A Little More Research

Of Legend


1 Day. 24 hours. 1440 minutes. That’s how long Sehun had held himself back from talking to Hwanggeum.

At dinner he stared awkwardly across the table. Hwanggeum sat beside Kai, and boy did Sehun regret his ‘logical decision’ to sit beside Jinhee instead of having her and his age-line friend fight at their seating. Hwanggeum, despite her blunt remarks about people’s likability, got on well with everyone in the house just as much as Jinhee did. Sehun didn’t like this.

He watched green with jealously as Kai stabbed a honking piece of meat with his fork and jokingly tried to shove it in Hwanggeum’s mouth. The older was mocking him silently. Sehun could just see the devious plan unravelling in his head. Hwanggeum’s bubbly laughter caught his attention while she covered pushing Kai’s hand away. Kai took the meat for himself happily.

Sehun couldn’t watch any longer. His cold heart was growing limp even though he denied all feelings for Hwanggeum out loud he felt them settling like leaves falling from tree branches to the ground. “Suho, I’m heading off to my room for the night.” His voice was polite as he pushed himself away from the table.

“Was it something about my cooking?” Kyungsoo asked worried about his younger’s tastes.

“No, I’m just not hungry.” Sehun replied giving one more look towards Hwanggeum who was only paying attention to her own plate. He gave a roll of his eyes and headed off to his room.

That’s where Sehun left it for the day. He walked into his room greeting his little friend. He pet his fur and picked him up resting him in the groove of his arm.

“Have you ever liked someone?” He asked out loud the fur on the top of his head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with her. She’s so stubborn.” Sehun sighed setting his animal loose on his bed. “What should I do? She has Kai now.”

Sehun watched his pet’s walking pattern. Front left paw and back right paw moving together leaving its other two to follow suit. “You’re right. I should talk to her tomorrow.” He whispered as it walked over to his face sniffing his hair. Sehun scooped him up with one hand and strode over to a special box he laid out for him. “You understand right buddy?” He asked dipping his hand in for a final pet.

His pet looked drunken staggering around the large box until it hit a wall. “Aish” Sehun hissed wondering why he was talking to an animal. It curled itself into a ball and shut its eyes. The corners of Sehun’s mouth pinched upward while he watched it sleep.

I wonder what she’s doing right now. He thought to himself pacing around his room. Oh shut up Sehun, it’s only been an hour. She’s probably getting ready for bed or something since dinner was so late today. Yeah that’s what she’s doing. Sehun nodded to himself sitting on the edge of his bed. Maybe I should speed up my plan and go say goodnight. He straightened his legs contemplating the idea then sitting back down. But what if she’s with Kai. Sehun internally groaned.

After ten minutes of arguing with himself Sehun was carried by his feet to the arch before Hwanggeum’s doorway.

“That’s actually so cool! How did you learn to do that?” Sehun’s ears perked up at the sound, “I wish I could do that. It would make my life so much easier.” He listened closer to the tone. Kai.

Sehun fisted at his hair turning away from the doorway. He spun angrily jumping up and down. Silently he screamed and buried the soles of his shoes into the ground. He swung his clenched hands frustrated at the ground in some sort of horrific tantrum.

It wasn’t long before Sehun realized what he was doing and regained his cool image. He fixed his hair flat down and straightened out his shirt. This is no time to act up Sehun! Just tell Kai he should let Hwanggeum rest, say goodnight, and you can leave. Sehun raise a fist in front of him determined he would succeed at such a small task.

Arm extended, hand tightly wrapped around the knob, fingers griping it for dear life. Now Sehun. He thought to himself. 3. 2. 1! He flung the door open holding it so it wouldn’t bounce off the wall back at him.

Hwanggeum and Kai sat together on the bed staring at the open doorway. Sehun opened his mouth to speak but just flailed his hand around in no understandable pattern. He his heels and speed down the corridor. Nope.


“So tell me why is he not talking to you?” Kai asked,

Hwanggeum let out a small laugh, “I told him I would never talk to him again if he didn’t kill that rat he has hidden in his room.” They laughed together.

