
Twisted Fate

It was almost noon, which meant that it was Eun Mi’s lunch break. She pushed the cleaning trolley into the storeroom and pulled out her lunch bag. She hummed a little tune as she walked towards the staircase that lead to the rooftop, it was a nice day and she didn’t want to eat in the company’s restaurant so she decided to eat at the rooftop, where it was quiet and she would receive less dirty stares for packing her own lunch.

As she turned at the corner, Eun Mi bumped into another figure. “Ouch,” she muttered and rubbed her forehead.

“I’m so sorry- wait, Eun Mi?”

Eun Mi looked up and broke into a smile. “Yeomin!”

“Hey. Are you going to eat lunch?” Yeomin asked with a smile. 

“Yeah,” Eun Mi replied. “I was about to call you actually, are you free? Wanna eat lunch together?”

“Now?” Yeomin looked at the small silver watch on her wrist. “I only have 20 minutes before I have to attend a meeting.”

“So you have no lunch break?” Eun Mi’s eyes rounded. “That’s ridiculous! Come, I packed lunch for both of us,” she said and pulled Yeomin towards the staircase.

Yeomin laughed as they ran up the stairs. She wondered what it would have felt like to be friends with Eun Mi when they were still young. Would the girl have still been this hyped?

They opened the door that lead to the rooftop and smiled when they saw no one else. Eun Mi chose a nice clean area and plopped down on the ground. Yeomin stared at her with round eyes. “Are we… really sitting on the ground?”

Eun Mi chuckled and started unpacking the lunchboxes. “Well I don’t see any tables around here,” she kidded.

“But sitting on the floor is…” Yeomin swallowed and looked around. She didn’t mind sitting on the floor to eat with Eun Mi, it had always been an experience she wanted to try but if her parents or any other workers see her, she wouldn’t know what to do.

“Are scared because the floor is dirty?” Eun Mi asked curiously. She stopped what she was doing and stared at Yeomin.

Yeomin swallowed and looked down at her pastel purple dress. She could care less about dirtying it. There were heaps more at home. “No, I was just thinking,” she replied and sat down opposite Eun Mi. “Did you really pack lunch for me as well?”

“Nah duh,” Eun Mi rolled her eyes then smiled. “Of course I did!” She picked up a wooden chopstick and broke it in two. “Here,” she gave them to Yeomin.

Yeomin took the chopsticks and stared down at the different lunchboxes. There was a variety ranging from eggrolls to sweet and sour pork.

“It’s not much,” Eun Mi said meekly. “But it’ll fill you up. Try the kim bap, they’re the best!”

Yeomin nodded and plopped a kim bap piece into . The crunchy radish made her smile. “It’s nice,” she complimented.

Eun Mi grinned proudly. “My mum made it!”

Yeomin sighed. If only her mother made her food as well. “I thought so,” she teased Eun Mi. “I’ve noticed your cooking is different compared to hers.”

“Oh shush,” Eun Mi said and shoved another piece of kim bap into Yeomin’s mouth. She laughed when she saw Yeomin’s eyes pop open with full and ate her own food.

The two continued to eat and laugh. It was as though all their worries and stress were left below their feet as they sat on enjoyed the view of the rooftop.

Suddenly, Yeomin remembered Kris’ words the night they were at the party. She peered at Eun Mi with curious eyes as the other girl ate a piece of meat. “Hey Eun Mi…” Yeomin called.


“Do you… like Kris?” Yeomin asked with hopeful eyes.

Eun Mi stiffened. “Kris?

“Yup,” Yeomin nodded, eyes beaming.

“Oh hell no!” Eun Mi shouted, rice shot out of .

Yeomin flinched at the loudness and gently wiped the rice off her dress. “Are you sure?” she asked and leaned closer to Eun Mi.

“100 percent sure,” Eun Mi replied. For some reason she felt guilty. But it wasn’t like she was lying to Yeomin though. Strange.

“Oh, okay.” Yeomin nodded with her eyes on the ground. She didn’t quite believe Eun Mi but didn’t want to question any further, since it was a little rude.

Eun Mi suddenly lost her appetite. She placed her chopsticks down and studied Yeomin. “What about you then?”

“Hmm?” Yeomin blinked at her cluelessly. Eun Mi thought that expression reminded her of a certain deer.

“Do you like him?” Eun Mi asked.

“Kris? No, I only just met him,” Yeomin replied with slight alarm. She didn’t want Eun Mi to misunderstand anything, afraid it’ll ruin their relationship.

