
TRULY, MADLY, CRAZY In love with you !


YES OR NO? : 3 it is so very awkward right now. The cold brushing wind is touching me while Taecyeon’s serious eyes are staring at me. Take a deep breath and…
“TAECYEON OPPA ~ ! “ Ugh. Darn ! That girl is very very very good. Isn’t she?
“Neh?” Taecyeon turned back at me and Yuri gives him a cuddly disgusting hug. YUCK!
“I miss you !” What? I miss you already? Yuri just fled 10 minutes ago. Over reacting.
“Mianhe Yoona!” With a y blink. Is he seducing me? Shucks. Im Yoona, you are very crazy!
“No, it’s okay” Taecyeon and Yuri started walking. I’m gonna kill that girl seriously. HAHAHA
Taecyeon look back at me. What should I do? And I just scream...
Taecyeon was a bit shock for what I have shouted but he started to smile. And before he disappears with that girl, he
gave me a flying kiss….. HMMM what a kiss, I mean flying kiss. I screamed like a girl. LOL. And everything around me was a bit shock also. Who cares? I don’t care what those people think of me. They are not me. 
“IM YOONA!” Nickhun was shaking me.
“WHAT?” I was back on my sense and this sweet romantic world.
“Are you crazy? Look at those people. They think you are a certified member of those crazy people who just shouted in the streets.”
“Who cares? I don’t care what they, I’m in love with Taecyeon” I explained.
“You are truly crazy IM Yoona! Are you my bes tfriend? Did you eat my best friend using your big alligator mouth?”
“Whaaaat?” Is he insulting me or WHAT?
“”Never mind! Lets’ go home!” Nickhun put his arm all over my shoulder.
“Arasso!” And I messed up his hair. I love him as my best friend.
“Omma! JB!” I’m calling my family. My father died on an accident last year. We were surprised because my father is only the person who works for our family. I’m father’s girl and proud to be.
“Noona ! Can you shut up?” OOOH ! My ever dearest loving and handsome little brother Im Jae Bum is angry.
“Arasso!” I hugged him tightly. I love this guy even he is stubborn!
“Stop hugging me Im Yoona! You are very disgusting or I mean us.”
“No we aren’t! This scene is just normal because I’m your sister and you’re my brother.”
“What a sweet and loving scene!” My mom just arrived.
“EEW!” JB pushed me away.
“OOOWCH! You’ll gonna get a loving hugs next time. I swear! Cross my heart and hope I live.”
“You’re crazy sister! What’s wrong with you anyway?”
“JB’s right Yoona, what’s wrong with you? Is there anything we need to know Yoona?”
“I think Yoona is in love mom!”
“No I’m not!” Nickhun and I are quarelling.
“Yes you are.” He insisted.
“No I’m not!”
“Yes you are!”
“Yes I am and so what? I’m a grown up teenager. It is just normal. Right mom?” I looked at my mom. She is just look back and smiles at me. I love my mom very much.
Even I don’t have a father but we are still happy though. But if my dad is here right now, he would be happy and all of us will have a great big party. After that battle I had with my little bro, we take our dinner. I don’t know what it is but it tastes yummy by the way. Everything mom cooks for us is delicious. Mom is very happy when I and JB love her cooking.
I gave a loud…
“BUUUURP!!!” Iblushed. I have no good manners.
“IM YOONA!” My mother raised her voice.
“Mianhe omma! Mianhe!” JB was there laughing. Geez. That brother of mine is so very cute!
“HAHAHAHA!” My mother just laughed.
“What’s funny mom?” JB questioned.
“It’s just; Yoona loves the food I prepared for this night.” My mom rarely laughs. I’m glad she started to move on with my fathers’ death.
So we started to clean up the mess after eating. I head up straight to my room, take my evening wash and wear my favorite blue pajamas. It was a wonderful day for me, except for that girl Yuri always interrupts my conversation with my boyfriend. B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D. I remember. Taecyeon is now my boyfriend. I scream. Taecyeon . Taecyeon. Taecyeon. Can you please get out of my head? 
“I CAN’T!!!” Why Taecyeon?
“You can’t?”
“I can’t sleep noona! Can you please just shut up? You are disturbing my sleep.” It was just JB. He always contradicts my happiness and joy always. JB’s room is on my right side. My bed is near on my wall. Is there a possibility that JB heard it? No. That boy is insensitive.
“Can you just be happy for me?” Please just this once.
“What do you mean?”
“NOTHING” I answered.
“WEIRDOOOW!” JB screamed.
“Good night! Sa-rang-he!” Then JB just shut up. Good ! I want to day dream.
“YOONA!” Taecyeon was calling me. He is at my back trying to catch up. Taecyeon and I were running on a beach. It was sunset. How romantic isn’t it? Just only me and Taecyeon.
“You better catch up slow poke!” But still Taecyeon is behind me running. I wonder. Why is Taecyeon so slow catching up? Isn’t he wanted to catch me after all? I stop for a moment. Taecyeon disappeared. Where is he? Someone cover my eyes.
“Taecyeon! Stop playing games with me, Okay?” I removed his hand.
“I’m not playing games with you Yoona!” This voice is kind a familiar.
“Nickhun?” I looked back. I was right. It was Nickhun.
“Yeah. Who do you expect by the way?”He gave me an innocent and questionable face.
“Nothing” This is weird. I smiled at him like I always do. Where is Taecyeon? Darn! Is this a dream or what?
“YOONA? What’s wrong? You look kind a pale and weak today huh?” Nickhun asked.
“Huh? Me? Thanks for your sweet concern but I’m fine” I replied. 
“Lets’ go to school?” He smiled.
“Okay” School? We’re going to school? This day is starting to get creepy. Nickhun and I reached the school. It was quiet and hazy. There was a cooling wind that brushed over my skin. It scares me. Is today a Halloween party? The school is getting foggy. What’s wrong? 
“Yoona? You’re getting kind a weird today? Did you have your breakfast today?”
“Breakfast? Yeah.” Breakfast? I certainly lied. I don’t know what to answer.
“Yoona, look over there!” Nickhun pointed out something.
“Where is it Nickhun?” Where is he pointing?
“Its Taecyeon hyung and…”
He didn’t speak next because it was a sensual scene. Taecyeon and Yuri are kissing? What the heck are they doing? This place is public and he is my boyfriend. My Boyfriend? I want to die right now. What is Taecyeon doing? I thought he loves me.
“Yoona? Are you alright?”
“I don’t know Nickhun. My toes are weakening and I think I want to…”
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awww i like this fic! fighting!
please update soon~~ love this story! *O*