Under the Mistletoe

Fireplace Stories

I went ahead and posted the first part. 8) I technically have part 2 finished I just still need to reread to make sure there isn't glaringly obvious typos and mistakes. And well... just to see ya'll squirm since I haven't written anything GTOP in so long.


Please enjoy!



Part 1 - Under the Mistletoe


The party was perfect. Too perfect.


The twinkling white lights glittered as they hung from the high ceilings with decorative green garland and red bows. Tall decorated noble firs circled the room at regular intervals beautifully decorated with glass ornaments and candy canes. And people milling about in dashing tuxes and sparkling gowns, holding champagne flutes as they conversed with each other...


And Jiyong hated it.


He was dressed in a dashing white tuxedo with a red rose pinned to his pristine white lapel. He was smiling and nodding to anyone who passed by but underneath he wanted to scream and yell at how fake everyone was being, the most were his own parents. Fake as those diamonds his mother was wearing in her ears and the ones on his father's cuff links.


Rolling his eyes he downed the rest of the bubbly substance in his flute and moved towards the double doors leading off to the balcony. The balcony was just as decorated as the inside was but to Jiyong it was a breath of fresh air, admittedly frosty, but fresh.


“It's cold out here you know.”


Jiyong jumped in fright as the voice resounded in the small space around him. “Who's there?” Jiyong asked looking around for the person who had dared to scare him.


“I'm Top, nice to meet you Kwon Jiyong” Top answered from where he was perched on the far corner of the balcony. Jiyong bemusedly acknowledged the others cleverness to hide in that corner. “How do you know who I am?” Jiyong asked as he slowly approached the other man. “The better question is, who doesn't know who you are?” Top cheekily replied as he leaned back against the wall at his back. Jiyong warily watched how well balanced Top was on the balcony.


Jiyong observed the man before him. He was most definitely not a party guest judging by his clothing.


“I'm not someone you typically see huh?” Top asked as his hand dug around in the pocket of his brown/greenish coat. Jiyong remained silent as he observed the other light a cigarette.


“How did you get in here?”


“Wouldn't you like to know?” Top smirked and seeing Jiyong's sour expression he morphed it to a smile “Actually one of your bodyguards is a friend of mine and he let me in. He promised me that I could have some alone time. But well that seems to have gone down the drain now. No worries though, you are excellent company Jiyong.”


Jiyong's thoughts were scrambled he was still surprised by this man before him and he sort of wanted to slap himself because he found him incredibly attractive in his oversized jacket and his ripped up jeans as he smoked on the balcony of his home.


Top continued to study the other man and smirked seeing a light pink shade appear on the other cheeks he stood suddenly throwing his half smoked cigarette over the balcony.


“I told you it was cold” Jiyong startled when he felt the warmth of the man's jacket wrap around him. Jiyong's eyes traveled up to take in this man up close. His sculpted jaw that showed a slight shadow of facial hair and features that Jiyong was swearing were directly modeled after the statue of David. He brought his gaze down as he felt heat rising up his body and settling on his face.


“Up close you're even more beautiful. I'm sure you've been told that but I sincerely mean it. The starlight really does become you Jiyong” Top whispered into Jiyong's ear making the heat he was already feeling escalate. Jiyong could smell the man before him, the scent of cigarettes, frost and something distinct, which he was sure was Top's unique scent, had his hormones raging.


Feeling the man pull away from him almost had Jiyong whining but then those lips descended on his own. The world melted away. Jiyong was swept away from his godforsaken world to a snow field being covered in continued descending snow flakes but he was on fire.


Jiyong blinked his eyes open when he felt Top pull away from him.


“Don't you just love mistletoe Jiyong?”


Jiyong looked up and sure enough that little plant was innocently hanging above his head.


“Top--” Jiyong stopped.


Top was gone.


Was he drunk? Jiyong wondered, no he was wearing the jacket the man had been wearing. He grabbed the jacket from around his shoulders and hugged it close, the man's scent was still strong.


“Hey Jiyong you okay, you've been out here a while.”


Jiyong turned and smiled at his best friend “M'fine.”


His friend just looked skeptically at him as he walked past him “Are you sure?”


“I'm fine Youngbae. I'm tired I'm going to bed.”


Disappearing from the now dwindling party Jiyong enclosed himself in the safety of his room. Stripping out of his tuxedo he dug out his comfiest pair of sleep pants and shirt and was about to throw himself on his bed when something unusual caught his eye.


There was a small note attached to his mirror.


Getting up he made his way over to it and ripped it off the mirror.



I'd like to meet with you again.

Your company was most enjoyable.

If you wish, I'd like you to join me at Crystal Lake tomorrow evening at around seven o'clock. (7:00pm)

Do not feel obligated to come although... I would like my coat back.

Thank you for your company tonight Jiyong, have a good night.





I'd enjoy seeing some comments! Thank you for stopping by! =D

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Rolan1878 #1
Chapter 4: love your story
Chapter 4: Wah!! >< Im walking while reading this~i nearly hit a wall in this shopping mall~ anyway~authur-nim!!it so fluffy!!!i really love ur writing!!!do it more authur-nim!!
Chapter 4: So very fluffy and warm n fuzzy oh my goodness XD my imagination likes to run wild so I'm just going to go along with the theory that top is indeed a prince form some magical, faraway land. That man cannot be human.
Chapter 1: That image of Hyun perched on the balcony, smoking,with slight subtle seriously stole my breath away! I could feel myself falling for this mysterious man just as quickly as Jiyong was. Something about him and thr romantic moment they shared seems magical and enchanting ^^ can't wait to read the following cheaters to uncover the mystery!
Chapter 4: Im curious if seunghyun really is a prince ??

Nice story, wait vo yo next gtop ff ^^
Chapter 4: aaawww beautiful~~ so beautiful~~
guriasob #7
Chapter 4: Omg lungs gave out and heart stopped beating for a moment...... this was deadly beautiful thank u :*
elisechoi #8
Chapter 4: I liked this story. It's a very heart warming fic. :)
Chapter 4: Aw what a fluffy way to end my day
I loved the ending, so absolutely adorable and sweet
Thank you~
Chapter 4: That's Really a great one!! I really love the Christmastale feeling you put in it....
like you could start it with "Once upon a time".... Maybe I had this feeling because of your new writing style but anyway I love it!!! thanks for writing!!!