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He’s crazy. No. I must be crazy. How did I let this happen to me? Why did I let this guy love me this much? What am I going to do now? He sounds so obsessed and I’m seriously freaked by it. I want him to free me, but after all the things that he said, I don’t know. I feel like this is more difficult than I thought it was.

“Duke…I’m scared” I said, receiving a curious look from him.

“Scared of what?” he asked.

“You” I answered with fear in my voice.

He smirked then caressed my cheek “Why? Honey….there’s nothing to be scared about if you’re not doing anything wrong” his smile is telling me that he knows something.

“Why do I have a feeling that you’re hiding something from me?” I asked and he chuckled.

“What will I hide from you? Jiyoung….you know so well that I don’t keep secrets from you at all…I tell EVERYTHING….I just don’t know in your case” he sounds so freaky.

“Are you doubting me? Do I look like I’m gonna cheat on you?” I am ready to fire back, even though my nerves are already killing me.

“Do I look like I am? Do I have to doubt?” he asked and all I can do is sigh.

“I know you Duke….I know that when you’re acting so freaky and totally weird…you know something that I don’t or you have seen something that I didn’t see” I answered and he just looked at me intently.

“Are we going to fight because of this? Honey…I just answered your question awhile ago…I just told you that I cannot live without you and no other man can have you….and here you are…making a fuss about it” he said and I just rolled my eyes at him “Why do I feel like you’re the one who’s hiding something from me?”

The moment I heard his question, I felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water at me. Duke is a good actor for he can act like he knows nothing when truth is, he does know something. Before, I can still read him. Now, I don’t know why I can’t.

“What would I hide from you?” I asked, hoping that my eyes are not giving me out.

“A gift? A surprise? A big announcement?” he answered unsurely “Another guy maybe?”

He is really ing my brain up. I don’t know what to do and say anymore. A lot of things are entering my mind already. I feel like he knows something about me and Jiyong. If my instincts are right, I’ll surely die for my plan will definitely go down the drain in just a snap.

“You know what? Let’s just stop this…you’re acting so weird and is even talking weird as well…you’re thinking way too much” I told him and he smirked.

“Honey…I’m just playing with you” is he some kind of bipolar now? His serious and scary mood turned into being playful in a snap.

After that, things got so awkward already. We’re together in one room but none of us are talking. I’m unpacking my things and he’s just watching me. I’m better off alone, but he doesn’t wanna leave yet.

“You bought a lot” he said while looking at my overflowing suitcase.

“I forgot to ask” he suddenly speaks after a long silence “How’s your trip?” he asked and I sighed heavily.

“mmm…it was great…I missed everyone and the whole place as well…and being there…spending the time with the people I love is really wonderful” I answered cheerfully.

He is not giving any reactions at all, he’s just staring intently at me, freaking me out again “I wish I was there….Honey….I thought you don’t want to go back to Korea ever again…what’s with the sudden change of heart?” he asked.

“You know…things change and how can I not go back where I was born and raised in the first place? No matter how long I stay here in Australia and in other places around the world….I can’t hide the fact that I am a Korean and I’ll forever go back to my roots…I may have said that I don’t want to go back anymore…but I just said that out of an outburst of emotions” I told him and he just gave me a nod.


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enough of the boring stuff! Let the fun begin! haha!


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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 97: I’ve never cried when i read stories.. but I cried... good job.. love all your stories
Heymama #2
Chapter 51: Hi Author-nim..just read ur story..Daebakkk..good job!
Love the storyline..esp the twins who became the bridge for their it..
jessicabyun #3
Chapter 97: Jjang daebak
jessicabyun #4
Chapter 31: Fudge!! If only i can enter your story,
Chapter 97: I really liked this story. although there were moments where I just wanted to kill someone xD and the dramaaa.. so much drama but it was worth it in the end.
Good job, it's a fantastic story ;)
YunaJi #6
Chapter 93: Bakit nandyan si ding dong?
Chapter 97: OH gooooooooooooooood .... after all this drama .... finally happy ending ^^
once again you're amazing writer auhtor-nim :)))
thanks for this wonderful story ^^ and for your hard work :)) ♥♥
Chapter 47: Daddy GD is hot. That's all that I kept thinking about while reading the chapters with him and the twins. Ghed. ^_^
Chapter 97: "His brain goes down to his foot sometimes" yyyupp that's Danger...he got soo much from his appa! Hahaha Awesome story! (^_^)v
I love it!!!