SO CUTEEE^^
Yeahokieval #5
Chapter 3: Good update~ aww now I want to see the beautiful scenery too~ you're making me jealous:p
Chapter 2: Plz update more ×_×
Yeahokieval #7
Chapter 1: OMG yay it's finally up^^ I've been waiting so long for this~ great update^^
kyareminisce #8
So glad you're posting about this story again.It's daebak~~~