Thirty six

Twisted Fate

A/N: Be prepared, long chapter ahead 8)


“Urgh that guy is never on time!” Eun Mi grunted and crossed her arms grumpily. Kris smirked while leaning against his new black four-wheel drive.

Yeomin bit her lip and stared at her phone, she had tried calling Luhan a few times but the boy did not pick up. “Should I call him again?” she asked.

“No,” Eun Mi huffed. “If he doesn’t show up in five minutes, we’re leaving.”

Kris chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t be so impatient, babe.” She shot him an accusing look and he raised his hands in surrender, “Just saying.”

“Hypocrite,” Eun Mi muttered. “You’re just as impatient as I am.”

“Sorry I’m late!” A voice shouted.

Everyone turned and looked at Luhan who was running towards them with a big smile. He stopped in front of them, placed his hands on his knees and started panting. “My alarm clock died.”

“We figured, you idiot,” Eun Mi rolled her eyes.

Yeomin grabbed a bottle of water from her back pack and gave it to Luhan. He smiled and took it. “Thank you Yeomin.” She smiled and nodded.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s go,” Kris grabbed Luhan’s backpack, put it into the boot and then hopped into the driver’s seat.

Eun Mi opened the door and hopped into the passenger side. Kris sneakily leaned over, pulled onto her seat belt and pecked her lips. She tried her best to hide her red face and punched his arm, causing him to laugh good heartedly.

Luhan opened the back door and turned to Yeomin. “Go in,” he ordered. She nodded and happily hopped into the middle seat, Luhan chuckled and sat down next to her.

“Where are we going?” Eun Mi asked Kris started driving.

“Somewhere,” he replied.

“I know that,” she snapped. He grinned and she rolled her eyes. “How far is it?”

“About three hours.”

“Well, I’m sleeping then,” Eun Mi made herself comfortable on the chair. Kris nodded, grabbed her hand and placed it on his lap, she chuckled and closed her eyes.

About one hour into the drive, Eun Mi woke up, she pulled her hand away from Kris’ grip and rubbed her eyes with a yawn.

“Close your mouth, a fly is going to fly in there,” Kris commented jokingly.

She shot him a look and yawned again.

“Oww!” Luhan wailed from the back.

Eun Mi looked into the rear-view mirror and saw Luhan and Yeomin playing rock paper scissors, Luhan lost and Yeomin bent her fingers to flick him. “Not so hard!” he squeaked and covered his face. Yeomin chuckled and flicked his forehead lightly. “That hurt,” he pouted and rubbed his forehead childishly.

“They’ve been playing that for a while now,” Kris said with an amused smile. “You’re amazing for being able to sleep through all of Luhan’s whining.” She groaned and rubbed her face with her hands. Kris snickered adoringly, “Looks like someone isn’t in a good mood after waking up.” He reached into the compartment in front of her and pulled out a juice box for her.

Eun Mi poked the straw into the hole and started sipping the orange juice. Kris watched as she stared out of the window and smiled. 

“Kai bai bo! Dang it,” Luhan scowled when Yeomin used her ‘hammer’ to smash his ‘scissors’.

She grinned brightly and quickly flicked his forehead. “Again!” she giggled.

Luhan tittered and nodded. “Kai bai bo- Yes!” He wrapped his hand around her fist. “Come here come here,” he wagged his finger. “I’m going to take revenge back for all those twenty six times that you flicked me.”

Yeomin stuck out her lower lip and moved her face closer to his. She shut her eyes and waited for the hard flick to hit her forehead. Luhan chuckled at her cuteness and leaned down to kiss her nose. She opened her eyes and blinked at him.

“Should I kiss you twenty six times?” he asked and cocked his head.

She blushed and shook her head, he pinched her cheeks and raised his hand. “Kai bai bo!”


Two hours later, Kris stopped the car at an empty area and stretched. “We’re here,” he called and turned to Eun Mi. She had her face close against the window, staring out with wide eyes.

She turned back to him and tilted her head to the side. “Where are we?” she asked again.

“Geojesi,” Kris responded and got off the car. “We’ll park the car here and go deeper into the forest to set up the tents.”

