× 16 × - Yay For Drama.

A Star, but a Touchable Star



× 16 × - Yay for Drama.

I scowled. 

This is stupid.

"I am not going to perform some......CUTE SONG!" I hissed at Ms. Jin. She raised an eyebrow.

"Kim. Chae. Ri." She began, staring me down with her scary eyes. "You WILL perform this song."

I pleaded her with my eyes, widening them and sticking out a pout. 

I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Songsaengnim!" I whined, stomping my feet. "Pleaseeeee! Lemme do something else...other than this!"

She gestured at my actions with a smug look.

"See? You can do aegyo. It fits perfectly with the song, Chae Ri-ah." 


"No more, Chae Ri..have to attend to my first years, god knows how much they need help." She said, muttering the last part under her breath. I heard it, and raised an eyebrow.

"You know, I could always help. I'm free on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it would be perfect cause you have meetings till noon on those days." I offered.

"Don't you have ballet class?" She asked me.

I burst out into laughter, falling on the floor. 

She was kidding! Me? Kim Chae Ri, taking ballet class? 

"S-song..." I laughed, "Unnie, you know me. I've been with you for six years, would I take ballet class?" 

She sighed and shook her head. She fell back on her chair, rubbing her face tiredly. I sat on top of a desk, and looked at her worriedly.

"Do you have any problems?"

She gave me a small smile.

"Eh...Not really. I didn't eat breakfast yet."

I rolled my eyes. "Unnie, you give me so many lectures on how I should eat healthier, yet you skip the most important meal of the day. You hypocrite." I joked.

Ms. Jin gave me a small laugh, and shook her head again.

"Your so like your mother. Get out of here." She said amusedly.

I gave her a smile.

"Alright then. So Tuesday's and Thursday's, from 1:30 to 3:00?" I asked.

She looked up from her paperwork, and gave me a wink.

"I'll let you figure that out. My first and second years come in at noon. You can start as soon as you finish lunch. They'll be waiting in the studio." 

I grinned, and stepped out the room. I bowed, and the door closed.


K-Art's dance cafeteria was always loud. Girls gossiped loudly, gasping and squealing, screaming and shrieking at every bit of juicy news they hear from their friends. Guys hooted, yelled, talked loudly as if they were at a nightclub, and always loved to mess around ending up in a playfight. 

But today, it was super loud.

Girls were pouting everywhere I looked, looking disappointed and down, while others were shrieking like witches on a witchhunt performing some weird wand magic stuff. Guys were growling, looking disappointed also.

And as my eyes stopped in the middle, I saw why.

Jay and Ree Ki were sitting at the table in the middle, laughing and joking around like a true couple. He was glowing, really. Smiling at everything she said, and even fed her his food. 

I scoffed to myself.

Played. Again.

I went to the line, and bought a big bag of BBQ chips and a coke. I went to the table where my friends sat, which was in the corner of the cafeteria, next to the exit to the park. No surprise there, we didn't like to be the center of attention.

As I got closer, I heard parts of their speaking -coughyellingcough-. And I noticed how the tables surrounding them grew quiet, staring at my group with interest, ready to spread around anything that pops up.

"I'm on Sin's side, this time." R&J said quietly, looking up at Pony. She glared at him, before looking at Mini.

Mini shook her head. "I have no say in this."

Pony scoffed, then looked at Haebyeol. Haebyeol smirked.

"What I'm going to say, is for the both of you to shut the up." She said boredly. "You guys aren't her parents, and hell, her parents shouldn't even be controlling her life either. Let her decide."

I sat down at the table, no one noticed me and continued with their ...furious conversation? Sin's and Pony's faces were in front of each other, both were glaring at each other, their fists clenched on the edge of the table.

"What's going on?" I questioned, eyeing everyone, especially the two girls that were about to start a fight. They all ignored me, and I noticed Haebyeol. She had clenched her jaw, and crossed her arms, leaning against the wall angrily.

