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“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

This isn’t the way I want to start my morning. Yesterday, I feel like I was tortured by hundreds of people because J and the twins keep on wrestling me and now, they are waking me up with their loud and high pitched voices.

“hmmmmm” I turned my back at them and covered my ears with a pillow. It did lessen the decibels but their voices are still ringing in my ear.

“WAKE UP! WAKE UP! HOOH! WAKE UP!” and here comes J, adding up to the noise.

I’m not going to get out of bed until I get my much needed sleep. I don’t know why, but I’m more tired now compared to when I was still working.

“Mom….are you sure of this?” I heard one of the twins say, I just don’t know if it’s Justice or Jubilee. AISH! Why is it even their voices sound the same now?

“I am…ready?” J answered and that’s when I got alarmed.

And because I can smell something fishy, I don’t have a choice but to wake up for if not, I’m gonna be in danger. These three can sometimes be violent.

“OMO!” I said upon seeing J holding a pan and a ladle “Aigoo” they are really going crazy already.

“Appa!” the twins jumped on the bed right away “You’re awake now!” they said then kissed me at the same time on both cheeks.

“Good Morning!” they greeted cheerfully with sweet smiles on their faces.

“Look at this two” I said and kissed them on the cheeks as well “Good Morning babies” I greeted back, making them giggle.

The twins are sweeter to me now more than ever and I treasure these moments with all my heart coz I know that once they grow up already, they will not be Appa’s girls anymore.

“Mom! There’s no need for that anymore….Appa’s already awake” Justice said.

I looked at J while trying not to laugh. She looks like a kid who wasn’t able to do her evil plan to a hated classmate. Her cute pout is totally making me insane.

“What is Mom going to do with the pan and a ladle?” I asked the twins and they giggled with their hands cupping their mouths.

“She’s going to wake you up by making super loud noises using those” Jubilee answered, making J look at her in disbelief.

“Jubilee! It’s supposed to be a secret” Justice who is always in J’s team said.

“Aigoo….yaaa….didn’t we promise to each other that we’ll not hide any secrets?” I asked and she bowed down her head then sighed heavily.

My sulking J is just standing in front of us with the ladle and pan still in hand. I can feel that she’s really itching to use them. I really love the J now coz she’s not uptight anymore and I can really say that she has moved on from the things that happened to her in the past already. She’s still having nightmares though and there are times when the incident with Duke flashes back to her, but she reacts less to it now compared to before.

“Why are you waking me up so early anyway?” I asked.

“Mom wants to jog and she’s tagging us along but it’s going to be unfair to you if we’re going with just the three of us…so…we thought of waking you up” Jubilee answered.

Actually, I’m good with sleeping and them jogging “Aigoo….my babies are so sweet…they don’t want Appa to be left behind” I cooed while hugging them tightly.

“J” I called, making her look at me “Why are you just standing there?” I asked and she sighed.

“You really killed the fun…well…MY fun” she is still sulking because she wasn’t able to do her evil plan on me.

I laughed so loud upon hearing that. J can really be a child sometimes and to some it can be annoying, but to me, it’s one of the cutest coz it’s so rare to see her act like this.

“Fine….beat that pan up….make some noise….go!” I told her and she just rolled her eyes at me.

“This woman” I moved the kids to the side and got out of bed. I stood in front of her then stared at her for a while. Her just-woke-up face in the morning is really angelic. Her chinky eyes made her look like a little girl. I can actually see the eight year old her every time I look at her in the morning.

“Go! Make some noise!” I said and she shook her head.

I got the ladle and pan from her and tapped it with all my might, making loud sounds. The three of them covered their ears right away and I’ve realized after a few seconds that what I’m doing is actually fun.

“This is fun!” I said, still making a noise.

“STOP!” J shouted and I pretended not to hear “STOP IT!” she topped the noise that I’m making and it shocked me and the twins.

“Aigoo” I said and she snatched the ladle and pan away from me.

“This is so loud” she said and placed it on the table next to hers “My ears were about to burst already”

I laughed so loud then pulled her for a hug “You are just so cute” I said and she smirked.

“I’ve gone crazy…I know” she said, cracking me up big time.

“Yeah…you’ve gone cray but it’s still tolerable” I told her and she chuckled.

“Good Morning” she greeted and gave me a peck on the lips.

“Good Morning” I greeted back and gave her a peck on the lips this time.

“Ewww…..Mom…Appa…please…don’t kiss in front of us again…it’s really disgusting” Justice said, shocking me and J.

And the three of them successfully woke me up. I’ve decided to go jogging with them and I must say, J still has the energy of a teenager for even if her fractured rib hasn’t healed that much yet and her neck is still recuperating, she can already run so fast. Actually, what we did is a marathon not jogging.

“APPA!” Justice called out.

They are now meters away from me. I’m so left beh

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enough of the boring stuff! Let the fun begin! haha!


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 97: I’ve never cried when i read stories.. but I cried... good job.. love all your stories
Heymama #2
Chapter 51: Hi Author-nim..just read ur story..Daebakkk..good job!
Love the storyline..esp the twins who became the bridge for their it..
jessicabyun #3
Chapter 97: Jjang daebak
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 31: Fudge!! If only i can enter your story,
Chapter 97: I really liked this story. although there were moments where I just wanted to kill someone xD and the dramaaa.. so much drama but it was worth it in the end.
Good job, it's a fantastic story ;)
YunaJi #6
Chapter 93: Bakit nandyan si ding dong?
Chapter 97: OH gooooooooooooooood .... after all this drama .... finally happy ending ^^
once again you're amazing writer auhtor-nim :)))
thanks for this wonderful story ^^ and for your hard work :)) ♥♥
Chapter 47: Daddy GD is hot. That's all that I kept thinking about while reading the chapters with him and the twins. Ghed. ^_^
Chapter 97: "His brain goes down to his foot sometimes" yyyupp that's Danger...he got soo much from his appa! Hahaha Awesome story! (^_^)v
I love it!!!