i STILL love him.

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“Hey baby…I love you”

“What the Jiyong?! How many times do I have to tell you that I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE?” I exclaimed.

He stared at me for a moment then grabbed a knife from the countertop. At that point, I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m more than nervous. I can’t think right. I want to save him from himself but I can’t even talk. My throat is dry. There’s no sound coming out at all. I feel like I went back to the past again when Duke is the one who’s suicidal. Thing is, this is a different case for it’s Jiyong we’re talking about here. I don’t want to lose him. I love this man more than my life. I’m just lying to myself that I don’t anymore but truth is, I’m still so into him.

“Jiyong…put that freakin knife down” I told him. I’m so scared and all I can do is talk him out of it, but I don’t know if I’m effective.

This is hopeless. I know that he can hear me, but he is not giving a damn on me. The fire in his eyes is so scary and you can tell right away that he will not bend at all. The tip of the knife is just a few inches away from his stomach and it’s really frustrating coz I can’t even persuade him.

“Please…Jiyong….don’t do this to me….to your kids….to Omma and Appa...this is not right” I told him but he just smirked.

I’m panicking. My hand is sweaty. I feel cold. I don’t know what to do anymore. I think I’m gonna faint or have a heart attack and die even before he stabs himself.

“You don’t love me anymore…right?” he asked and I can’t even say a word “There’s no point in living in this world” he moved the knife closer “Goodbye J”



Wait. Huh? Why is he? No. Don’t tell me.

“Why are you here?” I asked in shock.

He just stared at me with his still dreamy eyes “Huh?” he asked. This guy is still in dreamland I guess.

His eyes went down to my arm and his ears turned red then looked at me again “I don’t know” he answered.

I removed my arm around his waist and sat up “How did….”

“J…calm down…alright?” he said but it didn’t help at all.

How can I calm down? I had the freakiest dream of all time and woke up with him beside me. That’s not it, my arm is wrapped around his waist and my head is on his chest. This is so insane. This can’t be happening.

“What happened?” I asked then looked under the sheets.

I still got my pants on. I’m still wearing the clothes that Unnie lent me. I don’t feel like I’ve been touched. And, as far as I can remember, the twins are here as well so it’s so impossible that something naughty will happen.

He chuckled, making me look at him “Why are you laughing?” I asked and he laughed again.


“J…nothing happened last night…trust me…NOTHING HAPPENED” he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Fine…got it! You don’t have to….emphasize it” I got out of bed and walked to the door.

“Good Morning!” he called out.

I looked back at him and saw him smiling from ear to ear “Morning” I replied and walked out of the room as fast as I can.

The moment the door closed, I gave out a sigh and waited till my heart beat evens. This is so insane! I know that I was dead tired last night, but I’m not expecting us to sleep in one bed together much more wake up hugging each other.

“Hey J!” Unnie greeted upon seeing me walk in the dining area.

The whole family except for Jiyong is already having breakfast and the smiles on their faces are so intriguing.

“What’s up with you people?” I asked curiously.

Kwon Omma stood up from her seat to get a plate and utensils for me “Sit here” she said and I obeyed right away.

“I made you your favorite egg rolls and hotdogs” she said and put some on my plate.

“Aigoo Omma…you don’t have to do this…I can manage” I told her and she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

“I missed doing this to you J….so just let me” she said and I hugged her.

“Thank you” I said and smiled.

It seems like nothing really has changed for the affection that the whole Kwon family is giving me is still the same and they are so warm even if I’ve been a bit cold yesterday.

“So…how was your first night?” Unnie asked, making me stop from eating.

I looked at each one of them and the moment I met my twins’ eyes, I felt something that I cannot even explain. My daughters look so happy for the smiles on their faces are not fading at all.

“It’s…..good…I slept well I think” I answered awkwardly.

“It was REALLY good Auntie” Justice butted in, making me look at her.

I looked at her as if saying “What is in your mind little girl?”

She smiled at me then giggled “Because Appa is beside her…they’re hugging each other…Mom’s head is even resting on Appa’s chest….they are so sweet…and mushy….and…..”

“And what?”

I jerked up upon hearing his voice behind me. This is so unbelievable. I guess my decision of staying here isn’t good at all. I think I really have to look for a place where they can’t tease and make fun of me anymore.

“And?” Jiyong asked again.

“And…you really look like you love each other so damn much” Unnie answered instead, making me want to bang her head on the table.

“Unnie!” I called, earning loud laughs from them.

“What? I’m just saying the truth you know” she is really going to get it from me later. I swear. She’s got a lot to pay.

“Mom…your ears…and cheeks” Jubilee said while pointing at me.

“What’s the matter?” I as

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enough of the boring stuff! Let the fun begin! haha!


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 97: I’ve never cried when i read stories.. but I cried... good job.. love all your stories
Heymama #2
Chapter 51: Hi Author-nim..just read ur story..Daebakkk..good job!
Love the storyline..esp the twins who became the bridge for their parents..family oriented...love it..
jessicabyun #3
Chapter 97: Jjang daebak
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 31: Fudge!! If only i can enter your story,
Chapter 97: I really liked this story. although there were moments where I just wanted to kill someone xD and the dramaaa.. so much drama but it was worth it in the end.
Good job, it's a fantastic story ;)
YunaJi #6
Chapter 93: Bakit nandyan si ding dong?
Chapter 97: OH gooooooooooooooood .... after all this drama .... finally happy ending ^^
once again you're amazing writer auhtor-nim :)))
thanks for this wonderful story ^^ and for your hard work :)) ♥♥
Chapter 47: Daddy GD is hot. That's all that I kept thinking about while reading the chapters with him and the twins. Ghed. ^_^
Chapter 97: "His brain goes down to his foot sometimes" yyyupp that's Danger...he got soo much from his appa! Hahaha Awesome story! (^_^)v
I love it!!!