Chapter 37.

Three Smiles. (Semi-hiatus)

"Thank you unnie!"

"Thanks hyung!"

"Can I have that instead?"

The kids in the orphanage thanked Chen and Hyori profusely as they gave out the various candies. They even cheered up a crying girl with a giant lollipop. Hyori's heart softened as she saw the happy faces of the kids. She realised she could connect well with them, and all of them seemed to love her.

Chen just looked at Hyori interacting with the children. He smiled. She looked a million times more attractive when she's playing with children. Looking at their flushed, cute and chubby faces, and Hyori being like a big sister to all of them, he suddenly had a vision of him and Hyori looking after their own child.

Chen blinked. Wait, what?

He blushed as he looked at Hyori, glad that she couldn't read his mind. However, he couldn't stop thinking things like "What if noona and I had our own child?"

And inappropriate thoughts swarmed through Chen's mind. Uh oh.

He gulped. This isn't the right time to fantasize.

"Come on, daydreamer, let's give this remaining box to the teacher," Hyori smiled and tugged on Chen's hand, bringing him back to reality. He immediately felt jolts of electricity running through his veins. Oh, how easy was it for him to react to Hyori's touches, Hyori's smiles, Hyori's everything. He grinned as he started to follow her, but some kids crowded around Chen so he had no choice but to give his attention to them. Meanwhile, Hyori had already reached to the teacher.

"Here ssem, this is for you," she beamed and handed the last box of chocolates to the teacher. She smiled gratefully. "Kamsahamida."

"We'll get going then," Hyori bowed and made to leave but the teacher stopped her.

"Thank you too for bringing joy to the children today. At least they know that there is still a little love in this world to stop them from fully thinking that they're abandoned beings and no one loves them," she gently smiled.

Hyori smiled back. "It's our pleasure."

"Please drop by more often with your boyfriend," the teacher indicated to Chen. Hyori looked confused for a moment but laughed when she followed her gaze. "He's not my boyfriend," she grinned.

The teacher looked shocked. "Really? But you guys match well together!"

Hyori beamed, her heart fluttering at the compliment. "You think so?"

"I know so."

"But he's younger than me."

The teacher smiled at Hyori knowingly. "My dear, love knows no boundaries."

Hyori blushed. "We hope to see you soon," she bowed again and went off to Chen so that they can leave together.





The children's voices echoed around the room. Hyori and Chen smiled and waved back to them, feeling reluctant to leave. But they had to. With one final wave, they walked away and soon disappeared out of sight.




"Why can't I hang out in your room anymore?" Chen pouted when Hyori prevented him from entering her room.

"It's not right .. Anyway my mom isn't at home. If she is then maybe we can go to my room," she gently explained.

"It's not like we're gonna do anything wrong." Even as he said that, he blushed. The inappropriate thoughts were coming back to him. This needs to stop now.

"Err .. I'd better leave now," he quickly said. Hyori looked hurt. "Why? Is it because I didn't allow you to go to my room?"

"No no, I just realised I had homework to complete," Chen wildly made up a lie. "Seeya noona!"

Bewildered, Hyori stared after Chen. Just then, her phone vibrated. She received a text message from Zico.

- Seen what I'd given you?

Hyori gasped. She had totally forgotten about Zico's White Day present! She rushed downstairs to the coffee table, where she last placed it, but to her surprise, the box was gone.

Hyori frowned. She remembered clearly that she placed the box on top of the coffee table, seperating it from the rest of the candies she gave away in order not to accidentally give it away .. So where was it now?

She looked around the house, trying to remember if she had placed the box somewhere else but her memory was strong. She knew she had placed it on the coffee table.

A suspicious thought came to her mind. Only she and Chen were in the house the whole time ..

She pulled out her phone and tapped a message to Chen.

- Did you take the box Zico gave to me?

She waited for half an hour before getting a reply from him.

- No.

Hyori frowned.

- Only you and I were in the house. I know I didn't move it from the coffee table. You were the last person to come out from my house.

She had to wait for another 30 minutes before Chen replied.

- Well .. okay I did ..

- Please return it.

- I .. I can't.

Feeling impatient, Hyori called Chen. She called him about 7 times before he finally picked up the call. "Yah, why can't you return it?"

When there was silence at the other end, Hyori sighed in frustration. "Can you not increase my frustration level," she hissed. Suddenly, Chen blurted.

"I threw it away .. mianhae noona! I feel so bad for doing that and I know it's hard for you to do it but please forgive me!"

There was a long silence as Hyori processed those words in her head. Her face was suddenly mask-like.

"Noona? Noona?" Chen called. "I'm sorry, I was a jerk, I was reckless, I feel really bad now! Noona, please answer me ..Noona-"

Without a word, Hyori hung up, threw her phone on the sofa and stalked up to her room, slamming the door shut.




Just when we reached the possibility of Hyori realising her feelings for Chen, I SPOILED THE HAPPY MOMENT NYEHEHEHEHEHEHE. My lessons start tomorrow so I won't be back that quickly! What will happen next? You guys dying to find out? (;

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Chapter 45: Ack. I have so many feels for this chapter, I don't even know where to begin.
On one hand, Hyori and Zico make me so happy but Chen. No. No no no no no.
Poor Chen. He has no idea why she'd say that, too. ㅠㅠ

Thanks for the update! It was a nice surprise seeing my favourite story updated. ^^
JonginWife #2
Update pls :( i'm dying to know whats going on next hm its already almost a year pls pls pls update
kimchini #3
Chapter 44: ohmygod i know you're busy because of school but i hope you'll update this fic tomorrow or the other day or the day after tomorrow! i really like it! but you've last updated it like a year ago, are you still going to update this? ㅠㅠ its really cute
SHINee456 #4
Chapter 5: This is adorable!!!
Hello~ ^^
No pressure at all to update. No demands either.
I just wanted to let you know that I re-read this recently and still find it absolutely beautiful.
Honestly, I can't even begin to explain my love for this story. Everything about it is just so ... ugh.
*rolls around*
By far my favourite story on this site~~

I want to just cuddle Chen. ;w;
Chapter 44: omg omg >< drama's coming.....both side will get hurt....please update soon! :DD cant wait!!! ^^
Chapter 40: awwww >< Zico is so sweet.....i dont know which couple should i ship >< both of them are so good to her....
Chapter 15: ahhh~ i just start to read this story!! so nice! hwaiting!