Chapter 6

One Roof, 3 Group Gangsters, 6 Boyfriends - Christmas Special


Chunji pulled Reina into a mall. ‘What are we doing here oppa?’ Reina asked.

‘What else? Shopping of course’ Chunji pulled Reina into the shop without giving her a choice.

All the female sales associate immediately greeted him the moment he stepped in, happy that their Christmas wouldn’t be that bad after all seeing how a handsome guy like him just decided to visit their store.

Chunji ignored them and looked around with Reina kept closed by his side. ‘Pick whatever you like Reina’ he said as he looked through the dresses in front of him.

‘Oppa’ Reina tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. ‘Lets leave huh?’ she cooed while she looked at the girls in store, drooling at the sight of her boyfriend. She wanted to leave but it wasn’t because of the girls though. She disliked how her oppa spend money on her with things that she doesn’t need or at least she think she doesn’t.

‘No’ Chunji rejected without thinking, not even bothered to look her way. He looked through the dresses, trying to find a dress that would suit Reina best.

‘How about this dress?’ Chunji held out a y black dress that would show off all her curves but he held it away before Reina could say anything.

‘Maybe not’ he grimaced and put it away without a second look. As much as he loved to see Reina in that dress, he couldn’t stand the thought of other guys drooling over Reina when she wear that dress. Well you could say he was possessive or maybe even selfish but which guy on earth would allow others to drool at their girlfriend?

Chunji spotted a sweet looking dress by the corner and pulled it out. He smiled, *Bingo* he had already imagined how sweet looking Reina would be if she were to wear that dress. He held it in front of Reina and asked ‘how about this Jagiya?’ It was a white floral dress along with a black collar.

‘How about a no?’ Reina replied.

‘Okay, lets get you to try it out’ Chunji smiled and pushed her towards the fitting room he spotted not far away from them.

Chunji pushed the dress to her and patted her head ‘Be good, come out when you’re done changing’ he gave her a peck on the lip before he closed the door behind him. He swear he could heard Reina grumbling followed by a sigh but that wasn’t going to stop him from getting things for her.

Chunji roamed around the store while Reina changed. ‘Need any help sir? You’re finding a suitable dress for your sister right?’ One of the sales associate was bold enough to flirt with him even when she saw him kissing Reina.

‘No, I was searching a pretty dress for my girlfriend if you hadnt noticed’ he hissed in her face. He didn’t care if he was spoiling his own image, or did he care if he was being rude to a girl or better, scare her for life. He hated how people would link them as siblings when they clearly didn’t look alike.

‘I’ll appreciate if you’ll just leave me alone’ he hissed again and glared at the other sales associates in store, making sure that they clearly understood what he had said. The girl just gulped, bowed and quickly scrambled off before Chunji really scarred her for life.

Reina came out from the fitting room, ‘Oppa’ she called out, her voice obviously unhappy.

Chunji’s cold and hard glare was instantly softened at the voice. Whatever happened previously was already long forgotten. He turned towards Reina’s way and gave her a smile. ‘Just like what I have expected, you’re pretty no matter what you wear.’ Chunji cooed  as he tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.

‘If that’s the case, you wouldn’t have to buy me anything anymore right? Since Im good in any clothes.’ Reina hopefully suggested.

Chunji smiled back. For a second, Reina thought he would go her way but she was wrong. ‘Don’t even think about it Reina. We’re on a shopping trip today, Im going to buy you all the things you need’ Chunji replied.

‘But I already got everything I need. Besides, we just did shopping not long ago’ Reina threw her hands up in the air as she tried to argue.

Chunji raised his brow ‘Not long ago? It was long ago’ Chunji pointed out.

‘It was only two months ago’ Reina argued.

‘That was long enough’ Chunji replied.

‘Only to you’ Reina scowled.

‘Yeah that’s why, we’re going to go my way today. Im going to buy you all you need. Think of it as a Christmas present.’ Chunji shrugged.

‘Do I even have a choice?’ Reina grumbled while Chunji chuckled and kissed her lip again ‘Nope, you don’t have a choice babe’ He grabbed her hand and made their way to the cashier.  

After Chunji paid for the dress, they made their way out of the store. Reina was still pouting, hating the idea of spending more money. Chunji stopped and heaved a sigh, ‘do you really hate it that much?’ Reina nodded without a doubt.

‘Arasso, I’ll stop’ Chunji said.

‘Really?’ Reina’s face instantly brightened at the answer.

Chunji chuckled before he nodded ‘Yeah I’ll stop but with one condition’ he held out his index finger as he spoke.

‘What is it?’ Reina quickly asked.

‘Only if you agreed that we’ll go shopping once every month’ Chunji stated.

Reina’s eyes widened ‘Mwoh?!’

Chunji chuckled before he ruffled her hair ‘I was just kidding.’

‘Oppa!’ Reina lightly slapped his chest for scaring her.

Chunji laughed out loud before he put on a serious face ‘We’ll stop here if you really don’t like it. But I’ll only give in to you today arasso?’

Reina nodded without a doubt. Agreeing on anything just as long as she didn’t have to shop again. She could find other ways to convince him the next time.

Chunji held out his hand ‘Shall we go get some drinks?’ Reina gave him a smiled and slipped her onto his. He pulled her closer to him and lightly kissed the side of her temple before they walked towards the nearest café.

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msmurder95 #1
Chapter 5: Haish. How i wish you would make another sequel to the sequel. LOL. The amount of love i have for this story, you cant even imagine! :D Great job authornim! ;)
NickHippo #2
Chapter 7: OMG!! I r-read all again and it still give me the overly sweetness!!!
<3 this special story sooooooo MUCH!!
ailisu #3
Chapter 7: oh god. SWEET SWEET L.JOE
ailisu #4
Chapter 6: AWWWW! SO CUTEEE^^
Yeahokieval #5
Chapter 3: Good update~ aww now I want to see the beautiful scenery too~ you're making me jealous:p
Chapter 2: Plz update more ×_×
Yeahokieval #7
Chapter 1: OMG yay it's finally up^^ I've been waiting so long for this~ great update^^
kyareminisce #8
So glad you're posting about this story again.It's daebak~~~