“He’s not going to cave. Not after that little stunt. He’ll be too afraid to talk to you now, plus he’s got a soft spot for animals. It’s really girly actually. He kept a mouse that had managed to get into the house for two weeks once. That was until Kyungsoo had a hygiene fit.” Kai kept himself half up by resting on his elbows.

“Well, I want that thing gone. Kyungsoo’s right. I think he likes that pest more than me right now.” Hwanggeum grumbled.

“I bet he does.” Kai smiled, “So you like him then?” Hwanggeum shook her head. “Your ears are turning pink you idiot. I won’t tell him.” Hwanggeum’s eyes flew like daggers right at Kai. He clutched the left side of his chest, “Ouch! My heart! Your eyes are digging right into my heart!” He exclaimed rolling onto his stomach.

Hwanggeum stifled a laugh pushing him off the bed. “Get out!” She smiled, “I need to sleep.” Kai picked himself up off the floor looking at Hwanggeum with one eyebrow raised. “Get out! Get out! Get out!” She pushed his back towards the door.

“Fine, fine, fine.” Kai said tripping over his own feet. “Whatever the ice princess says!”

“Don’t call me that.” Hwanggeum pointed a finger, opposite hand resting on the edge of her door.

Kai gave a deep bow with his right leg forward. Hwanggeum laughed tipping him over by pushing his head. “Go to sleep peasant.” She clicked the door leaving Kai on the ground once again.

Who is he to call me the ice princess? I’m not cold. Just honest. Hwanggeum smiled flopping onto her bed. Does Sehun really like that thing more than me?


“Hwanggeum, it’s time to wake up.” Kyungsoo hollered for the fifth time this past hour. It’s two in the afternoon. How much sleep does that girl need?! He thought to himself about to barge into her room and shake her awake himself. He heard an unpleased groan from the other side of the door. “Actually get up this time.”

Hwanggeum groaned from deep in her chest rolling off her stomach onto her back. She lay there quietly staring up at the roof. “Hwanggeum, I’m being completely serious. Hurry up and get ready, you’ve missed two meals. If you don’t come out in ten minutes I’m sending someone in after you.” She kicked her legs in a silent protest sighing when she heard Kyungsoo’s footsteps leave her door.

It’s Saturday. Hwanggeum whined in her head. I don’t even work anymore. She folded her hands over the edge of the bed and tried her hardest to drag her body weight to one side. “urg” She grumbled reaching down on the floor for her phone. Her hands fondled the floor until her short fingers could grasp the electronic.

One message from Jinhee:

When you wake up come and get ready come to my room I have to tell you something.

Hwanggeum ran her thumb across the screen then pressed reply. “mmm okay, what’s is about?” She narrated the text to herself. She looked at the time on the message she had just replied to. 8:30, God, why was that woman up?!

Her phone buzzed in her hand with a response:

It’s just important. I need your help.

Her phone clicked while she locked it. Groggily she combed her fingers through her hair and sat up looking around her messy room. Hwanggeum heaved her body off her bed and changed into a pair of sweats. She had just managed to pull on a clean, white, spaghetti strap undershirt when Sehun barged in the room.

Quickly he looked away, “Yes?” Hwanggeum asked flattening her shirt down and grabbing a t-shirt to throw over top. Embarassed Sehun rambled, 

“Kyungsoosaidtohurryupbecausehedoesn’twantyourdinnertobespoiledifyoueattoolate” He was quick to leave the room without looking back.

Hwanggeum laughed when Sehun quickly shut the door behind him. She could imagine him scurrying down the hallways flustered. “Idiot. He should really learn to knock.”

She left her room after brushing her teeth. Hwanggeum wasn’t one for morning appearances, so she had left her clothes baggy and rather unacceptable for leaving the house. She decided to slug herself off to the kitchen before heading to Jinhee’s room.

