I'll Show You

I'll Show You



Gif & Picture are not mine. Credits to owner.



"Stop crying." 

She couldn't stop, as much as she tried. Her tears were never ending and it felt like the world was going in circles.

She was dizzy and she needed to rest. But why rest when she's so tired and depressed? 

"I can't." She mumbled, depressingly, getting another tissue and blowing her nose.

"You know, that was messed up for him. His whole crew is messed up for what I care." Daehyun tried to calm down his best friend, who was not in the mood of getting cheered up.

"I did so much for him. Shouldn't he be at least thankful that I did those? How can he use me like that? Especially me." She whimpered, holding onto the tissue.

"Awh, come on. He's not worth your tears." Daehyun replied, wiping away her tears, "I know how much you went through. He's just a jerk for thinking he's better than everyone else." 

"I mean, I thought I was special to him. I should've known from the first time that he only dated me cause of a stupid bet. I knew it was weird how he thought I was cute." She whispered.

"Of course you're cute. He was just stupid in breaking up with you. Come on, don't cry, you need to smile." Daehyun tried to calm her down.

"I'm so angry, I just want to punch him in the face. But I'm so sad I don't want to." 

Daehyun held onto her until she was almost done crying her eyes out. 

She was crying on his chest, which made marks, but he didn't care. He didn't want to see his best friend crying over a stupid guy.

But then again, he knew she would cry. I mean, he was her first boyfriend.

"Baekhyun's stupid. He doesn't know what he lost." Daehyun whispered.

"You think so?" 

"Of course. For what I know, you're the most sweetest, nicest, down-to-earth girl, who isn't afraid to be herself. You're funny, comfortable, and you're different. Different as in unique. You're beautiful and you're smart. I don't know why he wouldn't like a girl like you, you're perfect." 

"You're just saying that cause you're my friend." 

"Of course not. I mean, I am a little biased when it comes to you, but I can tell you, you're a one of a kind." He smiled, pinching her nose, "Now, stop crying. He's not worth a girl's tears. Especially yours." Daehyun kissed the top of her head.

She smiled and nodded, "You know, you're the best." 

"Hey, I do what I do best." Daehyun shrugged, smiling, "Now, you said you want to punch him?" 

She groaned, "I don't want to literally punch him. I just want to show him that I can be better. That I am better." 

Daehyun looked over at his friend and gave her a sly smile, "Want to teach you how?" 

She looked directly at his eyes and nodded.

"Teach me." 


"Are you ready?" 

She shook her head, biting her lips, "I'm not ready." 

"Come on, you look fine. Let's go inside." Daehyun said, pulling her arm.

She tried to release herself, "I'm not ready. I look so different, this isn't me." She whispered.

Daehyun tilted her chin with his finger, "Yeah. It isn't you. Unfortunately, I look the old ~~~~~ better, but this isn't for us. This is for him. We're trying to teach him what he lost, you got that?" 

She nodded as she held onto his coat, "Ready?" 

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "Ready." 

Her eyes were closed as she just followed Daehyun's footsteps. He opened the door and she heard her classmates, yelling and laughing inside her school.

As he heels gently clicked the tile floor, everything grew quiet.

"What's going on?" She thought to herself, trying to open her eyes.

As she gently opened them, Daehyun abrubly released her hands, smiling down at her.

She looked up and saw her classmates, staring at her with jaws wide opened, and eyes twinkling. 

"What is everyone looking at?" She whispered to Daehyun as he whispered towards her ear.


He pushed her through the crowd and she looked at her friends. They were all staring at her, and no words were coming out.

"Hi." She waved awkwardly at a bunch of guys who were staring at her by the lockers. 

The guys cheesily grinned and waved, hitting one another for her attention.

She didn't really understand why they kept staring, and the attention wasn't good. She wasn't used to it.

She walked closer to her locker as a bunch of girls stood by. She looked at them, and they looked back, dropping their books.

"Is that you, ~~~~~?" 

She rubbed the back of her neck, "Yeah." 

The girls ran up to her and touched her neatly curled hair, "Oh my gosh, I love your hair, where did you get it done?" 

"Your lipgloss is so peachy! Where did you get it?" 

"Your dress is so pretty. I like how it's red and not to flashy, where did you get it?" 

"Your heels, they're so adorable! Where did you get it?" 

"Where did you get it?" 

She slowly took a step back, giving them a smile, "I'll see you guys late." 

She tried to walk towards her classroom, trying to avoid everyone at all cost.

She felt everyone staring and stop talking everytime she walked by, but after a moment, she heard whistle blows and wolf sounds.

She didn't like the attention at all, but she smiled as she knew; she was finally pretty.


"How is it like? Being the most popular girl at school?" 

Daehyun muched on his food, staring at his best friend.

"It was okay. I mean, a lot of people were staring at me, but I guess it wasn't bad." She shrugged.

"Going to wear the same thing tomorrow?" 

"Heck no. This is so uncomforable." She whimpered, taking off her heels, "How do girls even wear this?" 

Daehyun laughed, "How am I supposed to know? Do I look like a girl to you?" 

She huffed, massaging her foot, "Wait, do I have to wear this tomorrow?" 

Daehyun nodded, "Of course. You have to look pretty and better than everyone else, right?" 