Eun Mi chuckled at her friend’s reaction. “Why would I talk about Kris? I’m asking about Luhan! Silly.”

“Oh,” Yeomin meekly played with her hair. “Luhan?” her eyes unconsciously twinkled at the thought of him.

Eun Mi caught the slight twinkle and smirked in amusement. “Yeah, Luhan.”

“Luhan? Luhan is…” Yeomin tilted her head in thought. “He’s…”

Eun Mi laughed and poked Yeomin’s waist. “Busted~”

Yeomin blushed and hid her face behind her slender fingers. She was never used to this sort of girly talk.

“Awww, Yeomin’s blushing~” Eun Mi cooed and peeled the girl’s hands away from her face. “But seriously, do you like him?”

Yeomin shyly lowered her gaze to the ground. “I-I think so…” she admitted.

“What do you mean ‘you think so’?” Eun Mi mused.

Yeomin stayed quiet. Suddenly, she broke into a pout. “Eun Mi I don’t know!”

Eun Mi chuckled. “There there,” she patted Yeomin’s back jokingly. “It’s okay. You don’t need to be shy.”

“I really don’t know,” Yeomin admitted with a sigh.

“Well how do feel when you see him?” Eun Mi questioned.

“I feel… nice,” Yeomin replied. Eun Mi sent her a look. “I mean like, he makes me feel better,” she explained further.

Eun Mi thought for a moment before asking another question, “Do you feel your chest beating fast when he’s around?”

Yeomin nodded.

Eun Mi pretended to be a love doctor and pushed up her imaginary glasses. “Do you get jealous when he’s around other girls?”

Yeomin remembered how she felt when she first saw Luhan and Eun Mi together. Was that jealousy? “I think so…”

“Do you miss him after a while of not seeing him?” Eun Mi asked again.

The girl nodded.

Eun Mi grinned and folded her arms together. “Congratulations, you’re in love.”

Yeomin stayed quiet for a moment before throwing her hands in the air. “EUN MI!!” she groaned.

“What’s up!” Eun Mi faked a deep voice and waved a hand in the air like a gangster. Yeomin pursed her lips and she sighed. “Well do you want to tell him?” Eun Mi questioned.

“I guess, but I’m scared.”

Eun Mi rolled her eyes. “Puh-lease, there’s nothing to be scared about.”

“Yes there is,” Yeomin quietly replied.

Eun Mi softened. She had no experience in dating but she had a feeling Yeomin didn’t either. “Hey… If you want, I can talk to Luhan for you.”

Yeomin slowly lifted her gaze from the ground. She stared at Eun Mi with incredulous eyes. “Really?”

“Of course! You both are my friends and ain’t nobody wants to be stuck in the middle of two lovers!” Eun Mi said loudly. Yeomin didn’t reply. “Don’t worry, that fool is heartless, I’m sure it’ll work out,” Eun Mi gave her an encouraging smile.

Yeomin nodded and gave Eun Mi a grateful smile. “Wait…” she said after a while. “Why do you know so much about love anyways?”

“Hm?” Eun Mi blinked her round eyes at her and popped the last eggroll into .

Yeomin gave her a cheeky look and moved closer. “Is it because… you have experience?”

Eun Mi swallowed. “No, of course not.”

“Are you sure?” Yeomin asked, unmoved.

“Probably because I read a lot of romance books. Yeah. Romance books,” Eun Mi nodded to herself. “I read a lot of romance books.”

“Lies,” Yeomin tsked and shook her head.

Eun Mi coughed. She glared at the grinning Yeomin and shoved some rice into the girl’s mouth. “Just eat.”

Yeomin chewed on the rice with mischievous eyes. “That’s what I’ve been doing the whole time,” she stared jokingly.

“Psh whatever,” Eun Mi said.

She met eyes with Yeomin and they continued to stare at each other for a while before bursting into laughter.



A/N: My gosh have you seen Exo's new teaser? *faints*

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ohshytsitzmarina #1
Chapter 66: awww, I wanna know his reaction! LOL

Good story, I loved it! It was cute and sad and lots of crying on my end. LOL
erica_1610 #2
update please :-(
MissMong24 #3
Chapter 62: I am crying oh my goodness my poor little heart is in pain
Chapter 60: Wow okay tears rolling down my face okay. why Eun Mi why?
Chapter 58: -.- wow no this is just not cute
sakuraroory #6
Chapter 58: thanks for the update and please update more :)
Chapter 57: Nooo Lulu you're misunderstanding </3333 URGH MY HEART!!! </3 MY POOR POOR HEAR ;-;