“Here. Eat this before it goes bad.” Kyungsoo said pushing a fresh bowl of cereal in front of Hwanggeum looking unamused. Hwanggeum looked up at him from her seat. “What?” She picked up her spoon and circled the bowl.

“Cereal at two in the afternoon?” She asked. Her stomach was rejecting the idea.

“You didn’t wake up until now!” Kyungsoo said in disbelief holding his hands up frustrated. “Just eat it, I already poured it for you.” Hwanggeum put a spoonful in .

“Thank you.” She said quietly, trying to make up for her being impolite.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Kyungsoo shrugged her off and continued his preparations for dinner.

I’m so full. Hwanggeum said the quarters of the way through her second bowl of cereal. Kyungsoo had already warned her that if she didn’t eat dinner he wouldn’t feed her at all the next day. There’s one more mouthful Hwanggeum. You can do this! She self motivated slipping the spoon from the seal of her lips. It clanked around the empty bowl.

Kyungsoo smiled, “I have never seen girls that eat so much. You and your cousin eat quite a bit.” Hwanggeum puffed out her cheeks embarrassed.

“Kyungsoo!” A familiar voice called out. The sound of a door hitting a wall when it swung open caught Hwanggeum’s attention. “Kyungsoo, do you have anything I can feed Draedo with?” Sehun bustled up to the counter beside Hwanggeum.

“You’re still taking care of that rat?” Hwanggeum asked looking disgusted. Sehun ignored her,


“Actually yes, I didn’t know how long you and Luhan were going to take care of him so I got that.” Kyungsoo pointed to the far corner of the kitchen were a small bag of food for guinea pigs lay. Hwanggeum cringed. “I didn’t know what to buy but he sorta looks like a guinea pig so I got that one. I hope it’s okay.”

Sehun smiled at his older nodding. He ran back towards his room, but not before yelling to Luhan to fetch the bag of food.  “He really does like that thing more than me,” Hwanggeum whispered to herself.

Kai slid up behind Hwanggeum, “You should have a little fun with them.” He whispered watching Luhan walk into the room slightly annoyed. Kai raised Hwanggeum’s hand slightly gesturing her.

She caught on quickly to Kai’s little prank. She brushed off Kai’s hand and curled her fingers in one by one. Luhan closed in on the bag of food. There was a bend in his knees as he reached down for it. Hwanggeum flicked her wrist to the left. The bag of food followed and slid quickly along the ceramic tiles.

Luhan stood up straight staring at the bag. Curiously he stepped closer. Once he was in reach the bag moved again. He pointed a finger at the bag as if asking it a question then spun to look at Hwanggeum who had quickly turned to rinse out her bowl. Kai snickered from beside her. No. Luhan thought snatching the bag up quickly and rushing off to Sehun’s room.

He threw the bag into Sehun’s room and started dashing down the hallway. “Luhan! I thought you were going to help me!” Sehun yelled sticking his head out the door.

“I will later!” Luhan yelled back making a break for Jinhee’s door. He banged three times calling out her name before intruding. “Did you know Hwanggeum can do that?”

Jinhee sat wide eyed in front of her profile mirror, she was in the midst of applying eyeliner. “Do what?”

“That thing you do! With the hands and the woosh.” Luhan beating his arms through the air.

“No. I was going to tell her when she woke up! She’s been taking her sweet time getting here though.” Jinhee pushed her makeup aside facing Luhan. “I just texted her to come, she should walk in soon.”

“We have to tell Suho now. Before this gets out of control. Oh God, we should’ve just told him in the first place!” Luhan paced.

Hwanggeum floated into the room calmly. “Why do we have to tell Suho? It’s not that bad.”

Luhan and Jinhee dropped their jaws. “Okay so maybe it’s a little weird. It’s cool though. Isn’t there some race in the Virgo Cluster that had supernatural powers? Maybe they can transport their powers or something.”

Jinhee was on her feet and sprinted at her cousin. She pushed her onto the bed and beat her with her hands. “Why. Are. You. So. Stupid?!” She said in between hits. Hwanggeum held Jinhee’s wrists to prevent her from hitting.

“Why are you hitting me?!” Hwanggeum bellowed.

“Those people have been extinct for over a thousand years!” Hwanggeum threw her cousin off.

“Sorry for having a lack of knowledge!”

“Wait, I know of this.” Luhan interrupted the dispute dragging the two girls out the door. “I need your help finding it though.”


“It says here that Elders posses powers.” Hwanggeum read tracing her finger along the books words. Luhan had dragged the two girls to the house’s library. The three of them had been searching through every book on EXO and outer space planet history they could find.

Luhan snapped his book shut giving all his attention to Hwanggeum, “Yeah. That sounds familiar. Keep reading.”

“It says, ‘When an Elder dies, they are forced to give up any and all powers they posses. Every ten millenniums [or so] an Elder receives a new power. This gives the Elders a ranking in their own society.’ Now, that’s cool.” Hwanggeum smiled into her book. “’Elders can only give their powers to those they choose. In most cases this means the individual or party who keeps the planet at peace obtains these powers.’”

Jinhee and Hwanggeum looked to Luhan. “Wouldn’t that be you?” Hwanggeum asked bluntly.

“Of course it would be me, but that makes no sense. I can’t-“

“Have you tried?”

“Well no, but-“

“Then try.”

Luhan looked down to his palms. They were grey from the dust he wiped off books. He clapped his hands together revealing his milky skin underneath. He raised his hand, then looked at the two girls. They egged him on with their heads.  Luhan brought his fingers into his palm and tugged towards himself.

He expected books to come flying towards him, but nothing happened. “See I can’t. I don’t know why the Elde-“

“You didn’t try.” Hwanggeum spoke back. “If you don’t want to do it you won’t be able to.”

“Why do you know so much about this?” Luhan asked eyes piercing into Hwanggeum.

“I read the book smartass. It says, ‘Those who posses powers use them to their own will. If they use their powers frequently and focus they can control them with more ease.’” Luhan bit his tongue. “Try again. Only think about moving this book.” Hwanggeum said folding the book shut.

Inhale, exhale. Right hand up straight facing the book. Why is my hand shaking? Luhan caught his bottom lip between his teeth. Fingers envelop into my up stretch palm. Slowly lifting towards the ceiling. “Lift.” Luhan whispered. The book followed with his motions. His eyes were wide in amazement of his own actions. He spun his wrist and watched the book dance around in the air.

Luhan didn’t know whether to smile about or be scared that he could do this miraculous thing. He brought the book away from Hwanggeum and threw it across the room.

They remained silent. Hwanggeum was smiling knowingly meanwhile Jinhee didn’t react.

“So does this mean the others have powers too?” Jinhee finally cocked in after sitting for ten minutes.

Luhan’s head snapped up, “We need to see Suho.” 


*A/N: This story may go on another mini hiatus. I'm sorry :( I have a dance show and competition I have to prepare for so I'll be at practice all the time. I will try to write in between all of that. 

Is anyone liking this story?  You peoples don't comment anymore so I don't know :/ 

Has EXO's comeback been confirmed for May? I keep hearing stuff and their hair keeps changed (Sehun looks like a hightlighter omg)

Also Sehun's birthday! wooo! <3

Sorry for my ramble.

Happy Reading, Ship On


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Chapter 22: Good luck with school!
Chapter 17: This is really cool! I like the power twist you put in c:
Chapter 17: Bacon your power isn't stupid. Silly. :) His temper tantrum was so cute/ he's an idiot. :)
Chapter 12: BATOOOOOOOST!!!! BILASA!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA you have made my day!
Chapter 11: FINALLY She goes to the leader's house!
Chapter 10: Jinee is moving to the Leader's house? LUCKKYYY I WANNA GO TOO!!!!
Chapter 9: Awww. You're welcome^^
Why won't hwang move to the leader house???
Chapter 7: Hmmm spies....i wonder who they are.
Chapter 6: Omg._. I absolutely LOVE Sehun in this! And Luhan...