“Oh,” Eun Mi nodded and turned back to Luhan and Yeomin, who were both asleep. Yeomin had her head on Luhan’s shoulder while he had his head on her head. Eun Mi smiled at how cute the couple looked. “Luhan, Yeomin, we’re here!”

Yeomin’s eyes fluttered open immediately, she shot up, forgetting about Luhan’s head. Luhan felt something hard hit his chin and opened his eyes. “We’re here?” Yeomin asked, her voice was slightly croaky.

“Yep,” Eun Mi nodded excitedly. “Unload your stuff and we’ll go deeper into the forest to set up the tents.”

The other two nodded obediently and hopped out of the car. Everyone took their own bag, Luhan and Kris grabbed the two tent bags before Kris closed the boot. They headed into the green forest and settled down in an empty area.

“Hey, let’s have a race,” Eun Mi suggested as they unpacked the tent equipment. “Girls verses boys, whoever builds the tent first doesn’t need to cook dinner.”

Kris and Luhan looked at each other with smirks, they fist bumped and nodded. “Done deal.”

Yeomin bit her lip and tugged on Eun Mi’s sleeve. “I’ve never built a tent before, I don’t think I’ll be much help to you,” she whispered.

Eun Mi grinned and shook her head. “Don’t worry, Kris won’t be much help to Luhan either.”

“You never know about that,” Luhan defended his new teammate. “Kris is tall, so it’ll be easier to put up the pole.”

“Psh,” Eun Mi stuck out her tongue. “I’m not that short either.”

They grabbed their tents and started building. Eun Mi taught Yeomin how to hammer the tent pins into the ground while she worked on the pole. Their team was going slow but Yeomin was starting to quicken her pace bit by bit.

“Wait, I’ll go get the rest of our things,” Luhan told Kris and ran off.

Eun Mi looked at the guys’ tent, it was almost done and Kris was getting ready to put the pole up. *Oh heck no,* she scowled and turned to Yeomin. “Hold this,” Eun Mi gave the hammer to Yeomin. She waited until Kris was in the tent and ran over, grinning mischievously she yanked out all their pins and threw them into the trees.

“Woah! Luhan!” Kris yelped as the tent started wobbling. Eun Mi covered to stop herself from laughing.

Luhan looked up and frowned when he saw what Eun Mi did, his eyes flickered to the girl’s tent, Yeomin was busy banging onto a pin with a hammer. *That won’t do,* he shook his head and sneaked over. He picked up their pole and ran far away to hide it. 

“There,” Yeomin stood back up and dusted her hands with a proud smile. “That’s the fourth one, now we just need to put him the pole and- hey!” Her eyes rounded in confusion as she looked around. “Where’s our pole?”

“Hmmm?” Eun Mi came back. “Its right here- wait, WHAT?! LUHAN!” she roared at Luhan, who just came back.

He blinked innocently and picked up his bag. “What?”

“Where did you put our pole?!” she demanded.

“I don’t know, where did you put your pole?” he grinned and walked over to help Kris.

Yeomin clucked her tongue and patted Eun Mi’s shoulder. “Come on, we’ll do better than them.”

Eun Mi blew a raspberry, she picked up three of the boys’ pins and ran off.

“OI OI OI!” Luhan and Kris protested.

“We won’t give them back until we find our pole,” she hollered loudly.

“Aish, that girl,” Luhan muttered unhappily. Kris put the pole back onto the ground and they ran after the girls.


“No! I’m going to throw them into the river!”

“LEE EUN MI!!!!”

“Yeomin said that!”

“No she did not!”

After 30 minutes of running around, the four of them decided that the both teams were unsuccessful. The boys decided to build the tents while the girls cooked dinner, Luhan ran and grabbed the pole from on top of a tree.

By the time they were done, the sun was starting to set so everyone ate their simple dinner (two minute noodles with boiled eggs) while joking around. They spent the rest of the day playing games and telling embarrassing stories.

“And then you know what? She just kept on eating as if it was the most normal thing in the world!” Luhan clapped his knee as he laughed hysterically.