No answer.

"Let her have her fun!" Pony spat.

"'Let her have her fun!' she says!" Sin laughed mockingly, "Your such a self-absorbed ! You think that since your a model, you have all the money in the world! You only care about hanging out with Dok2 that you don't notice HER feelings! Your friend's damn feelings!"

"And like your any better! You and Daniel are all lovey-dovey, laughing together!" Pony snapped.

"Your full of ." Sin hissed. "Your only saying that her and Jay deserve to be together because you want to be with Dok2." 

"Well maybe I do!" Pony retorted. "You don't own her life!"

"I don't own her life, but I've been in it longer than you." Sin snarled. "You know nothing about her. You don't even plan ahead, saying she should continue dating Jay, and you don't even look at the consequences that arise from it. Look at him!" 

Sin had pointed to where Jay was sitting. Then, she continued:

"You see him? He gives her a nice night to remember, and asks her out. Then right after he asks her out, a few days later he meets a girl with a "nice rack", a "big " and a "nice" face! She acts all shy, cute, and polite around him, and he likes that. Good personality, good body. That's all he needs to get interested, and he forgets about his own girlfriend who has a whole ing better personality than the he's sitting with! He doesn't walk her to class, call her to see if she's okay, and doesn't even sit with her at lunch! You call him a good boyfriend? Cause right now, no matter what Gin had done, he just might be the bestest boyfriend that's treated her right for a long period of time." Sin said, then rushed out the doors.

I finally got what they were arguing about, and personally, I was on Sin's side.

"So you guys are just going to side with her?" Pony asked, eyeing everyone. No one said a thing, and just looked away.

"Fine." She spat, and walked away with her tray.

I quickly ran after her, and grabbed her wrist.


She whirled around and slapped me. Then she slammed her tray down on my head.


I stumbled back, and fell down.

The cafeteria went quiet. It was like everyone had frozen over, held their breaths, anticipating what was going to happen next.

Well, technically, they were supposed to act like this.

Hell had frozen over.

"You ." A voice had hissed out loud. Haebyeol popped out of nowhere, and pushed her back. 

"I thought I gave you a warning." She continued. "To keep your ing hands off Chae Ri."

Pony let out a shriek. I looked up just in time to see Haebyeol pour her soda all over her head, and kick her away. She tripped, but Dok2 appeared just in time to catch her. He was glaring angrily at Haebyeol, and Jay had appeared also, staring at me.

Gin came up behind me, and helped me up. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and threw my arm over his neck. Jay's eyes darkened quickly, and stepped forward, pulling me away.

"Don't touch her." He spat.

"Well I don't think you have the right either, Jay." Gin said smugly, keeping hold on me.

I threw both of their hands away.

"That's it." 

Everyone's heads snapped my way.

"No one come ing near me." I said quietly, leaning on R&J and Mini. They supported me with their arms, and Haebyeol stepped backwards to stand in front of me.

"I mean it." I said coldly, looking at Jay's face, knowing he would go against it.

"What about us-" 

I sighed, "We're done, Jay. Let's just be...friends, aight. I can't be in a relationship if the guy can't be faithful. Or atleast sweet."

Gin cleared his throat meaningfully. "Me. She totally means me." He said inbetween coughs. I rolled my eyes.

"Your childish." I muttered.

"You can't be talking." He replied.

"Who carries around bear erasers and bunny pencils?" I snapped.

"....Good point. But who forces their boyfriend to buy them a teddy bear on their three-month anniversary?" He retorted.

"You can't force that on me, you took my wallet and made me do aegyo for you, you pabo." 

"Well sorry because you were so cute back then. I found your aegyo even cuter. And really, it was our anniversary. What boyfriend would let his girlfriend buy stuff for herself at a time like that? And I actually planned it out." He argued.

"Gin, you are seriously messed up." I said, shaking my head. "My aegyo was never cute.

