Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop



“Ah, I’m so sorry!” Luhan said as he bumped into a tall man, spilling the coffee that the taller brought on his hand onto his white coat.

“It’s okay,” said the taller man, giving the honey blonde-haired man a reassuring smile.

“Aah, your coat! L-Let me clean it up!” Hurriedly, Luhan put his handkerchief out from his pocket pants then rubbed it on the coffee stain on the guy’s coat. “Oh no, it spreads!”

Looking at Luhan’s reaction, the other guy chuckled. Softly, he touched Luhan’s hand, pulling it down. “Hey, I said it’s okay, didn’t I? So it is really okay, don't panic like that.” he said.


“It’s okay. I’ll take care of it.”

Then, he left the coffee shop with Luhan’s doll eyes locking on his figure.

“But, your coffee…”

Luhan sighed.





Luhan entered the small yet comfortable building in front of him. It was a heavy rain outside, making the doll-liked boy decide to take a shelter on the coffee shop.

“Café Au Lait, please.”

“Alright. Just take a seat, I’ll take it to your table.”

Luhan nodded and smiled before taking his seat on his favorite corner on the coffee shop.

Not long after it, the shop door opened and from his seat Luhan could see the tall man he met yesterday was entering the shop with his friends.

“Ristretto, please.” Luhan heard the man’s order.

“Another ristretto, Sehun? It’s not really good if you drink it every day, you know?” said one of the man named Sehun’s friends.

“I need it to make my assignment.” Sehun said, turning his body to search for a seat. And soon, he saw Luhan sitting alone on his seat.

Luhan smiled awkwardly at the taller, waving his hand slightly. Sehun, looking at the honey-blonde head, gave him a smile back before sitting with his friends on the table across Luhan’s table.

So, his name is Sehun.

“Excuse me, your Café Au Lait, Sir.”

The waiter made Luhan look a bit startled, but a smile quickly curled on his full lips. “Oh, thank you…” he said.

As the waiter went away, Luhan turned back his gaze into Sehun who now was laughing at his friend’s joke. Looking at that, Luhan couldn’t hold his smile. Sehun looked so adorable when he laughed.

Without Luhan knowing it, his heart beat faster than usual.





It was another rainy afternoon when Luhan came again to the coffee shop. He already came here for a whole week just to see the tall man named Sehun that he accidently bumped on him last week. And Luhan could do nothing but smile when he saw Sehun already there, sitting alone with a laptop on the table. It looked like he was typing something on his laptop, maybe his assignment, with a cup of, Luhan was sure, ristretto on his left side. Sometimes he stopped typing and took a sip of his coffee.

After made an order, Luhan took a table across Sehun, but it seemed Sehun didn’t realize him. It was lucky for Luhan, so that he could see the man secretly. Luhan placed his chin between his hands, looking at the serious Sehun. He couldn’t tell how happy he was to have a moment like this.

“Your Café Au Lait, Sir.”

“Oh, yes. Thank you,”

At the time, Sehun suddenly lifted his head. Luhan could tell that his face got hotter when their eyes met.

From his table, Sehun smiled at Luhan.

If only one smile can kill somebody, I must be dead already just now.





“Oh, sorry.” Sehun said when he dropped Luhan’s napkin from the table.

“A-Ah, it’s okay…” Luhan replied, face getting reddened.

Sehun bowed to take the napkin before giving it back to Luhan. “I see you every day here nowadays.” he said. “It seems that you like this place, eh?”

Luhan got up from his seat to take the napkin from Sehun’s hand. “Well… yeah, kinda like that…” he replied. Especially when you’re here too, working on your assignment with your favorite ristretto, making a serious face that makes me want to hug you.

“Mee too. This is my favorite place to come, actually.”

“Umm, I can see that…”

Sehun smiled. “Well then, I have to go now. See you around, I think?”

Luhan nodded, giving Sehun his most brightly smile. “Of course.”

“Okay then…” Sehun waved his hand before walking away from the shop.





Sehun didn’t come to the coffee shop today and it made Luhan feel so empty. He used to see Sehun every day for these whole two weeks and now he didn’t even know why Sehun didn’t come at the place.

“Café Au Lait, Sir?” asked the barista when Luhan entered the shop with disappointed feeling.

Luhan smiled at the question.

“Yes, please.”