Yeomin chuckled while Kris stared at his girlfriend with a questioning look. Eun Mi rolled her eyes. “Shut up, Luhan.”

Kris smirked and wrapped his arm around Eun Mi. “There there, there’s nothing wrong with eating glue, not at all,” he mused. Eun Mi’s ear went red from embarrassment and she punched his stomach. “Oof,” he doubled over in pain.

“Hey, let’s play a game,” Luhan suggested.

Eun Mi yawned, and Yeomin did the same. Yawning was a contagious thing.

“I think they’re sleepy,” Kris chuckled when Eun Mi rubbed her eyes. “Let’s just go to bed now.”

Everyone nodded and went to get ready. Luhan poured water from the large tank Kris bought into a bucket and waited as Yeomin brushed her teeth near the trees. She bent down to rinse and he gently held her long hair back.

When everyone was done, they headed into their designated tents and hopped into their sleeping bags. Kris uncomfortably shifted his long legs around while Luhan snuggled deeper into his pillow.

Yeomin and Eun Mi blinked at each other. It was true they were sleepy a while ago but after washing their faces, the sleepiness was long gone.

“Are you sleepy?” Yeomin whispered.

Eun Mi shook her head. “Not one bit, but I don’t want to go outside, it’s cold.” Yeomin nodded in agreement and sighed. Eun Mi thought for a minute before sitting up, she pulled out a deck of cards from her yellow backpack and waved it with a grin. “Do you want to play snap again?”

Yeomin broke into a smile and nodded. She sat up and wiggled closer to Eun Mi while she started dividing the cards.

“Argh goddamn it,” Kris cursed for the umpteenth time as he rolled over on his back. As excited as he was for this camping trip, he still regretted not bringing a bed instead a sleeping mat. The floor was too hard and he was having difficulties with where to place his legs.

“I swear to God Kris if you move again and knock down this pole friend or not I am going to shoot you,” Luhan stated with his eyes wide open. He fixed the pole that was in between them and sighed. “I have a spare blanket I bought for Yeomin just in case she was cold, did you want to put it underneath so it won’t be as hard?”

“Yes,” Kris muttered.

Luhan sat up, he opened his backpack and pulled out a small white blanket.

“Thanks,” Kris said as he sat up to take the blanket. He laid it out on top of the thin mat and laid down with a satisfied nod.

“AHAHAHA I win!” They heard Eun Mi shout, the outburst was followed by a row of giggles.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Luhan asked loudly.

“Sleeping!” Eun Mi replied as she snapped the lowest pile of cards. Yeomin pouted and gathered up the bigger pile.

“Can I join?” Kris asked mischievously.

Eun Mi rolled her eyes. “Ew, no you ert! Go sleep with Luhan!”

Kris and Luhan made unhappy complaints and the girls broke into laughter.  


The next morning, Luhan and Kris woke up early to make a surprise breakfast. Kris grumpily tightened the strings of his hoodie and sniffled. Luhan bought out the eggs and together they prepared a quick breakfast for the girls. It was hard since they weren’t using a proper kitchen and it was even harder because Kris was so bad at cooking that he literally just broke the egg with his palm, making the yolk splash all over him. ‘Because Eun Mi wasn’t here to teach him’ was his excuse.

When they were done, they held onto the plates and quietly walked over to girls’ tent. Luhan used his free hand to the tent and opened it.

Yeomin and Eun Mi were sound asleep, they were snuggled close together with the pole in between.

Luhan chuckled at the cute sight and gently stepped into the tent, Kris followed and squashed himself into the small tent as well.

“Rise and shine sleeping beauties!” Luhan chimed sweetly. “We made breakfast for you.”

Eun Mi didn’t even flinch and continued sleeping. Yeomin jumped at the sudden noise and slowly sat up, she blinked at Luhan with her round eyes and he grinned.  He placed the plate of bacon and eggs on her lap, she did a small yawn and started eating quietly with Luhan staring at her with loving eyes.

Kris tapped Eun Mi’s legs. “Yah, wake up.”

She showed no response and he yawned. He put the plate of food onto the ground and crawled closer to her, he laid down next to her, wrapped an arm around her, snuggled into her back and drifted off to dreamland as well.

