The Wedding Ceremony

I Stole Her Lips


After a while, Jun.Q arrived at the venue. He stepped out of the car with his parents and said, "I'll be off to do the last minute checkups. Abeoji, umma, please go ahead and find somewhere nice to relax, don't wait up for me."

Without another look, he locked the car and quickly dashed towards the church to look around for a familiar face. Scanning the vicinity, he spotted the florist placing her flower arrangements at the side of the benches with cream colored satin bows. Brightening at the sight of her, he quickly went over and said hello. He politely asked her if everything was going her way and kindly smiled when she said it was smooth.

Then, he took out his phone and started to go through a to-do-list he typed into his mobile last night. He scanned the list and memorized a few before stuffing it back into his pocket.

He went to confirm the songs with the pianist and called to double check on the delivery of the colorful helium balloons. Swiftly, he managed to complete the whole list. An accomplished smile was plastered on his face as he realized that he still had a lot of time before the wedding began.


For some fresh air, he decided to head outdoors and rest on a bench that was located under a big shady tree. Just when he was about to sit down to relax, someone called out his name, "Kang Jun Kyu!"

Jun.Q blinked and raised his head to seek the source of that oh-so-familiar voice. Walking towards him was his senior - Lee Minhyuk. You, along with the two of them, worked at the same company - Priority Marketing. Like Jun.Q, Minhyuk is also your senior, but by age.

Minhyuk was all dressed up in a black and white tuxedo as well. In his chest pocket was the exact white, triangular handkerchief Jun.Q had. From head to toe, he looked extremely handsome that he could sweep any woman off her feet with just a single glance.

Jun.Q abruptly straightened himself and grinned, "Annyeonghaseyo, Minhyuk hyung." Minhyuk just came over without another word and gave him a brotherly hug, "What's up, my favorite dongsaeng!" Jun.Q chuckled in response and patted Minhyuk's back.

"Excited for what's going to happen soon at this very church?" Minhyuk questioned with a smirk. Jun. Q pulled back and raised an eyebrow, "Is that even a question?" They both started to laugh as Minhyuk jokingly punched Jun.Q's arm.

"Minhyuk-ah! Jun Kyu-ah! You're needed in the church!" Minhyuk's mother shouted so that she could be heard from afar. The boys turned their heads to see Minhyuk's mother waving them over. "Coming, umma!" Minhyuk answered and gave Jun.Q a nudge while he nodded towards the church. Agreeing with Minhyuk, Jun.Q followed him after a small nod of approval.


Time passed by quickly and soon the wedding had begun. Everything that had to be done was completed and in place. All that was left was for the ceremony to begin.

Relatives and friends dressed in formal, traditional attire took their seats respectively. They flipped the schedule they were handed as they waited for the bride to appear. Whispering and mumbling were heard throughout the church as they started to chatter in their seats.

Jun.Q stood at the altar, heaving in deep breaths to calm his palpitating heart. It was because of the sea of guests, he eventually became quite nervous. He scanned the seats and found his parents seated at the front bench not far from him. Mrs. Kang could tell that her son was jittery by the looks of it, so she raised her fist slightly and pumped it, as if saying 'Fighting, my son!' Jun.Q softly smiled and nodded his head in response.

"Relax, Jun Kyu." Minhyuk whispered into Jun.Q's ear while he patted his back. Jun.Q turned his head to the side to look at Minhyuk, who was standing right beside him. Minhyuk continued, "Don't be frightened by the people before your eyes and just focus on what you have to do later." Jun.Q mumbled an agreement and mannerly held his wrist as he fixed his gaze at the floor beneath his shoes.

"Ladies and gentlemen let us all rise and welcome the divine bride, Seo Minyeon!" The emcee announced with excitement in his voice. The guests did so and stood up, applauding your long-awaited arrival. The pianist started to play Bruno Mars' Just The Way You Are, just like you requested. As the song reached your ears, you couldn’t help but smile and mentally thank Jun.Q.

The adorable flower girl led the red carpet as she scattered soft pink rose petals everywhere. The adults even cooed at how cute she looked. Your elder sister was your bridesmaid of the day. Clad in a tan sequined dress, she trailed after the adorable flower girl with a graceful stride. Lo and behold, everyone gaped at the sight of you as you emerged and positioned yourself at the end of the red carpet. Feeling shy, you lowered your head slightly and admired the pretty rose bouquet in your hands. But in your mind, it was another story. *Don't trip! I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of all these people, especially on my wedding day! Remember what the lady said, small careful steps and to kick the dress forward so I wouldn't accidentally step on it.*


From afar, Jun.Q couldn't help but stare at your beauty. Blood rushed to his cheeks as his heart started to beat at an abnormal pace. 'Wow' was the only word that could escape his lips when you graced the church with your presence. *She looks.. Words can't even describe how she looks today. She looks like a total goddess.*

On the other hand, Minhyuk had an enthusiastic beam plastered on his face, admiring the gorgeous woman walking towards the altar. You looked up and gulped at the crowd for one last nerve-relieving session. Being the center of attention was something you never liked about, but this day was an exception to a lot of things.

Just like everyone else, Jun.Q had his eyes glued on you the whole time. It was as if time went by in slow motion when you began to walk down the aisle. Your wedding gown shimmered slightly under the faint rays of sunlight that shone through the glass-stained windows of the church while the delicate yet intricate patterns of the lace accentuated your feminine beauty. The light chiffon at the bottom part of the gown stated absolute tenderness and elegance. The train of your dress trailed behind you as you followed the rose-petal-scattered carpet to your destination. Your veil draped over your head, radiating a mysterious aura as to how you would look with the veil pulled back, hiding your pink face behind it overall.

When you took your time down the aisle, Jun.Q was taking a mental picture of you. Taking note of how your hair was done, right down to the detail of your heels peeping out from the bottom of your gown when you kick the dress forward. *My dear high school friend has all grown up. I'll remember her this way, even till the day I die.* He started to grin at his cheesy thought.

As the distance between you and the altar started to close in, he started to feel a pang of pain in his heart. He heaved a small sigh to shake those negative thoughts away; he had to focus on what was going to happen next.


Before you know it, you finally arrived at the altar. With a charming smile and a bow, you greeted your husband-to-be and his best man. Then, you hooked your arm through the bridegroom’s and turned around to bow at the guests before facing the pastor.

Jun.Q applauded and smiled when Minhyuk lovingly rubbed your hand. Inside his heart, he felt happy yet sorrowful as his eyes landed upon the happy couple before him. In order to hide his emotions, he just faked a smile and assured himself that everything will be alright.

After all, he had already expected himself to be this way, because you weren't even Jun.Q's to begin with.


Sorry for the wait, my lovelies! D:
I just came back from my year-end vacation and started school straight away =(
But still, kidae juseyo~ (;

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Sakurakilari1 #1
Chapter 5: I like your story !
Nice story ^^
Chapter 4: nice story! ^^
Souns interesting... hwaiting! ^^