Chapter 18

Little Voice; Big World

Today was the concert day and everyone is up early rehearsing. I yawn as I sit in the front row with GO’s hoodie on since I lost mine somehow. I curl up into a ball hopping to fall asleep...

“ABBY IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! YOUR PART IS NEXT!” shout Rain from a bullhorn.

I fell off my seat and groan. 

“You are killing me..”


“Abby I need you to think of a solo dance.” Rain said during our lunch break.|
“Are you kidding me?” I ask glaring at him as I take an angry bite out of my kimbap.
“No, but you need too.”
“Hate you so much!” I got up and left the room with Joon’s mp3 player. Yes the guys love me so much they don’t care I take their stuff without letting them know.
“I love you too.” Rain grin as he continue eating in peace.

I lay alone in a dance room with mirrors surrounding me. I listen to every song I could possibly dance too. I tap my fingers against the cold floor and suddenly an idea pop into my mind. I jump up running out the door.

“You need a laptop?” question Cheon Doong.
“Yes do you know where one is?” I ask.

He point up to the booth where Rain is. I hug him and dash up the stairs.

“She seems to be in a hurry.” said Seung Ho. Cheon Doong nod along.

I kick the door open and Rain turn around.

“You can knock or open it normally.” said Rain.
“I need a laptop.” I demand.
“For a song for my solo dance this evening.”

Rain scoots to the side letting me take over. I type as fast as I can and found my song.

“Got it, hey play this when I’m on stage and ready. I’ll give you a signal.” I command.
“And what is the signal?” he ask.
“When I snap.” I reply running back down.

Rain sighs and is curious to see.

I throw off the hoodie and put Joon’s mp3 down gently. In position I give Rain the signal. The music blast through the speakers and I dance to the beat. I remember the steps clearly in my head from Josh (from America).
When the song finish I end in my pose and look up at Rain in the booth.
“So how did I do?” I ask in a shouting voice.
“Perfect.” He replies through the speakers.
“Wow that was amazing!” exclaim Seung Ho and GO.
“Woah Abby where did you learn those moves from?” ask Cheon Doong.
“From an old friend from America.” I smile.
“OKAY EVERYONE IT IS TIME TO GET READY!” Rain shouts through the bullhorn.


I sit on the salon chair as they did my hair and makeup. It is pretty boring, but it gives me time to think about last night.

“Funny feeling for Joon and butterfly feelings for Mir…what is that funny feeling with Joon? In the movies the butterfly feelings are usually the person you like, but then again funny feelings are the same as butterfly feelings. Ugh what does this mean!?”

I sigh and the stylist and makeup artist was finish with me. I look at the mirror and stare at myself.

“What does it mean?” I ask.
“What does what mean?” ask Mir behind me.
“Oh does Noona mean! I’ve been hearing it lately and I wanna know.” I lied.
“It means older sister. I thought you already know this from your classes?” Mir chuckle.

I laugh along nervously.

“You okay?”
“Oh yeah! I’m super! Just ready to get this day over with!” I said a bit too hyper.

Mir just stare at me and Joon came up beside him. Oh dear.

“Hey.” He greet us.
“Hi.” I reply quietly.
“Is she okay?” ask Joon to Mir.
“She says she is super. I believe she is nervous.” Mir reply.

They look at me. I force a smile.

“Well look at the time I’m gonna take Mir for a walk and that means my dog.” I jump out of the seat running out the door.

Mir and Joon just look at each other.

“Ahhh Mir what do I do?!?! What do these feelings mean? I just need a damn answer!” I exclaim hitting my head.
“Hey don’t mess up your hair.” said Seung Ho from behind.

I jump and turn around quickly. “Did you just hear everything I said?” I ask nervously.
Seung Ho nods his head as I smack mine.

“Hey stop that. Now explain to your Oppa what’s wrong.”

I sigh. It is confessing time.

“So you have a crush on Mir and Joon.” He confirms.
“I don’t have a crush on them.” I defend myself.
“Yes you do. Am I right Mir?” Seung Ho asks Mir (dog).
“Arf!” bark Mir nodding his head.
“You actually understand and agree with him!” I exclaim.

Mir (dog) jump into Seung Ho’s lap coward in fear. I sigh. “Ah I don’t know anymore Oppa. I don’t know if I do have a crush or not.” I confess.
Seung Ho pats my back and stand up. “Give yourself some time to figure it out. Don’t think about it now since we got a concert to do.” He said putting his hand out. I grab it and he pulls me up. We grin at each other and head back in.


I stare at myself in the mirror. Mir (dog) nudges on my leg. I pick him up and stare at him.