Luhan glanced at them and tsked. “No wonder why he couldn’t sleep last night, he wanted to sleep with her,” he made a face.

Yeomin swallowed a piece of egg and laughed. Luhan stepped out of the tent and went to get a glass of water for her, he came back and stared at Kris and Eun Mi with cheeky eyes.


Kris instantly sat up and looked around in alarm. Eun Mi grunted, she grabbed Yeomin’s pillow and threw it at Luhan, making the water in his hands splash onto his shirt.

Luhan gasped and Kris yawned. “Looks like the fire is put out,” he shrugged and went back to sleep.

Yeomin chuckled and shook her head. Luhan frowned and stomped his foot childishly, “Wake up wake up wake up! The sun is already setting!”

Kris grunted and waved his hand carelessly. Eun Mi slowly got up and shot her best friend a look. He grinned and nodded towards her plate of food. “Kris made that, let’s hope you don’t get poisoned.”

Kris sat up and defended himself. “Hey! I did fine!”

Luhan blinked. “Fine? You literally broke an egg with your hand and the filled up half of the cooking pan with oil!”

Eun Mi snorted at her boyfriend’s failure and started eating. She froze at the aftertaste of the egg and stared at Kris with round eyes. “What did you put in here?”

“Well,” Kris tapped his chin in thought. “I put sugar, salt, fish sauce, soy sauce, MSG…”

“And may I ask how much salt you put in?”

“Not that much,” Kris shrugged nonchalantly. “About a handful? I was about to put more but you said you didn’t like salty foo-”

He was cut off by Yeomin who spat out all her food onto Luhan. Luhan sniffled and took a piece off egg off his cheek. “Okay I really need to change my shirt now.” His girlfriend gave him a meek smile and he clucked his tongue.

Eun Mi heaved out a sigh and wagged her finger at Kris, telling him to come closer. Kris leaned in proudly, only to receive a pound on the head.


Kris cringed at the volume and scratched his ear. “Ouch, but at your house there were measuring spoons, there weren’t any here so I had to guesstimate with my hand.”

Yeomin snickered and continued eating her food. Eun Mi groaned but nonetheless tried to finish the food, since it was her boyfriend’s cooking afterall.


Once everyone was finished with getting ready, they closed their tents and walked towards the river.

“What are we doing here?” Eun Mi trembled with her eyes on the flowing water of the river.

“What else? Of course we’re canoeing!” Kris proudly stated. 

Luhan and Yeomin frowned, they gave Eun Mi worried looks. Kris noticed the changed atmosphere and then realised his mistake. He was so caught up in planning the events that he had forgot about his girlfriend’s fear of water.

“,” he cursed and turned to Eun Mi. “I’m so sorry, babe.”

Eun Mi gave him a forced smile and shook her head. “It’s okay.”

Kris walked towards her and grabbed her hand. “You do trust me though right?”  She nodded and he smiled. “I promise nothing will happen to you, I’ll help you get through your fear.”

She hesitated for a moment before nodding again. Kris squeezed her hand tight and they started walking towards the canoe.

“Urgh, was that a cheesy sight or what?” Luhan shuddered, cringing. He held onto Yeomin’s hands and gave her the sweetest smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll do better than them.” She blushed and he pinched her cheeks. They walked over to the canoe next to the other couple and Luhan helped Yeomin wear on her life jacket.

“Should we have a flipping over race?” Luhan asked as he helped Yeomin sit in the front and pushed the canoe into the water. Kris shot him a look and he grinned. “Never mind.” He hopped into the back behind Yeomin and taught the girl how to properly row.

Eun Mi shuddered and clutched onto the side of the canoe once it was in the water. Kris swiftly hopped into the back grabbed onto one of the pedals.

The two couples started rowing their way down the river, one couple was more successful than the other.

“… Why the hell are going in circles?” Eun Mi asked as their canoe went in 360 degrees circles. Her fear of the clear water was slowly decreasing and she was started to get annoyed at how slow they were going.

“Oh I don’t know Eun Mi, MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE MAKING ME DO ALL THE ROWING?!” Kris asked a little too loud.

