Sleigh Bells

Fireplace Stories

OMG I'm so sorry! I thought I had posted this only to right now find out that I hadn't "un-hide" it. D8 I was wondering why I wasn't receiving any kind of comments and stuff.

Sorry again! *bows* Please enjoy this for real. 8)

Here's part 2....~ =D I hope you continue to enjoy the fluffiness. 8)



Sleigh Bells – Part 2



Jiyong shivered.


It was snowing.


He walked along the path that wrapped around the man made lake. It was beautiful. Like something out of a fairytale.


Jiyong checked his watch it was almost seven but he could see anyone around. Sighing he watched as his breath misted in the air. Making his way he sat down on a bench flinching as the coldness seeped through his pants. He hugged Top's jacket inhaling the lingering scent.


He closed his eyes. He was strangely content, something he hadn't felt in so long.


The jingle of bells alerted him and he looked behind him only to stare at a horse pulling along a sleigh behind it. Standing he smiled at the sight, he wondered if there was a couple riding it.


He was surprised when it stopped in front of him and a lanky tall figure jumped from the sleigh.


“Hi Jiyong. You looked beautiful last night but tonight you are breathtaking” Top complimented as he pulled back the hood that had been covering his face from Jiyong's view. Jiyong felt a blush rising up to settle on his cheeks as he looked down at what he had chosen to wea, fitting jeans, a white button down shirt and sleek black shoes topped off with one of his favorite jackets. "Thank you" he whispered before holding out his arms offering Top's jacket back. The man smiled and took it and placing on JIyong's shoulders.


“Care to join me for a sleigh ride. I promise it'll be most enjoyable and it's safe” Top spoke as he offered a hand to Jiyong. Jiyong bit his lower lip but then placed his hand on the others. He felt warmth engulf him as he saw Top smile brilliantly at him. Gripping his hand Top led Jiyong over to the giant black horse, involuntarily Jiyong stiffened as they got closer. “This here is Blaze he looks mean but he's a giant marshmallow, Blaze meet Jiyong and Jiyong meet Blaze” Top introduced them as he patted the black mane affectionately.


Jiyong smiled when Top placed an apple in his hand. “Blaze is a er for apples. He'll totally love you if you give it to him. Go on trust me I bet he already likes you” Top encouraged Jiyong to move forward to offer the tart fruit to the horse.


Hesitantly Jiyong stepped forward and held out his hand to the horse who turned and eyed him before nuzzling his face before reaching down and taking the apple from Jiyong's hand, munching on it happily. “I told you. Now are you ready? I brought a blanket just in case you got cold” Top asked as he moved to the sleigh looking at Jiyong expectantly.


Jiyong smiled, he'd never ridden in a sleigh before, “I'm ready.”


The two climbed into the sleigh Top grabbing the reigns and voiced for the horse to start moving.


Jiyong watched as Top held the reigns and maneuvered the horse expertly along the snow covered ground. He snuggled closer to the other man as the ride continued the jingles of bells ringing softly through the air. Top momentarily let go of the reigns to throw a blanket over their laps.


“Thank you.”


“For what?”


“For inviting me tonight.”


Jiyong turned to Top and studied his face once again, familiarizing himself with this man's almost alien features. Jiyong wondered if he was even human, there was no way someone from this Earth was this beautiful.


Suddenly intense dark eyes turned to look into his and his breath stopped.






“It's stopped snowing.”


Jiyong blinked out of his trance like state and looked around and true enough it had stopped snowing. The air was cold and crisp but he liked how it tickled his nose.


“Ah! I was right. Look Jiyong” Top pointed off to Jiyong's side as they rounded a group of trees.


The view that greeted them was on par with another fairytale description. The clouds that had dispelled all the snow had disappeared to reveal a full moon shining in all her glory. That wasn't the truly compelling sight though what truly drew their attention was how the moon was reflected on the still surface of the lake, reflecting light here and there making it seem like they had stepped into an enchanted fairytale world.


“It's beautiful Top” Jiyong spoke in awe as he followed Top off the sleigh.


“I know... but you're still much more beautiful to me Jiyong” Top turned to caress a soft cheek with his glove free hand. Jiyong closed his eyes and leaned into the tender touch.






“What's your real name?” Jiyong asked his heart beating wildly as he leaned closer to the other man.




And slightly chapped lips covered his in a kiss. The only thing that could reach them in their world was the distinct sound of sleigh bells.




Comments? Maybe? Please.... T.T I'm just kidding. Hope you enjoyed. =D

The hell how embarrassing how come no one told me that one of those sentences up in the beginning didn't make sense? Sheesh I can't believe I DIDN"T notice it. How horrific. But it's fixed now. 8)

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Rolan1878 #1
Chapter 4: love your story
Chapter 4: Wah!! >< Im walking while reading this~i nearly hit a wall in this shopping mall~ anyway~authur-nim!!it so fluffy!!!i really love ur writing!!!do it more authur-nim!!
Chapter 4: So very fluffy and warm n fuzzy oh my goodness XD my imagination likes to run wild so I'm just going to go along with the theory that top is indeed a prince form some magical, faraway land. That man cannot be human.
Chapter 1: That image of Hyun perched on the balcony, smoking,with slight subtle seriously stole my breath away! I could feel myself falling for this mysterious man just as quickly as Jiyong was. Something about him and thr romantic moment they shared seems magical and enchanting ^^ can't wait to read the following cheaters to uncover the mystery!
Chapter 4: Im curious if seunghyun really is a prince ??

Nice story, wait vo yo next gtop ff ^^
Chapter 4: aaawww beautiful~~ so beautiful~~
guriasob #7
Chapter 4: Omg lungs gave out and heart stopped beating for a moment...... this was deadly beautiful thank u :*
elisechoi #8
Chapter 4: I liked this story. It's a very heart warming fic. :)
Chapter 4: Aw what a fluffy way to end my day
I loved the ending, so absolutely adorable and sweet
Thank you~
Chapter 4: That's Really a great one!! I really love the Christmastale feeling you put in it....
like you could start it with "Once upon a time".... Maybe I had this feeling because of your new writing style but anyway I love it!!! thanks for writing!!!