Chapter 28.

Three Smiles. (Semi-hiatus)

Chen kept his eyes on his bibimbap. Why oh why did he agree to eat out with Zico when he already expected the atmosphere to be awkward? Right .. He wanted to ask about Zico's relationship with Hyori. Why? He's a jealous boy right now.

"I heard that G-Dragon tutored you for a while," Zico said lightly. "Was that true?" Chen looked up. Was he imagining things, or did Zico's eyes gleamed with jealousy for a fleeting second?

"Yeah .." Chen said slowly. "I can show you a picture for proof." He rummaged in his bag and pulled out his phone. After a minute of tapping, he showed the screen to Zico. It was a selca of GD and Chen.

"It's not photoshopped," Chen interjected.

Zico scoffed. "Lucky bi- kid," he sulked. "I've always wanted to meet GD."

So Chen didn't imagine things after all. Zico was really jealous. That thought made him a little satisfied.

"How's he like?" Zico asked after some time.

"Strict, but reasonable," Chen smiled, remembering Young Deuk's words. Zico nodded. "I also heard that Victory or Nothing will close down this year."

"It's true."


And so Chen explained about Young Deuk's busy schedule and how Hi Tech couldn't make time for teaching anymore. Zico sighed. "Poor you."

Chen, who had NOT been expecting this, choked on his food. "M-me?"

"You can't feel the glory of being a senior. You can't experience how it's like to be in charge of juniors. You weren't given the chance to guide them, to train them to be the best. It to be you."

As Zico's words replayed in Chen's head, he realised what he said was true. Chen had grown up watching his seniors taking charge of him, but when it came to his turn, he had nobody to take care of. Chen felt a little wistful, and definitely jealous when he saw his same-age friends from other CCAs directing their juniors.

"I don't have a choice," Chen said quietly. Zico smirked slightly. "That's why I said it to be you."

Chen didn't understand Zico at all. Was he trying to provoke him, to rub salt into his wound, or was he genuinely concerned? Why did he have to be so indirect and so confusing?

"You're preparing for your final competition right? When and where is it?" Zico asked.

"In a month's time. It's at the same place."

Zico nodded, understanding what Chen meant when he said "same place". He pulled out his phone and checked the calendar. "I'll be there."

Again, Chen hadn't been expecting this. "W-what?"

"I'll be there," Zico repeated. "I want to see how well you've done."

Still shocked, Chen managed a nod. What in the world is Zico?!

"I'm done asking questions. It's your turn to ask me something," he smirked, knowing perfectly well what was going through Chen's mind, what Chen had been dying to ask him. Chen was thinking along the same lines too. He raised up his right hand so that his chin can rest on it. Zico noticed a silver bracelet on Chen's wrist. He frowned. Why did it look so familiar?

Then, he remembered. When he held Hyori's hand the other time, he noticed a similar bracelet on her right hand too. Why hadn't he noticed this sooner? Could it be ..?

Suddenly, the necklace on his neck felt a thousand times colder.

"Is there anything going on .. between hyung and noona?" Chen, who had clearly noticed nothing, asked tentatively. Zico blinked.

"Say what?"

Chen repeated his question and Zico chuckled. "Do you think there's something going on between us?"

"I-I don't know, I mean, I saw you two hugging and you saw me looking at you two .." Chen looked down, shuffling his feet.

Zico smirked. "There will be something going on between us if someone's not fast enough."

Chen stared at Zico. "What do you mean?"

Zico leaned in and ruffled his hair. "Think about it, kiddo." With that, he got up, handed over a few bills to the cashier and left.


"Zico hyung's gonna be there. He said so himself. You're coming too, right?" Chen asked Hyori.

She looked a little doubtful. "I can't promise you, but I'll try my very best to be there."

"I would feel a lot better if you're coming to see me," Chen pressed on.

Hyori looked guilty. "I know, but my schoolwork's mounting .."

"You have to be there. It's my last singing and dance competition. I can't do well if you're not there. We've always been supporting each other ever. You can't break the traidition."

"I'll try."

Chen didn't look happy. Nevertheless, he kept his hopes up. Hyori will never let him down. Never.