“Oops,” she meekly smiled and started rowing.  He rolled his eyes with a smile.

“Woah! Luhan!” Yeomin squealed as Luhan rocked the canoe sideways. Her heart shook in fear at the thought of flipping over into the cold water. “Stop!” she laughed.

“Aww are you scared?” Luhan teased. “Or can you not swim?”

Yeomin shivered and clung onto the sides. “Both,” she squeaked. Luhan laughed harder but stopped rocking. He turned back towards Eun Mi and Kris. “So where did you want us to row to again?”

Kris stayed silent for a moment before shrugging. “… I never really thought of that, but just keep going. We’ll end up somewhere eventually.”

“Yeah, we’ll end up in the middle of a waterfall,” Luhan muttered. Yeomin laughed and reached down so that the water touched the tip of her fingers. She smiled at the cooling touch and Luhan softened at how easily amused she was.

Halfway there, the clouds suddenly turned grey and soon, big raindrops came flying down. The four lovers glanced at each other before breaking into laughter, they were having too much fun to let the rain stop them.

“Race you back!” Luhan hollered as he and Yeomin rotated their canoe. It wasn’t as hard as it used to be anymore, since Yeomin was starting to get the hang of it. They gave the other two a last wave and zoomed off, laughing at the rain that was splashing into their eyes.

“Hey! No head starts!” Eun Mi whined and canoed after them.

Kris watched in soft admiration as she started pedalling with all her might. He was proud of her for overcoming her fear so quick. But then again, he shouldn’t be so surprised; this was his girl they were talking about.


When they arrived back at their camping site, the girls grabbed their clothes and immediately went somewhere safe to get changed.

Luhan and Kris dried themselves off with the spare towels. Luhan bent down to open up their tent.

“Woah holy pepperoni,” he cursed aloud. “Umm Kris, we’re in deep crap. Deep, deep crap.”

Kris ruffled his wet hair and came over. He stared at the flooded tent and his jaw dropped. “W-What?”

“Didn’t you zip up the tent?” Luhan hissed.

“I did!”

“Then why is it wet?! Oh my god my phone,” Luhan cried and dug inside, he pulled out his backpack and sniffled at the soaking phone. “YOU OWE ME A NEW PHONE!”

“But I did zip up the tent!” Kris protested.

Luhan glared at him. “Did you zip up the sides of the tent too? You’re the one who opened it last night to ‘get some fresh air’ didn’t you?”

“Urgh…” the taller guy broke into a coughing fit. “O-ooops?”

Luhan exhaled to calm himself down. He stuck his head back into the tent and frowned, everything was wet! Even their pillows were soaked! “I don’t think it’ll dry by tonight, it’s still raining and the sun is nearly going down,” he stated.

“Then what do we do? Sleep on the trees?” Kris scowled. “Or sleep on the ground?”

Luhan pulled his head back out and looked up at the taller one with the ‘are you serious’ look. “I never said anything about sleeping on trees.”

“Then what do you mean? The tent is wet and…”

“We have two tents.”

“What? We do?”

“Yes Kris, we do.”

The words finally analysed through Kris’ mind and the two of them met and eyes with sly smiles.

About 15 minutes later, Eun Mi and Yeomin came back with their wet clothes in their hands. They thought it was strange that they couldn’t hear Kris or Luhan but shrugged it off, thinking that the two probably went to change as well. Eun Mi ped the tent and shrieked when she saw two figures lying there. “YAH WHAT THE HECK!”

Kris, who was lying on his tummy, propped his head up on his hand and stared over his shoulder. “Hey, babe.

Eun Mi shuddered at the look he was giving her and held up her finger. “Don’t babe me, why the hell are you guys in our tent?”

Hearing all the commotion, Yeomin blinked curiously and came towards them. She stuck her head inside the tent and cocked her head to the side. “What happened to your tent?” she asked.

Luhan grinned and snuggled into Yeomin’s pillow, taking a whoosh of her vanilla and coconut scent. “It’s wet, Kris was such a smartass that he forgot to close the flap.”