“You’ll think I do good right?” I ask.

He tilts his head to the side and let his tongue hang out.

“Oh what’s the point on even asking if you’re always gonna give me that expression!”

I put him down and close my eyes. “Okay I know I only talk to you in a time in need and this is kind of one right now. I just hope I do well out there and impress the crowd. I hope they like and continue listening to my music I will produce with Rain and the MBLAQ members. Amen.”

I open my eyes and smile.

*knock knock*


The door open and it is Mir.

“How are you feeling?” He ask.
“Nervous, but I’ll be okay.” I reply weakly smiling.

He leans against the table and smile at me.

“I bet you will do great. I’ll be singing with you out there.”
Yeah like that made me feel better.
“I know.”

Mir grabs my hand and rubs it softly. I felt myself turning red, but I try to hide it.

Mir’s POV

As I rub Abby’s hand I can still feel her tense up. Also seeing her turn red, but what do I do? I’m turning red too! The door open and we turn to see who it was.

“Hey the concert is about to start in a few…minutes...” Joon said. He notices us holding hands.
“Oh okay.” Abby said quietly pulling her hand away. Dammit.

Abby left the room.

“What are you doing holding her hand?” ask Joon curiously.
“I’m just trying to comfort her.” I reply.
“Look like you weren’t.” he murmurs.
“Why? Jealous?” I smirk.
“Pfft, No.”
“It sure looks like you are.”
“Don’t push my buttons.”
“Already did.” I said walking out the room.

The concert was about to begin. Abby was on the other side of the stage where she enters. I am standing on the side where I enter to sing with her. She looks at me. I smile and she smile in reply. Rain came out on the stage and introduces Abby. Abby runs on stage and begins to do her solo. I watch her. She seems so different on stage than off. The other members come behind me to watch.

“Aww look at our little Abby performing!” squeal Cheon Doong.
“She trained so hard.” GO add.
“I just wanna cry!” Seung Ho said fighting back the tears.

I glance at Joon. He was observing her quietly.

She was done dancing and her song begins to play. The guys cheer on the top of their lungs for her. My part was about to go on and I ran out. The crowd cheers louder once they saw me. I rap my part and stare into her eyes. She smiles at me blushing. When I was done rapping she begins singing again. I grab her hand and she look at me surprisingly.

The song finally ends and I pull her into a hug.
“You did great.” I whisper into her ear.

She smile and turns off the mic. “Thanks.” Abby reply turning red.

The rest of the guys come out ready to dance our big number.

Abby’s POV

I put my mic down and got into place.

“You did great!” whisper Seung Ho, GO, Cheon Doong, and Joon as we pose.
“Thanks!” I reply.

The music blast out and we dance until it was done.

I watch the guys from the sidelines. My eyes couldn’t leave Mir for some reason. And here comes the butterfly feelings. I thought about what Seung Ho said as I stare at Mir. I think I do have a crush on him. Mir eyes met mine and he wink at me. I blush as Rain come up to me. I shook out of it.

“So Rain how was my first debut?” I ask.
“It went perfect. Just perfect.” Rain reply.
“See I wouldn’t let you down.” I smirk.
“Of course you wouldn’t. If you did I would send you back to America.”

 I stare at him.

“But you didn’t let me down so I wouldn’t send you back. Plus I would just keep pushing you harder to do better if you did horrible.” I glare at him.

“But then again I don’t want you to go so I wouldn’t send you back period.”
I sigh with relief.

“I am glad I did agree to come here.” I said.
Rain smile, “Well you had no choice to come since I wouldn’t stop bothering you.”

“Yeah you stalker! Anyway how did you know my whole background?” I ask.
“Cause I’m your uncle.” Rain reply.
“Liar! Seriously how?”

Rain turns to me. “Does my expression look like I’m lying to you?"
I stare him and study his face. He wasn’t lying.

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what a great fanfic i really enjoyed it. thanks alot and keep on writting :-)
kpop_luv #2
SPOILER I really gotta stop reading comments before finishing the story
#3 Hey there! Sorry for advertising here, but mind checking out my fic? Lots of thanks :D and subscribe?
loved the story ^_^!!
:) Nice story! hahaha... <3
Ojo-Sama #6
I love this story so much, I stayed up till 11:30 to finish it! I can't wait to read the sequal.
hehe nice story ^^
hahahah i'm glad you had fun reading this :DDD<br />
and its all good! i enjoyed reading your comments, it made me laugh since i would say the same thing too ^^v
this was a fun read, but i suppose i should probably apologize for bombing your comment box...oops? *nervous laugh*