However, Chen was wrong. One month passed and it was the day of the competition. It was to be held in the afternoon, and Hyori had said she'll rush there as soon as her school ended. He kept to that hope and kept glancing at the audience every few minutes, hoping to see her. Mrs Yoon and Mrs Park watched him quietly.

As the minutes ticked by, it was finally time for the team to head backstage. Chen was a little reluctant to get up. Where was Hyori? Just then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He beamed. He knew she'd be there! He turned around with a huge smile on his face, and almost immediately his face turned to disappointment before he tried for a small smile.

"Hyung," he greeted. Zico eyed him. He knew Chen wasn't expecting him. The rest of the team noticed Zico too, and greeted him quickly as they had to leave. Chen took one last look at the audience before slumping off. 

Zico took a seat and scanned the audience. He spotted Chen's mom and Hyori's mom, but Hyori wasn't there. It was extremely unusual. She must be busy with schoolwork. That's the only reason Zico could think of. Feeling a little anxious, Zico pulled out his mobile phone and tapped a message to Hyori.

- Yah, where are you? Aren't you supposed to be somewhere important right now? Like to watch the kid's competition?

Zico waited and waited but he didn't get a reply. He grew more fidgety. At that moment, the curtains drew back and revealed Victory or Nothing. Zico saw Chen's face scanning the audience hopefully, and he saw the clear disappointment in his eyes and how his face fell when the person he sought for wasn't there.

"!" Zico cursed and punched in Hyori's number. "Pick up the damned phone!" His eyes constantly darted to Chen.

As the curtains drew back, Chen had expected to see Hyori sitting with her mom and his mom, but the wave of disappointment he felt when she wasn't there washed over him. His expression must've given him away, for he noticed Zico staring at him with a mixture of pity and anger. He took a deep breath. Control your expressions, he chanted.

He must not let his feelings get in the way of the victory for his team. And as the music started, he danced, but the spark in him was gone.

Zico watched the team perform. Chen was good, he had to admit, but he could have been spectacular. His hands curled into fists.

As soon as the song ended and the team bowed, Zico clapped along with the rest of the audience. He felt his phone vibrating. "Oh so now she calls me," he snarled, picking up the phone.

"Where the hell are you, huh? The kid's performance just ended."

Hyori gasped. She was in the school library and had fallen asleep before the librarian had woken her up, telling her off for not keeping her phone silent. It was then she saw Zico's missed calls (she didn't check his message first) and called him back straight.

"I- I totally forgot! I was busy researching some stuffs for my project and I fell asleep!" She glanced at her watch. "I'll head there now!"

Without waiting for Zico's answer, she hung up the phone and stuffed everything into her bag before speeding away.


I'm thinking of a way to fast-forward this even more without making the storyline break. :P Am I doing alright so far? ^^

Thanks for your comments, keep them coming ~!

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Chapter 45: Ack. I have so many feels for this chapter, I don't even know where to begin.
On one hand, Hyori and Zico make me so happy but Chen. No. No no no no no.
Poor Chen. He has no idea why she'd say that, too. ㅠㅠ

Thanks for the update! It was a nice surprise seeing my favourite story updated. ^^
JonginWife #2
Update pls :( i'm dying to know whats going on next hm its already almost a year pls pls pls update
kimchini #3
Chapter 44: ohmygod i know you're busy because of school but i hope you'll update this fic tomorrow or the other day or the day after tomorrow! i really like it! but you've last updated it like a year ago, are you still going to update this? ㅠㅠ its really cute
SHINee456 #4
Chapter 5: This is adorable!!!
Hello~ ^^
No pressure at all to update. No demands either.
I just wanted to let you know that I re-read this recently and still find it absolutely beautiful.
Honestly, I can't even begin to explain my love for this story. Everything about it is just so ... ugh.
*rolls around*
By far my favourite story on this site~~

I want to just cuddle Chen. ;w;
Chapter 44: omg omg >< drama's coming.....both side will get hurt....please update soon! :DD cant wait!!! ^^
Chapter 40: awwww >< Zico is so sweet.....i dont know which couple should i ship >< both of them are so good to her....
Chapter 15: ahhh~ i just start to read this story!! so nice! hwaiting!