Eun Mi and Yeomin stared at them, not knowing if they were serious or just being shifty.

“Can you please not stare at us like that? We’re not some serial ,” Kris claimed.

Eun Mi was laughing and shrugging. “Well that , have fun sleeping outside then,” she stated without batting an eye.  

Kris and Luhan broke into waves of protests but the two girls covered their ears and walked towards the transportable cooking pot. Eun Mi heated up the water while Yeomin went to grab a few packets of instant noodles. They could hear the two boys bickering inside their tent and rolled their eyes.

“Yah!” Eun Mi hollered. “Aren’t you guys going to eat?”

“No!” they shouted in unison.

“Suit yourself,” she snorted and started eating from the large pot.

Yeomin laughed and shook her head. She placed her chopsticks down and walked over to the tent, she reached in and grabbed Luhan’s hand. “Come on, let’s eat,” she smiled. Luhan pouted but followed. “You too, Kris. Come eat,” she said to Kris.

“Only if Eun Mi comes and pulls me out too,” Kris stubbornly stated.

Eun Mi heard his demand and scoffed. “Have fun starving yourself!”

“… Why can’t you be like Yeomin?!” Kris threw a tantrum.

“Because you’re not Luhan,” she laughed.

“You’re being biased! I’m your boyfriend!”


“Hey! What is that supposed to mean?”

“Just come out and eat you big baby.”

“… Will you feed me?”



He crawled out of the tent and they all started eating. It was a simple dinner but it was probably the best meal they’ve ever had. It was a meal full of freedom and smiles.

After dinner, everyone helped clean up. Their arms were sore from the canoeing so instead of watching the stars, they decided to prepare for bed early. After some serious debating, the boys won and the four of them were squashed into one tent. Luhan and Yeomin were on side while Kris and Eun Mi occupied the other side.

“Hey guys,” Luhan called as he placed his arm under Yeomin’s head. She snuggled into his chest and he smiled in triumphant.


“What kind of bow can never be tied?”

Groans could be heard from all directions. Yeomin shook her head and leaned away from Luhan. She found it adorable how he could come up with all these jokes, sure they were lame, but the twinkle in his eyes when he said it made up for everything. “What?” she asked.

“A rainbow! AHAHAHA, get it?” Luhan clapped and laughed, his jaw was so low Yeomin joked by using her finger to push it back up.

“You , Luhan,” Eun Mi muttered from the other side. Kris buried his face in her neck and she jerked from the tickling sensation.

 “Okay fine, how about this one. How does a lion like his meat?”

“Oh gosh,” Kris sighed and wrapped his arm around Eun Mi’s waist, he pulled her closer and smiled.

“Roar?” Yeomin blinked. She tapped her chin innocently. “I think you’ve told me that one…”

Luhan’s eyes rounded. “Oh really? Damn it. Okay I got a new one. Who did the vampire fall in love with?”

“Luhan,” Eun Mi sat up. “One more joke and I swear I’m kicking you out of the tent.”  Kris grabbed her arm and yanked her back down.

He made her face him and enveloped her in his embrace. “Hush hush baby,” he murmured. “Let them do whatever they want.”

Luhan pouted, he huffed and turned to Yeomin. She smiled and moved closer towards him. They cuddled and he gently kissed her forehead. “Who did the vampire fall in love with?” Yeomin whispered while looking up at him.

Luhan grinned. He made their noses touch and ran his fingers down her cheek. “The girl necks door.”

Everyone groaned as Luhan laughed hysterically.

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ohshytsitzmarina #1
Chapter 66: awww, I wanna know his reaction! LOL

Good story, I loved it! It was cute and sad and lots of crying on my end. LOL
erica_1610 #2
update please :-(
MissMong24 #3
Chapter 62: I am crying oh my goodness my poor little heart is in pain
Chapter 60: Wow okay tears rolling down my face okay. why Eun Mi why?
Chapter 58: -.- wow no this is just not cute
sakuraroory #6
Chapter 58: thanks for the update and please update more :)
Chapter 57: Nooo Lulu you're misunderstanding </3333 URGH MY HEART!!! </3 MY POOR POOR HEAR ;-;