The first day

My lost girlfriend

I want to apogize for a late update, I've been really really really busy lately and well. that's it, just being busy. So here's a new chapter ^-^

Still for the people, a happy new year. I hope you all will get a great, splendid and lovely 2013





Minhyuk woke up by the smell of nice warm baked bread and a soft humming sound of Luna. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Luna who was making breakfast, a smile appeared on his face then. He looked to Luna without saying something. Though soon he slowly doze off while keeping the smile on his face.

‘You waking up, hyukkie?’

Minhyuk heard Luna saying after some while, he looked at her and nodded a few times. He stood up and stretched as far as he could. Kissing each other goodmorning, before Minhyuk got out of bed. Both getting to the table and sat down. Eating breakfast then, in a silence.


After the breakfast and both had been all dressed up to get outside. They did. Getting outside with a backpack on their backs and had stuff, ready to go hiking. Minhyuk closed and locked the door. Hand in hand, Minhyuk and Luna started to walk. They had decided to take the easy route today and tomorrow when it would be their last day . They would do something harder. ‘It is to bad, we just have two days together. Or we would’ve been here a lot longer and would’ve walked a lot more’

Minhyuk said while walking. Luna nodded in agreement.

‘Though I do already like these few days.’

Luna said then with a  slight nod. Just to sign to her boyfriend she loved it already even though it was just a few days. Like nothing could go wrong, right?


While walking the whole route, it was a lovely time for the both of them. Once in a while stopping to make a photo of themselves with a lovely and great view on the background, or taking photo’s of cute other couples who were walking around as well. They stopped after some hours of walking to take break. They had found a nice place near a lake which was there. They sat down.

‘What did you brought with you?’

Luna asked to Minhyuk. Minhyuk smirked as he grabbed something out of his backpack.


‘Eh~, I am bad at guessing, I don’t do it’

Luna said as he pouted her lips then, which did made Minhyuk chuckling.

‘If you don’t guess, you wont get it!’

Minhyuk said then teasingly to her, which made Luna puff her cheeks and she looked away. Right away as she looked away. Minhyuk grabbed the box of strawberries out of the bag just as a box with some cupcakes. Luna turned around again with an open mouth because she wanted to say something. But instead of saying something, she started to laugh.


Then, both of them started to eat, enjoying the lovely and fresh taste of the strawberries as they enjoyed the view on the city. It looked so close while it was far away. The whole city was seen, just  a great place to eat and enjoy just everything.


After the little break, Luna and Minhyuk had been walking again. Walking the route back, which was better , since it was already getting dark.

‘I can’t imagine we already are walking the whole day!, it feels like we just started’

Minhyuk said with a soft sigh.

‘I agree, luckily we still have tomorrow’

Luna added then, but then. While walking There was this little cute house as an old lady was walking outside, surprisingly the old lady pointed to them.. Minhyuk frowned and wanted to walk away. But Luna stood still.

‘Let’s go, you never know what she wants to do..’

‘Eh, oppa~. She’s old, perhaps she just needs our help.’

Minhyuk nodded then slight and both walked to the old lady, but before they even could ask what was wrong. The old lady looked at Luna.

‘You.. young lady, you’ve to be careful or you’ll end up downhill’

Both looked confused to each other and then to the lady. Minhyuk opened his mouth to say well actually ask something since he didn’t understood it at all.

‘And you young man, keep an eye on her.. there’s something big going to happen.’

‘Ahjussie, where are you talking about?’

Luna asked slowly, but didn’t any respond as the old lady started to talk something both of them didn’t understand it.

‘Luna-shii, you still think she needs our help?’

He whispered to Luna, so the old lady might not hear it, Luna shook her head.

‘You think I am crazy?!, I am warning you two.. you should go home, do not walk tomorrow, go home.. be safe!’

‘We will be safe’

Luna said and quickly bowed to the old lady. She took Minhyuk’s hand and walked fast away. Minhyuk easily walked along, both didn’t really had liked what had happened. Was it real, a warning or was it just an old lady who needed some attention or was just joking? Fast they were just walking, hoping to be back soon.


Now, they’d been back to their little hut. They had put their bags away as they were sitting on the couch. Watching something. They were to tired to cook something, so they just were eating some leftovers they had from their walking trip. They hadn’t spoke over the old lady ever since they had left her. Maybe, it was better like this.

‘Oppa, do you think.. that the old lady was right?, I watched once a drama where the same happened and there really happened something, like the old ladies in those houses are like, fortune tellers.. you know what I mean?’

Luna said as she slowly looked up to her boyfriend, who just blinked a few times before he spoke. Like he was thinking before he answered.

‘Honestly, I don’t think so.. she’s probable someone who loves to prank people. I might’ve done the same when I would live here all alone.. and being all old’

‘I don’t think you’d live here when you’re old, you would be with the other BtoB members would be still on stage’

Both chuckled, and he nodded then. BtoB and Melodies were forever. Just as his love for Luna which would be forever. Maybe even more than that. While walking something on the television, Luna had been fallen asleep on Minhyuk’s lap, that tired she was. Minhyuk who had noticed it, couldn’t help it to smile. He turned the television off with the remote control and lifted up Luna carefully, as he had done that. He walked to the bed and laid her down. Putting off her shoes and laid the blankets over her. He walked to bedroom to wash his face and honestly, he was to tired to change just like Luna and just crawled into bed. As soon he had touched the pillow of the bed. He was asleep. He dreamed, dreaming about the old lady, like she was warning him through the dream it was odd. He never had something like that before. He just turned around and tried to think of something else. Which he was able to do, he started to think about BtoB, the fans and of course his girlfriend. Dreaming slowly about the nice things.


-Minhyuk’s dream-



‘Look we’re almost there!, just a few more steps and we would be back at our hut. Do you see that old lady was just talking’

Minhyuk said, but no respond. He turned around, he widened his eyes and looked around again. Luna! She’s gone! How did that happen, just a little moment she was standing besides him and now.. She’s gone.



-end of dream-


Minhyuk opened his eyes right after he had shouted LUNA! In his dream. He looked besides him and saw Luna just sleeping. “Just a dream, Minhyuk it is just a dream. That old lady was just joking..” He his side and closed his eyes “It was just a dream”

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Chapter 4: Ah, finally something that could keep me curious! I wonder what kind of danger they're in ; even i'd believe anything a old lady tells me lol
Chapter 3: LOL it seems like they're a newlywed couple instead of a gf-bf couple XD
Chapter 1: nice thanx for this update but it waas short
i love the necklace ^^
hmm..tbh i never did like Minhyuk, ever since the Irrisistable Lips MV. But i hope you could help me like him back, with the aid of this fic ;) now that i know someone who ships them (which i secretly did in the past), my hopes have been risen up