


                The day had passed and Seunghyun was still not home.  Jiyong began growing nervous about his hyung.  “Where is that pabo?” He whispered while pacing. It all seemed ridiculous to him.  “I should have just left before and nothing like this would have ever happened, the group could have gone on.” He jumped onto the couch and fell into a snooze after about 20 minutes…

The reason that Jiyong felt the need to leave was his heart.  He no longer felt as if he had the will to keep performing in the public eye. He mainly wanted to write and be behind the scenes now.  Concerts and events became too much for him and is nerves took him over.  He had been contemplating leaving for over 2 years but could never toughen up to do it.  He formed a relationship with Seunghyun and kept it secret for a while.  Jiyong thought of it more as playing around ever once and a while.  However, when things happened between the two, Seunghyun had a twinkle in his eye and a rhythm to his words that Jiyong had never seen and heard.  He was so warm towards him and comforting.  Jiyong looked it all over though…he never knew.



Jiyong woke to a booming thud.  In the dark room his body jolted up and he gasped.  He was hoping it wasn’t a robber.  In his after-slumber daze he got up and walked around to see who it could be. The lights flipped on and there standing right in front of him was Seunghyun, soaking wet and with a miserable expression on his face.  Jiyong knew something was wrong.

“It’s all over.” He said softly. Seunghyun was obviously drunk and emotional.  “The rest of the guys are considering breaking up the group as a whole, for solo things and such.  They think we’re crumbling!” He roared in Jiyong’s direction. Rain began pounding the roof and thunder followed.  Everything that could have gone wrong was doing just that.

Jiyong felt a tear roll off of his cheek and onto the floor.  Seunghyun grabbed him by the hand, pulled him closer and held him in a tight embrace. Through his teary weeping, he managed to get a few words out.

“Jiyong…” he whispered



“Will you stay?”


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Chapter 5: They disappear together and followed by the confession! OMG.. Ji, why cant you answer it?
Chapter 3: Awwww... That was sad... T,T
Chapter 2: Aigoo, please dont leave ji.. :((
Got a feeling that this story gonna be so angsty..