I can't wait

My lost girlfriend

A/N: Hi everyone, I've to say.. I am a bit of sickish so this chapter could be rather dull, but Even though because of that. I do hope like it. If you do, comment, subscribe, or tell anyone else. (":










-BtoB’s dorm-


Minhyuk was already finished with packing his stuff within 10 minutes, it was partly because before he went to Malaysia, he already had put his stuff together. So he knew for sure he wouldn’t forget a thing. But now, now he had to wait for a long long time. What should he do. He looked if he had everything. Just to be sure he had, as he had done that. He walked to the living room.

‘Is it time yet’

Minhyuk asked, but when he didn’t get an answer fast enough, he simply asked it again.

‘Is it…’

‘Yah~, we heard you the first time’

Eunkwang cut Minhyuk off

‘But, no.. it is not time yet. There’s still like 90 minutes of waiting.. but are you sure you’ve everything?’

Eunkwang answered the question Minhyuk had answered. Minhyuk nodded right away. Changsub who started to join the conversation smirked slight.

‘You sure, Minhyuk-hyung~?’

Changsub asked while wiggling his eyebrows. Minhyuk widened his eyes when he saw Changsub doing like that.

‘I am!, and don’t think those things!.. you’re not supposed to..’

‘I was just kidding~’

Changsub said then. Which made Minhyuk pout his lips. Nope, Minhyuk didn’t had liked that joke. But Minhyuk would have his revenge……….after the weekend.

‘Subbie-ah~, I will get you back!’



-F(x)’s Dorm-


As soon Luna had been back at the dorm, she was hurrying to get her stuff, while letting the others standing there, without actually knowing what was going on.

‘What..ehh.. are you doing luna?’

Sulli eventually asked as Sulli went after Luna. Luna put the stuff in her bag as she looked at Sulli.

‘Well, Minhyukkie and I are going away for this weekend.. Awesome don’t you think’

Luna answered while smiling brightly. She jumped up when she almost forgot what she had got from her boyfriend.

‘And look at this, he even gave me this!’

Luna said as she showed the necklace to Sulli and eventually the others who arrived at the place Sulli and Luna were. Who were all smiling as soon they’d sent he necklace.

‘Ahhwzzz.. how cute!’

Krystal said as she let out a soft yet happily sigh.

‘When does he comes then?’

Amber asked now to Luna, Luna thought for a moment. Before she answered:

‘Well, it was two ours when he told me so.’

Luna said while actually looking to the ceiling as she thought about it.

‘Then you’ve to hurry!’

Amber said as she rose her voice, which made Luna startled, Just as she wanted to ask why. Amber already talked.

‘You still have 90 minutes left’

Luna puffed her cheeks after hearing that.

‘Eh~, that wasn’t fun..’

Though, seeing the others thought the opposite of it. With that, Luna simply went on further with packing her stuff.




-BtoB’s dorm-


Minhyuk stared at the clock, while the others were simply doing their own things. Which was nothing much special, watching some television, playing some games on the phone’s or Ipod, Talking or eating.


Eunkwang jumped up as soon he heard the sudden YAY. Eunkwang looked fast to Minhyuk, since Minhyuk was the cause of his sudden shock.

‘What’s wrong.. or …right?’

Eunkwang asked, since he wasn’t so sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.. He will hear it.

‘It’s now still 45 minutes and I can go~ and see Nae Sarang’

Minhyuk said. Which caused Eunkwang to sigh.. “This kid” Eunkwang mumbled soft as Eunkwang turned his head to the television again.




-F(x)’s Dorm-


Finally, Luna was finished. She had packed her stuff and everything what she wanted to bring with her, she had placed it by the front door. She walked to the nearest mirror and looked at herself, well herself. More to the necklace around her, and with her thoughts of her boyfriend made her smile idiotically. Sunken in her thoughts about the thoughts of her first date.


*Flashback, the first date*


Luna was sitting already in the car, waiting for her boyfriend to get out of the Cube building, it felt like centuries that waiting. Though she had known it would’ve take some longer, because of the preparations of the BtoB members. Even though they were rookies back then. Anyhow, she was able to wait. She had wait almost her whole life for a boyfriend like this, this few moments she could wait.


Luna jumped up as she heard the sudden voice of her love, which made her giggle softly. But she got stopped with giggling by a sweet and tender kiss of Minhyuk. Minhyuk was smiling afterwards as they car drove off. Minhyuk looked at Luna lovingly.

‘I missed you~, It took so looong~’

Minhyuk said childlike, just to make his love smile.



*end of flashback*


While Luna was still sunken in her thoughts of her first date, she hadn’t noticed the time had passed. But, got woken of her thoughts when she heard the front door bell. Which made her pout her lips for a second, she was just thinking about one of her moment memorable moments she liked the most. She opened the door and as she wanted to talk all grumpy of how someone could do this to her, she noticed Minhyuk and smiled bright.

‘I was just thinking of you!’

Luna said brightly.

‘Ehh~, was it a nice thought.. did I treated you nice?’


Luna said and kissed Minhyuk’s cheeks.

‘Shall we go then?’

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Chapter 4: Ah, finally something that could keep me curious! I wonder what kind of danger they're in ; even i'd believe anything a old lady tells me lol
Chapter 3: LOL it seems like they're a newlywed couple instead of a gf-bf couple XD
Chapter 1: nice thanx for this update but it waas short
i love the necklace ^^
hmm..tbh i never did like Minhyuk, ever since the Irrisistable Lips MV. But i hope you could help me like him back, with the aid of this fic ;) now that i know someone who ships them (which i secretly did in the past), my hopes have been risen up