How did I Exactly Meet Her? (Part 1)

Unpublished Story


Losing someone is always hard. Losing the one you love is even harder…

You would always think if you could go back in time and make things right or savor the moments you had with that someone.

But unfortunately, you can’t. If you had a time a machine, possibly yes.

But no, time machines don’t exist.  Well for me it doesn’t, and it never will.




“Hey!” A sweet voice was heard very clear despite the booming loud noises of the music echoing around the bar. I looked at the person right next to me, I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl, I was to drunk and sober. But all I knew he or she was short.

“Is this seat taken?” She asks gesturing for the empty seat beside as I shook my head and he sat down comfortably.

“Got some personal problems huh?” the shorter one asks.

What? How does he know? Is he a stalker or something?” I thought.

“You may think am I a stalker from that statement I just said. I wish I was but sadly no.” the shorter one chuckled as he said and ordered a drink.

“How do you – ““Know? Well, I read people. Not the minds though but from the facial expressions.” He had to cut me off. Seriously.” I sighed as I thought.

“Well, I guess you work at the hospital near here.” He uttered as he sipped his drink.

I had to associate him or her as a ‘He’ since I didn’t know what to call him or her. I guess it’s fine unless I find out he’s a she. Trying to clear my blurry eyesight to get a clear view of what his features are. I could only tell he has white skin tone, milky white to be exact. He was skinny, and he was showing so much skin.

I wonder if I guy would show so much skin especially on the belly area. But nah, I don’t care. He seems nice. I smiled at him and nodded. “Yes I do work at that hospital.”

“Mmm. I thought so. Well, now I know your work, at least you must know mine.” He smiled and sipped on his drink. “I am a famous writer. Well, I should not brag about that. But well, that’s my nature. And I apologize ahead if I would say something unpleasant to your ears.”

“Oh, a writer, what kind of books do you write?” I ask. “I write books based from real people’s life. Sometimes, I write my own stories. But usually, I write Fictions.” He said.

“Hmm, interesting. I suppose you are about to write my story huh?” I irked out leaning my head down the table feeling a bit dizzy. “If you would give me the permission then yes.” He smiled at me and continued to drink the last drop of beer he was having.

“No thanks I am not interested.” I snorted and looks at him, his facial features was getting clear. His upper lips were small compared to his lower ones. He had chubby cheeks, but it was cute. His hair was long dropping down to his shoulders. It was gold locks, it was beautiful. In that instant, I fell in love with him.

“Well, I have to go now. Thank you, but I will find you one day and ask you again if I could write you on my next book. See you around.” He said standing up and heads his way to the door.

“Hey! I shouted.”I don’t know your name yet!” I shouted and he looked back with a smiling face. “Kim Taeyeon.” He shouted back, waved and headed out.

Kim Taeyeon? That’s a girl’s name. Oh well, I can’t blame his parents for naming him that. I just shrugged it out of my system as the night continues.



Sipping some coffee, trying to ease the tension I have inside  me. This day has been rough and it’s still starting.

“Hey!” A hit on my head woke me back to my senses. Looking at my side I could see it was Tiffany who did it.  “Aish, what was that for?” Rubbing the part where she hit me. “To keep you awake. Still having some hang over’s huh?” She took some of the discharge papers and takes a look on them one by one.

“Yeah a bit. Hey, I saw guy yesterday at the bar. And his name was kind of girly.” Tapping my chin trying to recall every bit of that moment we had.

“Really? Ha! You were just very drunk last night Jessie. And remember, NO SURGERIES unless that alcohol in your system is washed of.” She reminded me.

“Are you going to scold me again? Cause I don’t feel I’m in the mood on your rants Tiff.” I jokingly said earning a playful punch from the latter.

“I wish I could but no. My shift is over; I need to get some shut eye at home.” She patted my shoulder. “It’s not easy to be the head of Neurosurgery is it? Well, you can do that cousin. I have your back always.” She smiles and left to the locker rooms.

Yeah right, I’m here about to give up this position.” I thought.





A/N: I'm a bit in a rush of the story.. That's cause I cant think of anything... My met my worst enemy again.. Writers Block.. Well, I will anyways to elaborate more on the next chapter. Please dont be disappointed. Like I said, I have other things than just writing this story.. 33:

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JooNa0309 #1
Chapter 3: Will this fanfic be updated again?
sicachuichooseyou #2
Chapter 3: this is good but Kim Taeyeon is a boy's name too. I have a guy friend called Kim Taeyeon. I can't wait for more!
bella88ss #3
Chapter 3: Hahaha.. I wonder what will be Sica's reaction when she knows that Taeyeon is a girl.. Hehehe
Chapter 3: lol jessica thinks taeyeon's a guy and still thinks she is a guy even when she told jessica her name hahaha :D Ah wangjanim you're so manly~~ Thanks for the update ~!
Chapter 3: please update soon
sicachuichooseyou #6
Chapter 2: keep up the good work.
Chapter 2: it is getting more and more interesting
please update soon
Chapter 2: thanks for the update .. i thought you are .. so you did a research abt it .. well it's good ..
bella88ss #9
Chapter 2: Thank u for the update author-shi! :D
Now Donghae is dead, i know that we are closer the appearance of Taeyeon.. :)
Chapter 1: please update soon