"Say that to me when your in a denim skirt, white shirt, and a yellow vest. And, with your hair all curly and in an apple ponytail, then I'll listen." 

"I swear you grew creepier over the year."

"Thank you, you've grown meaner over the year too."


"Are you guys done?" Haebyeol snapped. I shut my mouth, and grew red, hearing the whispers. Girls were giggling too, at our argument.

"I told you, they were always good together!"

"Sweet and Loyal Nerd, with Cute and Bouncy Queenka."

"I always missed them being together."

"I know right!"

"And let's not forget how cute Mint looked with her hair always in that apple ponytail!"

"Let's go find Sinnie." I murmured.

He nodded, and began to walked to the exit. Everyone's eyes watched us slowly. 

As soon as the door of the exit closed behind us, I let out a groan.

"Oh my ing god, for a twig she can hit hard." I whined loudly, rubbing my head.

"You can't really call her a twig, Chae, your as skinny as her." Mini grinned. I pushed her away, and stretched. We found a small table to sit at, and talked for awhile. They had explained to me about why Sin and Pony were arguing.

"I have a class to teach in a few minutes." I noted, looking at R&J's watch. "Sorry that I can't be there to find Sin for you."

"It's alright, I'm right here." Sin said, sitting down at the table with us. She raised an eyebrow at my cheek.

"Did someone pinch it again?" She teased. 

"Haha. Very funny, no, Pony slapped me. And she hit me with her tray too." I replied, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Talk about double kill." R&J muttered.

We all broke out into laughter. He grinned proudly.

"Well, see y'all at the club tonight." I said, standing up. I adjusted my pants, then stepped over the bench.

"Wait wha?" Mini said. 

I smacked her on the head, and she let out a yell.

"You forgot today was Tuesday, you idiot. We have shifts from 9:00 to 11:30, remember?"

"There's a competition today too. So goodluck." Haebyeol commented.

I perked up excitedly. "Really?" 

She nodded. "Yeah. B-boy, of course. We can team up tonight."

"Sure. It'll be fun." Sin smiled.

I nodded. "Okay. We can get ready at my house tonight. I'll meet you guys there after class."

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Will try to update ASBATS tomorrow! ^_^.


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Chapter 25: JAY. WHY YOU NO DO SOMETHING. YOUUU DDD; -throws spoons-
update soon!
Chapter 24: So, I've read this far and chapter 24 unites with me saying you lost interest? Author, you don't understand how many people adore and are inspired by your writing like you're branching out to different stories. We enjoy reading this fanfic just like every other great fanfics. But in order for YOU, to be a great author, neverless, a great story with a fantastic story line, you have to finish this! I know I sound hella pressurizing, it's just I love this story so much - and that's something I haven't grown attached to in awhile. So, thank you for inspiring and letting other readers like me, enjoy reading stories like yours. Please, try. Haha

Hope to hear from this story soon. Try your best, I and many other believe in you and see potential to finish this story. :)

Chapter 26: OMG Jay! What are you doing?! Thanks for the update! ;)
BigBang_VIP #5
Chapter 25: Omggg what an awesome update!!
xbabieveex #6
Chapter 24: Omfg I love your story. I love how Jay and Chae are hella close and chill with each other. I hope you continue to write awesome stories. Subscribed~
ohshytsitzmarina #7
Chapter 24: Noo I read this in two days, get to this chapter. And you say you're not feeling it anymore?! I'm gonna cry... I love it. );
Chapter 2: It's a bit weird that you switched from third person to first at the end of chapter 1/beginning of chapter 2! Enjoyed the beginning of the story though :)
b2utiful_jwalker #9
Chapter 23: Ohh i get it now...
Pleasee put jay scenes in im dying :ccc
Update soon!
Chapter 23: Yayyy! So glad you updated! WOO! So she was in a gang... 0.0 Gosh whats their problem w/ Jay? /: Hope you write more Jay scenes soon haha~! (: