trial 03 : choosing le project .

When Queenka Meets Nerd . {Hiatus, sorry~!}

trial 03 :  choosing le project .


Kyungsoo's POV:




"Ya, JunHee, kaja~" The Quartz f(x) girl called for my seat mate.

"Ah, arasso unnie~" JunHee stood up and began following her unnie. Strange. Her voice didn't sound energetic or hyper as I would have expected... it sounded soft. My eyes followed her till she exited the classroom.

 Was that what made her seem different from the rest of the f(x) members? Her voice? I mean, even when she pointed out the assistant principal, her voice seemed kind of gentle. Even though she talked like them, she didn't necessarily sound as obnoxious as the other members. Maybe... wait, no. Then I remembered her 'conversation' with me -- her irritated "bwoya" and her scoff at me. What was I thinking? She's the same as the rest of them. 

"Yah, Kyungsoo! Are you listening to me?"

"Huh? Oh, Tiffany! I'm sorry." 

"I'm surprised. It's not often that you space out like that Kyungie," Tell me about it. And why did the reason for my spacing out have to be about me wondering about that queenka? I must be out of it today. That Quartz lady's flick must have had something to do with it. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. My mind was just caught up in what I should do for the science project." I lied. I didn't want Tiffany to think anything strange of me for wondering about a queenka.

"Is that so? Would you like to visit the library to find some sources we could use to get ideas?"

"Sure. That sounds great." I smiled at Tiffany. She reciprocated the gesture. I stood up and walked alongside Tiffany out of the classroom and towards the hall of the library. 

As we were walking in the halls, Tiffany was talking about her interaction with her new seatmate, BongGoo. Her description made him sound introverted, but overall he must be a good kid. At least she wasn't sitting near anyone who had the potential of bullying her. "... oh! And then the most hilarious thing had happened with him today! He sneezed out pringles from his nose!" I bursted laughing.

"What?! H-how's that even possible? Hahahaha!! I can't belie-- agh!" Out of the blue, someone had bumped into my shoulder. My head turned to the individual, a girl. She was covering her face, but that didn't hide the fact that she was clearly crying. She continued walking speedily through the hall. She seemed to be going to the garden. Huh... Although I couldn't see her face, her figure from the back definitely seemed familiar. Wait... Don't tell me it's...

"Oh, isn't that the JunHee girl?" Tiffany asked. So it was her. I wonder what happened.

 Tiffany looked at me, with a curious expression on her face. "What do you think happened to make THEE Park JunHee to actually cry?"

"I don't know... but I hope it doesn't adversely affect the progress of our project." I really didn't want to do the project alone. I wanted to see what the queenka girl could do. Not that she's smart or anything, she probably has bad grades, but still. I want to see a queenka's work.

"Oh right, she's your partner. I wanted so badly to be your partner."

" Oh no, I think you'll have more fun with pringle-sneezing BongGoo-gun." I teased.

"Yah, hajima!" Tiffany was irritated. Cute.

"Hahaha~" We continued walking to the library. Tiffany playfully punched my arm. I just kept smiling, having a pleasant time with her before we had to enter the library in which we'd have to stay quiet. Once we were at the entrance of the library, I opened the door and let Tiffany go in first. Before I let myself enter, I turned my head towards the direction of the garden for a few seconds.

Nah, getting a head start on the project is more important.




As I entered the library, ironically there was a lot of commotion. A little crowd was formed near the science section. I never thought science books were these popular nowadays. As I walked towards the area, Tiffany ran up to me.

"Kyungie, look!" She grabbed my wrist and we walked quickly to the crowd. In the center of the crowd was a girl cyring and a guy who seemed to be in a lot of pain... in that certain area. Ouch. As I observed their facial features more closely, I still didn't know who the girl was, but I was shocked at who the guy was, Lee Taemin. The ultimate prince of this school. This was going  to be headline gossip for the rest of the day and tomorrow. I wondered what had happened.

Finally, a seongsaengnim came over, dispersed the crowd, and assisted the two victimized individuals. They had walked passed me, and just then I heard a faint, angered whisper from Lee Taemin.

"That Jun Hee..."

All of a sudden, a wave of flashbacks from the moments before I entered the library filled my head.

Jun Hee had come from the direction of the library.

Her eyes were filled with tears.

And Lee Taemin was the reason.

It had completely slipped my mind that Jun Hee was in a relationship with this player kingka. She should have at least seen this coming. Still, I felt bad for the both of them. I sympathized with Taemin, since getting hit there was the equivalent of woman  giving birth in my opinion. Especially if Taemin couldn't get up and was on the ground for that length of time. However, he did deserve that. I still shuddered at the thought of being hit there so severely.

Then there was Jun Hee. I seriously wanted to think karma had done this to her, after what she had done to me, but the experience of seeing her boyfriend cheating was definitely at a higher level of hurt, than me receiving mere scoff of irritation from her. My heart was tugging at me to go check the garden.

"Yah, shouldn't you get a book before the library closes?" Oh that's right. Tiffany snapped me back to reality.

We walked to the aisle next to where the scene had been. Before I was about to skim through the rows of books I had noticed there was one on the ground. I picked it up. It was a book about different experiments that could be done on little sea creatures like sea snails, crawfish, freshwater shrimp, brine shrimp, and more. I skimmed through the pages. There were various types of projects we could do. I tried looking for the most appropriate one for a queenka's level of intelligence.

The Effect of certain Acids and Bases on the Lifespan of Freshwater Shrimp.

It seemed appropriate for a science project, and easy enough for a queenka, right? Wait... no. If the other f(x) members were to do this project, they'd definitely make me do all of the work. I put the book back with the others and decided looked through the row of books once more for easier-looking projects. I took one out and grinned.

Tough Beans : Which Cooking Liquids Soften Beans The Most?

Why is this book in a high school library? I remembered doing something like this back in junior high. This'll be a piece of cake for me, so this should be challenging enough for a queenka right?

"I'll get this, arasso?" I showed her the book.

"Isn't it a little too easy?" Yes. Very easy.

"Yeah but, I want the queenka to do at least some work, so I'll make it easy for her. Makes sense, right?" She thought for a second and then nodded in agreement. Tiffany went off to the library register to get her books checked out.

Just as I was about to exit the science section, I hesitated on taking another step forward. Instead, I went back for the other book that I had picked up earlier. I opened it once again. Man, these projects looked really fun to do as I was glancing at photos of the procedures. Maybe I'll just check this out for my own enjoyment. It could be of use to me in the future when another science project comes around. And so, I checked out both books. 

When Tiffany and I exited the library, she began talking. What it was about I don't exactly remember... because I kept glancing at the garden to see if anyone was there. 

Nope. No one was.




 Once I took off my shoes when I entered the house I called out that I was home, just in case my parents and sister were home already.

"OPPA'S HOME~!" EunJi ran from the hallways and bear hugged me.

"Haha~ annyeong EunJi," I hugged her back "How was school?"

"Okay, I guess. Actually, no! Remember that guy I told you about?! MinSoo?" She broke off the hug and began flailing her arms. That was the signal she was going to tell me about one of her boy stores. Oh joy.

"Oh yeah, the dude who gave you a handmade wallet as a gift, but you rejected?"

"YES. HIM. He was staring at me during one of my classes!!! Such a creeper!! Blech!!"

"Maybe he's still mad at you for rejecting him."

  "It's his own fault! He's such a weirdo! And fat. Then  during lunch, the other guy I told you about, TaiHo, he was trying to ask me out on a date!!"

"Seriously Eunji?" I raised my eyebrows. "The term 'date' shouldn't even be in your vocabulary. Plus, you have the face of a nine year old. Who would ask out a nine year old?"

"WELL THEN. At least I'll look 10 years younger when I'm 30 or something!"

"Then right now you have the face of a two year old if you're looking ten years younger."


"Hahahaha!!! Just kidding. Go do your homework now." I tried to shoo her off. 

"Fine. I'm going to eat mochi ice cream first."

"You're going to spoil your dinner."

"It's only a little!!!"

"Gah, okay, okay... I'm going upstairs to do my homework." I went upstairs and changed into home clothing. As I went to my desk, I got my backpack and unloaded all my homework including the books for the science project. I started looking at a few experiments on the book with the sea creatures. Yeah, this definitely looks difficult for a queenka to do. It's a challenge for me, but I could definitely handle it. On the other hand, from the perspective of a queenka, this'll probably be difficult to handle. I then took out the one with the beans. I seriously couldn't help but smile as I was looking through it.

So. Freaking. Easy.

This would be a joke for a nerd, but for a queenka I wonder how they would react to it.

Well... I'm going to find out soon.




3rd chapter up~!

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LuckyJune #1
Chapter 6: This story is real good. It may sound like typical queenka and nerd stuff but I love the way you elaborate it. Jinhee who actually isn't bad, but want to be a queenka. She's also smart and actually very kind!! I love it so much! Hope you can finish your other story and update this one really fast!
Chapter 6: I didn't get it author-nim...o___O i mean Eunji's age :(( what's her age author-nim? Anyway, i like your story! HAHA keep it up author-nim! Sarangahe~ lol okay bye :>
Chapter 5: This story is really good! Keep up the good work! :D
elle87 #4
Chapter 3: I do like the story and where it's getting so far.
Waiting for more Kyungsoo and Junhee interactions!