A nice weekend for the two of us.

My lost girlfriend


Prologue: The 3rd anniversary



Minhyuk was sitting in the car which his manager was driving, Finally after some days having some showcases in Malaysia he was able to see his love again. He had to say, he had missed Luna a lot. While the car was driving he looked through the window outside, searching for the sign of the SM building, knowing Luna had still practice and will be finished soon. He couldn’t wait to surprise with something he had planned for her. With those thoughts, his smile became brighter and brighter.




Minhyuk right away yelled brightly to Luna, as soon he saw her coming out of the SM building, he had been waiting for just some minutes. Which seemed centuries for him. Luna smiled bright as she ran to him.


Luna said as she literally sprung in the arms of her love.  Minhyuk looked at Luna as he started to speak.

‘You know what day it is.. right?’

‘Of course I do, silly~. How would I forget our third anniversary!?’

Minhyuk smiled innocently when he heard her answering that, it was obvious she wouldn’t forget such a thing. He grabbed a little present out of his pocket and gave it to Luna.

‘Here open up!’

Luna did what her was asked and she opened the present, here eyes started to sparkle as she saw it was a necklace, with a half heart.. with of course the name of Minhyuk written in it. Meanwhile, Minhyuk showed her the other half he was wearing while he had a cheesy smile on his face.

‘But that’s not it!.. I’ve a little surprise for you..’

‘What is it?’

Luna asked right away, she already had loved the necklace so much, what could she get more?

‘Well, did you forget what you said to me when you mentioned what you wanted to do, if we would be still together after 3 years’

Luna’s eyes grew big as she heard it, a bright lovely smile appeared on his way.

‘No way?!.. you really..’

Minhyuk nodded right away.

‘Yup!, the Bukhan mountain hiking weekend.. and just with the two of us’

Instead of a thank you, Luna kissed Minhyuk right on the lips. Which Minhyuk answered by kissing her back. After a little moment, Minhyuk broke the kiss and looked at her.

‘Well, gather your stuff.. I will pick you up in two hours.’

Luna nodded, kissed her boyfriend a goodbye kiss and hurried fast to her place, finally she was going to have a nice weekend with her boyfriend, while walking home. She put on her necklace.

Minhyuk got back in the car and as soon he was inside. The manager drove to the BtoB’s place.


This would become the best weekend…. Both of them thought.




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Chapter 4: Ah, finally something that could keep me curious! I wonder what kind of danger they're in ; even i'd believe anything a old lady tells me lol
Chapter 3: LOL it seems like they're a newlywed couple instead of a gf-bf couple XD
Chapter 1: nice thanx for this update but it waas short
i love the necklace ^^
hmm..tbh i never did like Minhyuk, ever since the Irrisistable Lips MV. But i hope you could help me like him back, with the aid of this fic ;) now that i know someone who ships them (which i secretly did in the past), my hopes have been risen up