× 14 ×

A Star, but a Touchable Star

Chae Ri





× 14 ×



I fell off the bed with an 'oof', then immediately sat up, glaring at the speaker. She grinned devilishly, then winked.

"Good morning, Chae~" Pony laughed, then she stopped. "Actually, it's like 7pm. So good evening." I swatted her away, and threw myself on the bed, burying myself in the blankets. She dragged me out the bed, complaining loudly.

"Get out of bed, Chae." She hissed. "Jay and Dok2 oppa came over."

I snapped up. "What?!" I screamed.

She smacked me. I tackled her on the bed, and raised my arm to hit her but froze as the door swung open. Jay walked in, an eyebrow arched in amusement as he looked at the both of us.

"Am I interrupting something?" He said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. I looked down, then my cheeks flushed red as I realised this must have looked really...wrong. 

Correction. Super lesbian.

I climbed off Pony, and she ran out the room. "CHAE TRIED TO ME AGAIN!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes. I turned to look at Jay.

I locked gazes with Jay for a minute, until he burst out into laughter. I threw a pillow at him, and he caught it. He then pinned me against the bed, throwing the pillow aside. I looked up. His smirk had widened, and he had a smug look on.

"Wipe that off your face." I hissed.

He chuckled, his lips nearing my ear. His hot breath made me shiver.

"You know, seeing you just come out of bed, how you look like right now... you look so...."

"Ugly?" I helped.

He let out a sound of disagreement. "...able." He corrected.

I stiffened, a blush appearing on my cheeks. 

Why...so early in the morning? Oops, I meant...night.

 "Your so cute, Chae. I want to see this side more." He said, pinching my cheeks adoringly. I swatted his hands away, my bottom lip sticking out unknowingly.

"You jerk, stop messing with me." I whined. He chuckled again, then helped me up and pushed me into the bathroom.

"Get ready.  We're going on a dinner date~" He sang. I frowned.

"The hell? When did I ever agree to this?"

"Since I told you. So hurry your up." He said, shutting the door closed. I groaned, super loud, to make sure he heard. I heard him laughing outside.

"Stop complaining, Chae!"

"You , Jay!"

"That's your job!"

Oh my god.



"I find this totally irresponsible." I commented, as I stepped out of the car. I heard Pony cluck her tongue in disappointment at me.

"Come on, Chae. Stop being so grumpy." Pony said, pouting. Dok2 chuckled, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. I rolled my eyes at their cheesiness, and turned around to look at the restaurant, store, street shop thingy.

"Okay. So. You brought us to a...Korean grill?" Jay nodded.

"Then we're gonna go bowling." He added.

My eyes brightened slightly, and I ran into the street shop. I turned around to glare at them, as they slowly walked towards the entrance.

"Ay! We ain't got all day, hurry up! I wanna go bowling!" I yelled at them, yet they ignored me and continued to walk like mother freaking turtles, chatting about how their President is a . I groaned, and stomped into the small restaurant. The ahjumma looked up from her table, and stood up to greet me warmly.

"Welcome. Are you here alone?" She asked.

I bowed, and moved the hair from my eyes. I gave her a polite smile, and shook my head.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Ani, I have three more people coming, halmeonim." I said.

She nodded, and gestured for me to sit down at a table with four cushions. I sat down, and looked at the menu.

"Would you like to order a drink first, dear?"

I nodded, "May I have....an iced water, please?" I asked her, just as my friends and...boyfriend came in. They bowed to the ahjumma respectively, and sat down. Jay sat on my left, with Pony and Dok2 in front of us. The ahjumma smiled.


"I'll have an Iced Tea." Pony said.

"Soju, please." Dok2 said.

"Make that two, halmeonim." Jay said, flashing her a friendly smile. She nodded.

"I'll be back with your drinks and food." She said, chuckling to herself. We bowed our heads as she walked away, then started to talk about the upcoming b-boy competition, R16.

"So, what's Kim Chae Ri doing here with an idol?"

We all looked up simultaneously, to stare into the heavily maked-up face of Jang Ree Ki.

Oh lord.

"Annyeong, Jay oppa." She sent out a flashy smile to Jay, who in turn sent her a brilliant one back. I rolled my eyes. Dok2 and Pony raised their eyebrows at me, giving me smug looks.

"Well?" She giggled fakely. Jay chuckled, and she smiled at me. "Aren't you going to respond, dongsaeng?"

"I'd rather not, unnie." I said, gritting my teeth to prevent myself from sending out insults to her mother ing annoying fake face. Pony snorted, just loud enough for me to hear, and my lips had almost pulled up into a smile.

Reek let out a fake laugh again, which made both I and Pony roll our eyes.

"My dongsaengie is so adorable!" She squealed loudly, grabbing hold of my cheek and pincing it. Hard.

I yelped, and swatted her hand away. "You mother fu-"

Jay snapped his hand to close around my mouth, and my words were reduced into mumbles. He gave me a look, which said, control-yourself-or-ill-hit-you.

He pulled his hand away from my mouth, then sent an apologetic smile her away.

"I'm sorry, she's been grumpy all day, since she slept till evening." Jay said politely. Da Reek laughed again and waved her hand.

"It's alright, oppa." She said, popping the "P"s loudly. He chuckled.

"Well, are you alone right now?" 

"Unfortunately, yes. My friends ditched me to go on a movie date with their boyfriends." She said, her voice becoming fakely annoyingly sad, making him pity her. Her lips formed a pout, which made Jay soften.

"You could join us if you want-"


Dok2 quickly dragged her out the restaurant as halmeonim sent us an inquiring look. I gave her an assuring smile, she sent one back, and then went back to cooking. I then turned to send a dark glare at Ree Ki. Her lips widened from a smile into a victorious smirk as Jay turned his head to look at me, but it changed back into a smile as he turned back around to look at her.

Dok2 and Pony came back into the restaurant. She plopped down on the cushion in a huff, sending daggers at Ree Ki.

"I would love to, but...it seems as if Pony-ssi doesn't want me here. I guess I'll be going now-" She said, bluffing as she stood up to leave, bowing politely. Jay quickly moved to bring her back down. 

"Of course not. Pony would LOVE," He sent a glare her way, "To have you here. Right, Pony?"

"-" Dok2 nudged her meaningfully. "YES! I would love to, Ree Ki ahjum- Ah, I mean unnie. It's just that, your make-up wore off on your cheek and I could see your wrinkles." Pony said, tilting her head sideways, grinning smugly.

I covered my mouth and turned my head to stop the laugh that almost came out my mouth. I quickly covered it up and let out a cough, and smirked at Ree Ki. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my ing gosh!" She shrieked. "What?! Are you serious?! This took hours to put on, you mother-"

She froze, as I arched an eyebrow. She noticed her mistake, and let out a soft cough.

"I'm sorry for my disruption." She bowed. "It's just that, I take pride in my make-up."

Jay waved it away. "It's alright."

Halmeonim came over and set down the food, refilling our drinks and giving Ree Ki her green tea, before leaving. The boys started to chat with her, her favorite hobbies, friends, things she likes to do, what she masters in, all that. I and Pony ate the food quietly, our phones out and texting each other. Sin, Mini, and R&J joined in since we were talking in the group chat, and we all started to make funny scenarios of how to kill Ree Ki.

Don't ask.

"So, Chae-ah."

I looked up, as Ree Ki gave me a smile.

"I heard that you and Gin got back together?"

Jay turned to me, with an arched eyebrow. I noticed how his fists clenched slightly, and his eyes darkened. I let out a laugh.

"Where'd  you hear that, unnie?"

My phone started to vibrate, as Pony's fingers were flying across the screen. Of course, she had said something to have sparked up the rest of the group, and so they texted her back with probably insults and spams.

"Well, Gin came in walking after, you know. When he pulled you inside this morning at school, into a private room, and came out with excuse my language, ed up hair. Like he just had ." She smirked, as Jay's jaw clenched. I sent her a glare, and she continued:

"But, of course, we all know that you guys had broke up a year ago. After dating for two years?? That must've been hard, dongsaengie. I remember when you guys were so cute together, always walking around hand-in-hand, kissing each other goodbye at the gates, cuddling with each other unders the trees in the park, laughing together, even you dressing up in those cute dresses and with cute hairstyles for him on Valentines!" She ranted, her smirk growing louder. Jay let out a dark laugh.

"They must've been REALLY cute together." He said. Dok2 cleared his throat, nudging Pony.

I gritted my teeth, unable to say anything as the memories came flashing back into my mind. Pony, thank god she was still here, spoke up for me.

"Aren't you imagining things, Reek-ssi?" Ree Ki's smirk lowered. "Didn't Jay tell you she woke up late today? Like, only an hour ago.  She wasn't at school today, neither was I, and I was staying with her. Your lying."

Her smirk had disappeared. Dok2 let out a cough, obviously a small laugh, and Jay chuckled. Under the table, his arm reached over to pull me closer to him, as Ree Ki and Pony had a staredown.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He whispered in my ear.

"There's alot of things you don't know about me, Jay," I replied, as he stiffened. "Though, we can clear that up later."

"Well, then your right." Ree Ki spoke up, her teeth gritted angrily. "I must be imagining things."


"I'm seriously on the brink of killing myself and willingly going down to hell."

We were at the bowling alley. All four of us were there, and Jay had called his friends over. Coincidently, Ree Ki's friends had just come out of the movies and joined us.

The whole ing fake gang.

Pony and I, of course, were so pissed. Like we didn't get enough at school, they had to come into our lives outside school? The guys teamed up with girls, into pairs, then made two groups equally.

Though, the girl Junior was paired up with didn't like him. Dok2, who was now officially dating Pony, sat out with us too. And as for Daniel, it was the OTHER way around. He complained to me and was like: "I don't like her, she's too loud and girly. I want Sinnie!" 

I had replied, " for you then. I'll just be eating my tarts. Kay. Bye."

Then I walked over to the booths in the corner, eating the egg tarts and ice cream in peace.

I really wanted to bowl, really, I did. But I didn't bring my wallet with me, neither did Pony, and I already asked Chase for some money but he told me left his wallet at home. I didn't want to ask Jay, who was surrounded by the 24/7, and was openly flirting his out there with her.

Seriously. You ask me out, and your already aiming for another girl.

Slick, you -hopper.

Like my new word? It's awesome, ain't it? Heehee, insert smile here. The word just tells it's meaning. No need for explanation.

So here we were, Pony, I, Daniel, and Junior, sitting in the corner cracking jokes, playing games, and eating desserts. The girl that was paired up with Daniel was here. Her name was Angelica, part-filipino and part-korean. She was pretty, really. Though, she didn't fit in with Ree Ki's gang. She was funny, smart, witty, and knows how to use her tongue. No-homo, she can knock out some comebacks well. Her and Junior were cute together though.

"You know. I want to do something with my life." I commented, chewing on gum. 

"We all want to do something with our lives, idiot." Pony snapped.

"Well sorry, if your so unhappy take the stick out your then." I pouted.

A few minutes later, we were all quiet, eating the desserts, until I snapped. I stood up, and then took out my phone, calling Sin. I pulled the phone up to my ear.

"What are you doing?" Dok2 asked, his eyebrows arched.

I smirked.

"What do you think I'm doing? The has her gang, Jay has his. It's about time I called mine over."





I jumped up excitedly, as three girls and a guy walked in. Mini, Sin, R&J, and hell they even brought our attitude-filled, likes to pick fights, popping Queen, Haebyeol. 

Oh, this will be so fun.

"Hey, y'all." I said, bumping shoulders with Haebyeol.

"What's up, girl? I heard some was messing with you. Where she at?" Haebyeol said, immediately looking for trouble. I pushed her away, laughing.

"Wow, already you looking for a fight, huh?"

She ignored me, raising an eyebrow at Ree Ki. "I'm guessing it's the wearing stripper clothes all up Jay Park?

"You right." I said, greeting my other friends. Daniel ran straight for us, tackling Sin.

Haebyeol raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it since Sin was laughing.

"Aight, so we here to beat someone up right?"

We all turned around to stare at Haebyeol. She burst out laughing, and hooked an arm around my shoulder.

"Just kiddin', y'all. Who's ready to bowl?"


A few moments later, we were all playing. We had split up, the loners and the couples. Team one; Pony, Dok2, Sin, and Daniel, and us loners which was Team 2; I, Mini, R&J, and Haebyeol.

Haebyeol's friend was cool. Her name was Angelica, part-filipino and part-korean. She was pretty, really. Though, she didn't fit in with Ree Ki's gang. She was funny, smart, witty, and knows how to use her tongue. No-homo, she can knock out some comebacks well. Her and Junior were cute together though. They were both chatting at the booth, having fun.

I was jumping up and down, bouncing to the music up on the speakers. Surprisingly, we came to a bowling alley that was owned by an American who moved to Korea, so English songs were playing. Since all of us were from American blood, we were all having funny, while the girls with Ree Ki were giving us weird stares.

The couples were winning, unfortunately. 76:54.

I was wearing my dancing shoes, and when I threw the ball forward, I slipped and fell on my . Mini and Haebyeol burst out laughing, then the others joined as well. I got a strike, and jumped up cheering.

"Holy , man I'm a mother in' awe-"

I tripped over the ball thingy where the balls came back up, LOL that was funny, and fell again. They laughed even harder, and Jay, Hep, Chase started to laugh too.

"Babe, you need to low down on the clumsiness!" Jay shouted out, grinning.

I stuck my tongue out at him. 

A new song came on, and our small group of crazy-asses went crazy.

"OH , YO YO YO!"


We all froze, waiting for the intro.

"My name is Keri, I'm so very, fly oh my, it's a lil' bit scary." We all sang, breaking out into random dances. I was laughing, having the time of my life. It was fun, actually. Dok2 in sync with Pony doing body waves, Daniel and Sin doing a cute tango, and I, Haebyeol, Mini, and R&J just being great loners by ourselves.

"Do the pretty girl rock~" 

I started to dougie. "Ay, yeah, bring it out~" Mini laughed. 

We all calmed down after a while.

R&J spoke up as we were all silent, staring at each other.

"...You know, I feel like going to the club."





Hey, guys! ^_^


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I think it was a bit...down there you know? I guess it disappointed you all. Anyways, IM SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR UPDATING LATE.

I meant to update this last week, but I forgot.


Keep this a secret, okay guys?

Well, I've got like ....a B and a C. 



That's like ordering stress to-go with a side of stress, and some stress condiments. This girl had the same grades, so she ordered some hatorade, so that she could blame her teachers for that. (Guilty)

I've been really stressed. I'm just looking for the right time to breakdown, and all. LOL. I heard crying makes you feel better.

Any answers?

I didn't mean to turn this A/N into a sob story, guys. Kay.



Enjoy the next chapter! ^_^ 


                                   - Published on 1/19/13, January 19, 2013 @ 8:12pm.



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Will try to update ASBATS tomorrow! ^_^.


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Chapter 25: JAY. WHY YOU NO DO SOMETHING. YOUUU DDD; -throws spoons-
update soon!
Chapter 24: So, I've read this far and chapter 24 unites with me saying you lost interest? Author, you don't understand how many people adore and are inspired by your writing like you're branching out to different stories. We enjoy reading this fanfic just like every other great fanfics. But in order for YOU, to be a great author, neverless, a great story with a fantastic story line, you have to finish this! I know I sound hella pressurizing, it's just I love this story so much - and that's something I haven't grown attached to in awhile. So, thank you for inspiring and letting other readers like me, enjoy reading stories like yours. Please, try. Haha

Hope to hear from this story soon. Try your best, I and many other believe in you and see potential to finish this story. :)

Chapter 26: OMG Jay! What are you doing?! Thanks for the update! ;)
BigBang_VIP #5
Chapter 25: Omggg what an awesome update!!
xbabieveex #6
Chapter 24: Omfg I love your story. I love how Jay and Chae are hella close and chill with each other. I hope you continue to write awesome stories. Subscribed~
ohshytsitzmarina #7
Chapter 24: Noo I read this in two days, get to this chapter. And you say you're not feeling it anymore?! I'm gonna cry... I love it. );
Chapter 2: It's a bit weird that you switched from third person to first at the end of chapter 1/beginning of chapter 2! Enjoyed the beginning of the story though :)
b2utiful_jwalker #9
Chapter 23: Ohh i get it now...
Pleasee put jay scenes in im dying :ccc
Update soon!
Chapter 23: Yayyy! So glad you updated! WOO! So she was in a gang... 0.0 Gosh whats their problem w/ Jay? /: Hope you write more Jay scenes soon haha~! (: