My Day

TRULY, MADLY, CRAZY In love with you !




"AAAAAHHH!!!!!" I screamed. What's that dream all about? Ugh. Goose bumps are over coming me. Well, it was just a stupid, fiction dream. Taecyeon wouldn't do that. He loves me. But what if he will?


"IM YOONA!" My mother was calling me. I think she's angry.


"Neh omma! Coming!" I was going down stairs. My mom and JB were sitting on the couch in the living room. What's the problem? Why is outside so dark? Is it the end of the world? Crap. I think I’m going crazy.


"Noona? What's wrong?" JB, with his caring but his still looks masculine even though he is wearing his cute pajamas.


"Neh?" What's wrong with me anyway?


"Yoona, come! Sit down. Let's talk" Mom, with his soothing voice calmed me down. She looks angry but she is calm and quiet.


"Arasso!" I breathe in and out.


"Why are you screaming?" My mom asked.


"I was just having an awful dream omma!" I explained calmly.


"Noona, do you know what time is it?" JB questioned.


"Ani, do I look like a clock to you?" Is this damn brother of mine insulting me?


"Darn! Don't give me a crap joke in the middle of the night!" Oh! I'm scared but he stares at me seriously.


"MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?" I was surprised.


"Neh! Mom and I were in a deep rest but someone just ruined our perfect sleep."


"Jinja?" I can't believe it.


"Yoona, your voice sounds likes a bomb!" My mom scolded me.


I stand up and apologized. " Mianhe omma! Mianhe JB shi" I gave them also my angelic and apologetic smile. I think they will forgive me. HAHAHA


"Okay! But if you do it again..."


"No I won't do it again! I promise!" I inserted. I give a sigh! What a relief!? I thought mom and JB would definitely punish me.


"Let's go upstairs omma!" JB adviced mom to go upstairs. JB handled omma carefully and left me alone in the living room thinking.


"What's wrong with me anyway?" Talking to myself. I'm starting to get paranoid with these bad and unusual dreams. They are creeping me out. Taecyeon won't do that to me. What if he could? Geez. Trust him Yoona. In a relationship, it needs trust and respect. I think Taecyeon trust me, so I must trust him also. How I wish to talk to him right now but I don't have even his precious number. Weird don't you think? A girlfriend like me doesn’t have a number of his boyfriend. I can't sleep right now. I don't know what to do also. 


"You have only 5 hours to sleepor you'll going to be late" JB was there. He was drinking water. AHHHH! How sweet? My brother has still romantic bones on his body.


"I know! I know! Can you shut up? I'm internalizing here! Can't you see?"


"No, I can't. It's too dark." He gave me a :P


"Just go upstairs you silly little brother!" And he went up. My brother's right. I only have 5 hours left. So it means i have been concentrating here for 2 hours.


"You just need a beauty rest Yoona" Who's talking? OMMA!! hhhmm.. What are these two up too anyway?


"MOM! Your ruining my concentration here." I exclaimed.


"Arraso! I'm going and you better go up as well!" She put the glass of water in the table and just disappears.


"Mom and JB were right, I just need to sleep" And I went upstairs also.




I gave a yawn. I'm still sleepy. What time is it? Hmmm.. it's....


7 in the morning. 7 ... 7 .... 7... 7?????


"Oh my giggles!" I screamed but with a low voice. " I need to hurry up!" I went down stairs to have my breakfast. There was JB sitting and eating with his pancakes and mom was there also drinking coffee.


"What's wrong my dearest sister? Is there a big problem?" My brother with his evil smile.


"Why didn't you two wake me up???" Its 7:05 .. 


"Did you know what you did when I enter your dirty room? You were keep throwing pillows at me and saying “CAN YOU PLEASE GET OUT OF MY ROOM? I'M STILL SLEEPY! CAN'T YOU SEE? GO OUT!!" " JB mimic.


"What?" Unbelievable. I didn't remember those things but well, I'm asleep.


"Yoona" My mom was in her calm state again. "You must hurry up! You are just making yourself more complicated"


"Neh omma!" I salute my mom. HAHAHA. It was 7:15 ..


I ate three pancakes in one bite and drink my milk with just a blink.


"Yoona! What are you doing? You might get yourself into trouble you silly girl!" My mom was helping me though but I'm kind a busy right now so I just directly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I take a peek on the clock and it was 7:25. Why is the time so in a hurry? Ugh. I take my bath with an estimated time of 5 minutes. I get my school uniform and dressed up. I'm going to be late for sure and I will be scolded by our teacher.


"YOONA! It's 7:30! Come down or you'll gonna be late for your class!" I hurry went outside and go downstairs. JB is so lucky. HE is just busy practicing with his singing and dancing talents. My mom wants JB to enter school but JB declined the offer and wants to be a member of K-POP soon. He wished!! I'm so very badand unsupportive sister.


"Bye sis!" JB is waving his hand for a goodbye celebration. His smile looks like he wins from a lottery.


I was running fast as I could. The school and my house were just near but I think I will be late. My class is 7:45 and right now, the time is 7:38. I can feel the wind through my face. I was running so fast that I don't care who I might bump too. And speaking of bumping, I bump someone.


"What the hell are you doing!!!?? You are blocking my way and I am in a deep state of..."


"What's wrong Yoona?" It was Taecyeon. I bump his back. HOORAY!! I arrived at school 7:40! And the sweetest part is, I get to see Taecyeon before my class starts.


"Taecyeon, 5 minutes left and I'm going to be late." I explained.


"Yoona, you look kind a tired and pale. You just need a" He didn't finished his sentence because he kissed me on my forehead. Wow! My forehead is so very    lucky.


"Are you okay now?" He tapped my head.


I was speechless. I don't know what to say. "uuuhmmm..."


"Alright, I think you are out of your senses, let's going?” He holds my hand firmly and started running. I didn't command him nor did I not give him a nod also. A very sweet, romantic boyfriend Taecyeon was. He is the perfect guy for me. I arrived at my room and the bell rang. YES! What an inspiring day it is. I started my day horrible but it went to be different. I wish he will never leave by my side.


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awww i like this fic! fighting!
please update soon~~ love this story! *O*