"I mean, just do it for a week. Then everyone will know you're aready pretty when you go back to your old self." 

"Do you think so?" She asked, hissing in pain.

Daehyun looked at her. She was massaging her feet and straightening her dress, biting her lips by the awkward stares by everyone else.

"If not, I'll still think so." 

"Jung Daehyun!" 

He turned around to see Jongup, running towards him with a great smile, "Baekhyun is outside by his locker. Hurry, let's go." 

Daehyun stood up, grabbing ahold of her hand, "Ready?" 

She swallowed hard, trying to regain her breath, "Ready." 


"And how did she take it?" 

"Obviously she was crying, right, Baek?" Chanyeol nudged.

Baekhyun laughed, "Duh. Right when I said she was a bet, she started running out the classroom. It was freaking hilarious." Baekhyun laughed.

She opened the door from the cafeteria, spotting Baekhyun making fun of her with his friends.

She took a deep breath, letting her heels clack on the floor, as she made it near him.

She tried not to look at him, as she curled her hair behind her ear, making it look like she was late for class.

Baekhyun shot a glimpse at her, before stopping his conversation.

He nudged his friends, who shrugged in reply. 

She smiled to herself, knowing he had noticed her, as she waited for him to come through. To her luck, he did.

"Hey, little lady. You new here?" 

She looked at the floor, not wanting to see him.

"You seem lost, can I help you with your books?" Baekhyun offered, giving her a cheesy grin.

"Sure." She replied, turning around to meet his face, "Long time no see, right?" 

Baekhyun took a step back as his friends gasped in the back, "~~~~~? Is that you?" 

You nodded, "I think so. Why, do I look different?" 

"Different? You look, way different. Woah, you look y." Baekhyun grinned, trying to hold onto her waist.

She took a step back, "Thanks for the compliment. If you excuse me, I have to get to class." 

Baekhyun stood in front of her, "Woah, woah. What's the hurry? You didn't let me look all the way." He turned her body to get a better glimpse, "You're smoking hot." 

"I know, you already said it. Now, if you excuse me." She tried to push way, as he stopped her again.

"Hey, what's the hurry? Showing your boyfriend your new look isn't so bad. If you have wore this long before, Oppa would've loved you more." He clicked his tongue.

She smiled, "Well, sorry, I'm late." She frowned, "But we're over. I don't have any intentions in impressing you." 

He held her back, "Didn't you wear this for me because you wanted me back?" 

She glared, "Do you think I'm trying to impress you? What do I lack that I need to stay with you?" 

Baekhyun's breath quickened, "~~~~, why are you being like this?" 

"Why am I being like this? This is the normal me. Too bad you couldn't see it, since I was your bet." 

His friends whispered in the back.

Baekhyun shook his head, "Baby, what's wrong? I didn't mean that, you know I love you." 

She smirked, "Love? With you? Please." 

"Come on, I know you love me too." Baekhyun cooed, trying to steal a kiss. 

She pushed him away, "Go away, I don't need you." 

"Why? Don't tell me you found another guy. Please, no guy would take you. Only I would." Baekhyun snickered, as his friends nodded.

She was speechless. Of course no guys would take her. Baekhyun was the first.

"Well, you're out of luck. She's mine." 

Baekhyun turned around to see Daehyun leaning on the lockers, making his way towards them.

"Baby, let's go, now. We're going to be late." Daehyun smiled, lending out his hand. He winked at her, signaling, she should take it.

She held on and smiled, "Thank you." 

Baekhyun fumed in anger, "What is this? ~~~~ are you already over me?" 

"Daehyun treats me way better than you do, Baekhyun. Leave me alone." She replied, walking off.

Baekhyun grabbed her, "~~~~~~." 

"Didn't you hear her? My girlfriend said, let go." Daehyun hissed, grabbing his collar and punching him down the floor.

Baekhyun stared with wide eyes, as blood dripped from his nose, his friends walking over and asking if he was alright.

Daehyun picked him up again, punching him harder.

"First one was from me. Second was from her. You talk to her again and I'll cut your throat." 

Daehyun spinned her around put his arms around his shoulder, hearing Baekhyun's scream in the back.

"Mission accomplished," He smiled, giving her a kiss on her cheek, "You showed him, alright." 



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Chapter 1: OMGOMG that stupid cheezy byuntae duhh thats rude and Daehyun is such a gentleman
Nice story authornim ! Both are my bias ♥
Chapter 1: Woah! This oneshot is so good! I was browsing and this is actually the first oneshot I read. Great job!
Chapter 1: DAEHYYUUNNN~ I'm reading all your oneshots today. ehehe~
pinkytoe220 #4
Chapter 1: Awesome !!!!
-xttran #5
Chapter 1: ERHMAHGOSH, nooooo. Baekhyun is my #1 bias and you make him a jerk in this o eshot? Lol, shockin as it is but lovely oneshot you wrote, author-nim.

Keep up the good work and please launch more fanfics in the future :)
Chapter 1: Well arent Baekhyun the most conceited jerk ever? And pretty shameless too.
Way to go girl! Awesome bff you got there :B
Chapter 1: Haha I thought Daehyun would be the bad guy in this story xD
Chapter 1: Loving this. Somehow I feel bad for laughing at Baek getting hit.
Chapter 1: loved this 8)