


We met on an awful Monday. I just lost my boyfriend of five years in a car accident and I felt like I was going to die.


I'm sure Daesung felt the way that day. He had the plug pulled on him when YGE decided that he lacked what the others had. Once famous… Now just a number. Like the rest of the society.


I wasn't sure who had it worse that day. We both lost it that day.


I stared at the alcohol at sat beneath my nose. It smelled awful and I wasn't sure why I came to this little tent. I guess it was because I was so used to thinking people came here when they were depressed. Or at least out of it. Like me. I swallowed the hard lump that was settle din my throat before tossing the shoji down my throat. I sizzled somewhat.


As I reached for the bottle, another hand appears. Along with a body, the person sits at my table, his eyes lower than ever. It was him. At first, I was excited. But then I was confused.


What's a hotshot doing here, trying to drink my cheap soju?


I smirked at the fact that I knew who he was. His name was Daesung. And he was lost. Just like me.


"What are you doing here?"  asked lowly, assuming he didn't want his cover blown.


He looks up at me. He's probably taking note that I WASN'T Korean like him. Or like the others. But he didn't seem to care. "Do you know you?"


"No." I laughed lowly. "But I know who you are. You're Kang Daesung from BIGBANG."


I hadn't realized I was speaking informally until he looks at me with an odd look. But he seemed to not care too much about that anyway. As a matter of fact, he looked awful. But even through all of that, I could see how beautiful looked. All of those times, I watched him on TV, people would rant about how ugly he was. Thankfully, he lived through that by laughing with them. But he wasn't ugly one bit. His small eyes and that hair of his only admired the frame of his face. Even his body was as amazing as any other guy.


He was beautiful. It can't get any more detailed than that.


"I was from BIGBANG. I'm sorry to tell you this…" He said, reaching for my bottle now.


I was shocked. For two reasons. One this that he actually told me what was wrong. Me. A stranger. At that, I was a huge fan of his. I should have been upset. Even disappointed. But my life had already been turned upside down. So such news had less of an impact. Second, I was shocked at what he told me. He was no longer in BIGBANG?


"I lacked…" Was all he said. My bottle was already empty from him. I didn't even get a chance to tell him my story.


"Well…. I just got word from the police that my boyfriend died in a car accident. Died instantly. The world does some really hurtful things to us, right?"


I didn't look up at him but I knew that he was looking at me. "You're right. The world can be a cruel place."


I finally looked at him. He was already buzzed from that whole bottle of soju. Now he had his index finger poking in and out of the bottle hole.


"I'm sorry about your career. I know what it's like to lose something you love." I said, suddenly feeling queasy. Must be the drink.


"It's alright. I can bring myself back up again." He said, taking a second bottle.


I looked at him in confusion. "You think so? It's not an easy task."


"I know. But I know I can do it. I've been up on stage too long to not…… I'm good enough." He looks at me with pleading eyes. "You think I'm good, right?"


My fangirl instinct had stepped out quickly. "O-Of course. I thought you had the best vocals in that group. TOP was handsome, GD was creative, Taeyang was the flawless dancer, Seungri was the well rounded youth, and you? You were the thread that held everything together. Do you know how stupid BIGBANG would sound without your beautiful voice?"


I could see a slight smile on his face. "Thank you."


"You're welcome." I said, looking at my watch. "But look. I know you got some sort of cash in your pocket. I've gotta jet so you're gonna have to cover the bill."


He looks at me for a moment before agreeing. "Sure. I'll be here all night anyway."


"Yeah, yeah." I said, standing from the seat. "Until then, I hope to see you back on your feet again… oppa."


Daesung smiles again. "Thank you….."


I smiled, picking up my keys from the table. "Laila. My name is Laila."


He clasps his hands together in a placing manner. "Laila… It's a name I won't forget. Only because you were able to call me oppa. Even when I'm at my lowest."



I could still hear his words in the back of my mind. Words that I can't forget….

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aigooo~~ please update :]]]
hi^^V<br />
love this story even though it was a sad opening.. but it was because of that they find each other.. <br />
still wondering what cause her to faint O_O?<br />
can't wait for the next update..