
One Roof, 3 Group Gangsters, 6 Boyfriends - Christmas Special


Reina sat on the bench outside the house with L.joe sitting on a chair he had grabbed from the house along with a canvas and pencil in hand. ‘You don’t have to look that still Reina’ L.joe chuckled as he looked up from his sketch.

Reina frowned ‘I cant help it oppa.’ She dared not moved as she spoke. She was slightly frustrated as well, the fact that she was being so conscious of herself.

L.joe chuckled and placed his pencil down. He walked towards Reina and bend down in front of her while he placed his hands on her shoulder. ‘Whats wrong baby girl?’ L.joe softly asked as he brushed her fringe aside.

‘Must we really do this? Its hard for me to be natural when you’re staring at me like this’ Reina pouted.

L.joe raised his brow ‘you still cant get use to my stares?’

‘Oppa’ Reina yelped and slapped his arm ‘You know what I was saying.’ She gave him a look to tell him to stop teasing her.

L.joe laugh before he leaned in and peck on her lip ‘Last piece Reina.’ he cooed.

Reina tilt her head and curiously asked ‘Last piece?’

‘I cant tell you anymore than this.’ L.joe stood up and walked back to his seat.

Reina continued to frown. She was curious. *What did oppa mean by that?*

L.joe chuckled again as he looked up from his canvas ‘Don’t bother thinking about it baby girl, you wont be able to figure it out’

‘Oppa’ Reina narrowed her eyes at him. L.joe continued to chuckle instead ‘Neh baby girl?’ he teased further.

Reina blew air in her cheeks before she puffed them out. She folded her arms as she stood up. ‘Im not doing it anymore’ Reina said angrily as she walked away. L.joe quickly placed his pencil down and chased after her.

‘Reina!’ he called out but she ignored him. L.joe fastened his pace and wrapped his arms around her shoulder from behind to stop her. ‘Don’t be angry, Im sorry’ he whispered beside her ear.

Shivers run down Reina’s spine and she could felt her heart instantly softened at his words the moment he spoke. ‘How could I not? You suddenly asked me to sit on the bench and you began drawing without telling me anything. You wouldn’t even allow me to see what you were drawing. Besides, I have never seen you draw before, why now?’

L.joe didn’t reply, he just turned her over and crashed his lip to hers. Reina placed her hands on his chest to push him away. L.joe’s eyes widened, Reina had never rejected his kiss before. He was shocked but he still managed to hold her tightly against him even if she was protesting. Reina stopped after a while, she couldn’t go against him when he’s kissing her ever so sweetly. Her defense weakened, her anger gone, she wanted more of his kisses instead of stopping him. Reina just wrapped her hands around L.joe’s neck instead and kissed him back.

L.joe pulled out of the kiss after awhile. Both of them panted from the lack of air. L.joe leaned in and placed a soft peck on Reina’s lip before he pulled back and looked into her eyes. ‘Just give me another 20 minutes huh? I’ll tell you everything then. Just wait 20 more minutes huh?’ L.joe persuaded.

Reina heaved a sigh then reluctantly said ‘Alright’

L.joe chuckled before he pecked on her lip again ‘That’s my girl’ he smiled and led her back to the bench.

Once seated, L.joe picked up his pencil and starting sketching again. Reina watched L.joe in interest now. Her oppa seemed so different now. She had never seen such a side of him. He seemed so charming right there and then that her heart oddly began to race again seeing his every movement. He seemed so perfect in her eyes right now, the way he looked up at her then looked back down on his canvas, the way he bite his lip as he moved his pencil to sketch on his canvas. It amused her that she didn’t even know time had passed and L.joe was already done sketching her.

‘Done drooling at me?’ L.joe smirked as he looked up and met eyes with her. Reina unknowingly blushed and avoided his gaze. L.joe couldn’t help but chuckle at her shy side.

L.joe stood up from his seat and took his things along. ‘Lets go’ he held his free hand out to Reina with a dazzling smile that made her heart go even faster. He grabbed her hand before she could even say anything.

‘Im sorry I took so long to draw, you must be cold huh?’ he rubbed the side of Reina’s arm as he pulled her closer to him.

Reina shook her head ‘Aniya, Im fine oppa. Can I see it now?’ she asked.

L.joe just kissed the side of her temple ‘Later’ he walked them into the house before he disappeared, leaving her by herself in the living room.

‘Reina’ Reina looked towards her right to see Chunji patting the seat beside him. She smiled and walked over to him without a doubt. Chunji craddled Reina into his arm the moment she sat down. ‘That crazy bastard. Its so cold outside yet he still made you stay so long outside.’ Chunji cursed.

‘Oppa’ Reina gave Chunji a disapproving look when she heard him cursed.

Chunji raised his hand in surrender ‘Im sorry’ he apologized instantly and wrapped his arm around her again. Before they could lengthened their moment L.joe’s voice interrupted. ‘Don’t touch my girlfriend’ L.joe took Reina away from Chunji.

Chunji frowned ‘She’s my girlfriend too’ he pointed out.

‘But its my time now’ L.joe said and took Reina’s hand. He led them up the stairs without bothering to hear what Chunji had said but he was sure he heard Chunji cursed him somehow.

‘Oppa,  you’re being mean’ Reina clucked her tongue as they walked up the stairs.

L.joe chuckled ‘I know but don’t you want to see?’

‘You’re going to show me now?’ Reina’s face lightened instantly upon hearing. L.joe nodded.

L.joe stopped in front of Reina’s room. He was about to open up her room when Reina spoke ‘What are we doing here oppa? Didn’t you say you wanted to show me the drawing?’ she frowned.

‘That’s what Im going to do’ L.joe replied as he opened up the door and entered. ‘But there isn’t anything in-’ before she could finished her sentence, she was stood frozen in her room filled with canvas of sketches hanging on the wall.

‘Oppa’ her voice came out barely audible. She was amazed. She was certain that those canvases weren’t here this morning. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was all sketches of her, when she was sleeping, when she was smiling, when she was playing, when she was crying. She couldn’t contained her emotions as she looked through all the different sketches, her eyes landing on the final piece that L.joe had sketched just awhile ago. She had finally seen it. L.joe had drew a sketch of her, the only one sketch where her eyes were looking directly back, a sweet smile on the face with a pretty snowflake on the top of her hair.

 ‘When did yo-’ Reina wanted to ask but L.joe just placed a finger on her lip to stop her. ‘All you have to do is to say I love you’ he whispered against her lip when he removed his finger, his eyes boring into hers.

Reina didn’t hesitate a second ‘I love you’ she said as she stared back. L.joe smiled and pulled her into a sweet and passionate kiss the moment the words left .

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msmurder95 #1
Chapter 5: Haish. How i wish you would make another sequel to the sequel. LOL. The amount of love i have for this story, you cant even imagine! :D Great job authornim! ;)
NickHippo #2
Chapter 7: OMG!! I r-read all again and it still give me the overly sweetness!!!
<3 this special story sooooooo MUCH!!
ailisu #3
Chapter 7: oh god. SWEET SWEET L.JOE
ailisu #4
Chapter 6: AWWWW! SO CUTEEE^^
Yeahokieval #5
Chapter 3: Good update~ aww now I want to see the beautiful scenery too~ you're making me jealous:p
Chapter 2: Plz update more ×_×
Yeahokieval #7
Chapter 1: OMG yay it's finally up^^ I've been waiting so long for this~ great update^^
kyareminisce #8
So glad you're posting about this story again.It's daebak~~~