You said you’ll see me around. Now, where are you, Sehun?





Just where the hell is he?!

Luhan sighed heavily when he didn’t find Sehun in the coffee shop again. It was the third day Sehun didn’t attend to the shop and it made him feel like crazy. He really wanted to see Sehun. It was okay if he could just see him from his table, it was okay even he wasn’t able to talk to him. Even just looking at Sehun could make him feel better.

“Are you looking for Sehun?”

Luhan looked startled when the barista suddenly asked him the question.

“U-Uhh… actually…”

“It’s obvious that you always come here for him. It wasn’t just once I saw you looking at him for a long time.” The barista smiled. “You like him, don’t you?”

Luhan was sure that his cheeks were getting reddened just now. “I-It’s not like that…! I’m just… umm…”

The barista chuckled softly. “Come on, Kid. I know how it feels to fall in love.” he said. “Now, take your seat, I’ll bring you your favorite Café Au Lait.”

Luhan looked hesitate for a moment, but next he said, “Uhh, I think I want ristretto this time.”

“Ah, you miss him so much, don’t you?”





Luhan’s eyes widened when he saw Sehun was walking out from the coffee shop.

Crap! I’m late!

Hurriedly, Luhan walked towards the taller, but Sehun was too fast for him. No matter how fast Luhan tried to move, Sehun still walked far from him.

No, no, no, no! God, Sehun, can you decrease your speed?!

Luhan felt like crying when Sehun was gone from his sight. It seemed that the tall guy the corner and, poof! Luhan lost his figure.

“He’s gone…” Luhan whispered to himself, panting after ran to chase Sehun.

But suddenly a hand poked his shoulder.

“The barista said that you were looking for me.”

Luhan was really surprised when the voice he really missed was heard. He turned his body and found Sehun was smiling at him.


“Ah, you knew my name already?”

Luhan ducked to hide his pinked cheeks, nodding slightly. “I heard it when your friend called your name a couple of weeks ago…”

“Mmm, I see…” Sehun said. “So, why were you looking for me?”

Luhan ducked his head deeper. “I… I just… uhh…”

Sehun chuckled. He touched Luhan’s chin softly with his fingers, lifting it up so that he could see the shorter boy’s face. “Just say it,” he said, still with his warm smile.

Luhan felt his heart will explode seeing Sehun’s smile. He took a deep breath. “I… I… I like you! I want to see you every day! That’s why I came every day to the coffee shop! But… but… you didn’t come for nearly two weeks and it makes me… uhh…”


Sehun raised his eyebrows. “I’m sorry?”

Luhan shook his head hardly, face turning red just like a tomato. “J-Just forget it! I-I’m sorry for bothering you! I’ll be leaving now!” he said quickly, starting to take his leave.

“Hey, wait up!” Sehun quickly grabbed Luhan’s arm. “Wait. This is not fair.”

Luhan looked at Sehun with a puzzled look. “What is not fair?” he asked.

“You knew my name already. I don’t even know yours.”

“I don’t think my name is important for you to know…”

Sehun flicked his fingers on Luhan’s forehead. “I was looking at you for a whole time at the coffee shop without knowing your name, it felt like hell, you know?”





“Café Au Lait, Sir?”

“Yes, please.”

“And I think ristretto for your boyfriend, am I right?”

Luhan smiled as he looked at Sehun who was standing next to him, hands holding each other.

“Yes, please.”

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tuongvy2001212 #1
Can I will trans this fic ?
It's really ciuu >.<
Chapter 1: Wahh this is so cute ^^ I'm like prowling through your krisho and hunhan fics (oops sorry I think I sound creepy D:), and I really like your style of writing. The gentle kind of fluffiness heh! Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 1: ///v/// this one is cute ///v/// then they already dating.. in 2 days... my heart <//3 but this one is cute ///v/// I don't know if I've said this but... this one is cute ///v/// asdfghjkl so cute >////<
eudaimonia #5
Chapter 1: hunhan <3
anyway it should be "don't panic" instead of "don't be panic" ^^
lmao at comment below me xD
yeah I wish my love life was like that too e_____e
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD. HOOKED UP AFTER 27 DAYS AND ONLY LIKE A 2 MINUTES CONVERSATION. DAMN. I wish my love life was like that OTL
Chapter 1: Omg awwwwwww fluff
Luhan's too adorable :"""">