



            I stared at him as he ate my food. I also watched him as he ran out my hot water. And I also saw him falling at his lowest. It was beginning to upset me.


"Oppa." I said, catching his attention from the food before him. "How long do you plan staying here? Don't you have anywhere else to go to?"


He blinks at me then frowns. "I have never thought I would see the day when a VIP would kick out a member of BIGBANG. Well, formers count as well too, right?"


"Yah. But you can't stay here. Forget about me. I'm worried about you. In case you didn't know, you were my favorite from the rest. I would love to hear your voice once again."


He smiles. "Thank you. But because you asked so nicely…. I'll stop eating all of your food."


"W-Wait. You're staying?"



            He walks over to the couch where I was seated. "And I must thank you for your hospitality. For that, I will do whatever you want me to do."


"Okay then go back to YG and beg for your job back."


"Mm, no. Except that." He sits beside me and smiles again. And there goes my eye contact. I looked away quickly, almost hurting my neck in the process. Why does he have to be so cute? Why does he have to stay here? Doesn't have any shame in hanging around with a girl like me? What would people think of me when they happen to see him walk outside of my house? I suddenly panicked.


"Um… Well, how long do you plan staying here? Aren't you uncomfortable staying at my place? I'm a girl."


He looks at me for a moment before gasping dramatically. "Omo, you're right! How am I able to speak to you so comfortably?"


His cute eyes widened while his hands were cupping his face.


"What are we going to do?" I asked.




He was indeed a goofy one. I had also forgotten how silly Daesung could be. I watched him as he drew a line in my room with tape. Once he was done, he looks at me with satisfying eyes. "Aja! This side is MY room. The other side is yours."


I looked at my bed as it was split down the middle. One side for me?


One side for….. him????


The sudden thought of sleeping in the same bed with him gave me instant dirty thoughts. For some reason, I had already envisioned a scene in the back of my mind. I would be me on my side and him and his side. He was sleep and I couldn't sleep.


"Oppa. I can't sleep." I said, poking his arm.


He groans lightly, turning in my direction. "Really? Do you want oppa to cuddle with you?"


I didn't say a word but he grabs me into his body with his eyes still closed.


"O-Oppa?" I whispered, looking at him.


His small eyes opens and he smiles at me. "Or will a good night kiss make everything better?"


"Uhm…." I didn't know what to say. But he kisses my forehead.


Gah!! I shook the image in my head, finally turning my eyes to him. "Yah, this isn't going to work, oppa. It's still the same bed."


He had his hand placed on his hips as he looks at the bed repeatedly. “Ah. I guess you’re right.” He reaches for the tape on the bed and tears it off.


“Then I wonder where are you going to sleep, dongsaeng?” Daesung asked, finally laying on my bed.


My bed.


For some reason, a sharp pain had shot into my side, causing me to drop to the floor. I wasn’t sure if Daesung had gotten up from my bed to help me but it felt like I was in another world.


My mind had instantly flashed into the past. I could see… my boyfriend.


He’s looking at me with a smile on his face. His eyes are bright and he reached out for my hand. I couldn’t reach it so he attempts to speak to me. He was saying something to me but I couldn’t hear his voice.


“What are you saying?”


He repeats his words but this time I can hear some sort of whisper.


I could only read the words move… and without. I couldn’t piece the other words.


“Laila-shi. Yah. Dongsaeng?”


My eyes flashed open and I saw Daesung before my eyes. He looked worried.


“D-Daesung?” I said, voice hoarse a bit. “What the hell happened?”


            He doesn’t respond. Instead, he my cheek lightly. “You fainted so I placed you on the bed. I didn’t want to leave you on the ground. Yah, are you all right?”


I stared at him as he kept scanning my face. While he was doing that, I was still trying to think straight. Like, why did I just faint? Or why is Daesung so close to my face right now? Or maybe… Why am I tempted to stay this close to him?


“I-I’m fine.” I finally said, pushing myself away from him and sitting up form the bed. “I just had a…. I actually don’t know. First I felt a pain in my side then I was dreaming of my dead boyfriend.” I looked at him as he looked back at me in slight confusion. “He was trying to tell me something.”


“Did he seem upset?”


“No. But he seemed very happy.”


Daesung sighs as he got up from the bed. “You can sleep here tonight, dongsaeng.”




            Saturday morning, I woke up late. The sun was already out but I was too lazy to get up. But by the scent of food gave me an assumption that Daesung was awake.


“Ah. You’re up!” I heard a voice come from my bedroom door. I turned my body in that direction, spotting Daesung entering with a tray of food. “I made you breakfast… well, I tried.”


He brought the tray over to my table and I slowly sat up to see what he made. There was toast and eggs along with a glass of orange juice. I was sort of expecting rice at least but okay. He gives me a nervous laugh before attempting to feed me. “Yah. Say ah.”


I looked at him confused. But Daesung ignores it and places the fork in my mouth. “I’m sorry if it doesn’t taste perfect. Cooking isn’t… Ah. How is it?”


Slowly, I chewed and swallowed, trying not to fall that adorable face of his. I bite my lip, eventually giving him a nod and a thumbs up. “Good. But I can feed myself.”


“No, I’ll do it.” He said, preparing another forkful of egg. “I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so worried about you. Don’t ever faint like that again, dongsaneg.”


I didn’t know what to say. It was very nice of him to be concerned. But I was still confused MYSELF about why I had fallen out like that. The only odd explanation I can think of is that my dead boyfriend was trying to send me some message. But things like that only happen in movies. Besides…. Ever since Daesung arrived I haven’t been playing the role of “Ms. Mourning Girl Over Boyfriend’s Recent Death”. And to top it all off, I haven’t really cried about it all. Was there a reason why I didn’t cry? Was there a reason why Daesung’s appearance makes everything feel so…. Good? As if nothing awful had happened?


“I don’t want to repeat myself but I really am sorry about your loss. I’m sure your boyfriend was a good person.” Daesung suddenly commented.


“He was. He was amazing. I hope to see him in the next life.” I said, opening my mouth for my next feed.


A pleased smile appears on his face. “It sound like you loved him.”


“I guess you can say that. I would do almost everything for that guy.” I mumbled.


“Then he must have been a lucky guy. To have someone that not only cares about you, someone who is pretty, and cool, but also loves you for who you really are. You are a very good person.”


My face grew hot so I attempt to laugh it away. “Ah, thank you but… You don’t even know me.”


Daesung puts the fork down and reaches for the toast. “I know enough. I know that you are a warm person. You are letting me stay here. You trust me for some reason and I trust you too. I never once had the thought of you tying me up and selling me away to another fan of mines.” He laughs, sticking the toast before my lips. I stared at him in disbelief before biting the toast. He hardly knows me but… he trusts me.


Before I got a chance to think about it, I found my arms wrapped around Daesung’s neck.


I guess it was meant for me to embrace him. He was still for a moment so I pulled away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I guess it’s because I’m a fan that I had taken your words to heart.”


He stares at me and laughs. “It’s all right.”


I looked back at him and smiled.



Hi, guys. I'm sorry if this chapter was... scattered. My bad. I just got off of school and I'm trying to ease myself into typing mode. The next chapter should be a bit more polished than this. Until then, please leave a comment or something ^^

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aigooo~~ please update :]]]
hi^^V<br />
love this story even though it was a sad opening.. but it was because of that they find each other.. <br />
still wondering what cause her to faint O_O?<br />
can't wait for the next update..