Story Time

Fireplace Stories

This is the end. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Don't worry though I am currently working on something. 8) GTOP of course I hope to get the plot down and post the first chapter within a couple of days. Maybe I'll have the first chapter up by Christmas. 8)

Once I hope you all enjoyed this fairytale type story I wrote for the holidays.




Fireplace Stories


Story Time – Part 4



Jiyong sat comfortably on Seunghyun's couch and cuddled him waiting for him to start his story.


“Is this a fairytale story?”


“Not exactly now shush” Seunghyun placed a finger on Jiyong's lips before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on Jiyong's lips.


Jiyong smiled dreamily before he turned so he could watch Seunghyun speak.


“Once upon a time or more like a year ago a prince from a far away land traveled here. As he was exploring he discovered that as beautiful as the places were the opposite was of the people. Except for this wondrous site the prince discovered.


You probably think it was a place but in all reality it was a person, a beautiful person that grabbed his attention. He was so taken by how beautiful this person was that he decided to observe him.” Seunghyun shifted bringing his hand up to caress Jiyong's soft cheek. “The prince was fascinated by him, when he would see him with his friends he would have the most sparkling aura surrounding him but when he was away from his friends, his demeanor changed he was lonely within his world of riches.


This person's way of doing things fascinated the prince, a perfectionist, tweaking every detail of his art. Never giving up, being brave in the light of uncertainty” Seunghyun leaned his forehead against Jiyong's as he closed his eyes.


“And for accepting the prince's invitation to an outing on Christmas Eve.”


Jiyong shivered before he opened his eyes. His breath was stolen from him Seunghyun's eyes were looking directly into his own. He pulled back and nearly fell off the couch at the feeling of that deep gaze searching into his soul.


“Are you the prince?” he breathed as he wrapped his arms around the other man's neck.


“Yes. I am the prince” Seunghyun murmured “You're my soul mate. No one in this world has grabbed my attention like you. You are beautiful Jiyong, so beautiful” Seunghyun whispered pulling Jiyong against him.


“How can you call me beautiful? Have you looked in a mirror Seunghyun? You can't be real Seunghyun you are like this walking, breathing... something” Jiyong giggled as he leaned in and kissed Seunghyun's nose.


“Seunghyun guess what?”


“What?” Seunghyun answered as he moved to lay a quick kiss on Jiyong's lips momentarily taking it into his mouth an on it.


Jiyong moaned softly before he pulled away and traced Seunghyun's lips with his fingers before he softly spoke “I'm your soul mate too.”


They both sat still Jiyong's hand moving to Seunghyun's jaw as Seunghyun caressed a baby soft cheek with his thumb and his other hand idly ran up and down his side.


A clock somewhere in the room rang and a church tower a few blocks down rang it's bells a beautiful chorus filling the night. A peaceful silence came to the world around them as they leaned forward and kissed each other, again... and again.


“Merry Christmas.”



The End



Oh look it's over. I really enjoyed writing this. I felt like I managed to tap into a different style of writing with this. I hope that maybe you all noticed it too.

Comment please and until next time. You all have a Happy Holidays! 8D


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Rolan1878 #1
Chapter 4: love your story
Chapter 4: Wah!! >< Im walking while reading this~i nearly hit a wall in this shopping mall~ anyway~authur-nim!!it so fluffy!!!i really love ur writing!!!do it more authur-nim!!
Chapter 4: So very fluffy and warm n fuzzy oh my goodness XD my imagination likes to run wild so I'm just going to go along with the theory that top is indeed a prince form some magical, faraway land. That man cannot be human.
Chapter 1: That image of Hyun perched on the balcony, smoking,with slight subtle seriously stole my breath away! I could feel myself falling for this mysterious man just as quickly as Jiyong was. Something about him and thr romantic moment they shared seems magical and enchanting ^^ can't wait to read the following cheaters to uncover the mystery!
Chapter 4: Im curious if seunghyun really is a prince ??

Nice story, wait vo yo next gtop ff ^^
Chapter 4: aaawww beautiful~~ so beautiful~~
guriasob #7
Chapter 4: Omg lungs gave out and heart stopped beating for a moment...... this was deadly beautiful thank u :*
elisechoi #8
Chapter 4: I liked this story. It's a very heart warming fic. :)
Chapter 4: Aw what a fluffy way to end my day
I loved the ending, so absolutely adorable and sweet
Thank you~
Chapter 4: That's Really a great one!! I really love the Christmastale feeling you put in it....
like you could start it with "Once upon a time".... Maybe I had this feeling because of your new writing style but anyway I love it!!! thanks for writing!!!