


Minseok hurried to the kitchen, the bottle of cold baby milk in his hand shaking as he ran to the microwave, desperate to heat it up so that oh so annoying 3 year old would shut its trap in the play room.

“Please hurry with that milk, Minnie, I think the little one’s going to explode any minute now!”

Minseok groaned, if he could heat the milk up faster than this darn microwave was, then he would

“It’ll be done in a minute Baek, just shove a dummy in its mouth for a minute or so…”

“You know I’m against dummies, Minseok. You know I don’t approve of those erroneous things…!”

“Then quit your complaining or I’ll make sure you are the one being the maid on our next shift!”

The microwave pinged, causing Minseok to swirl out from their petty argument. He opened the microwave and pulled out the bottle of baby milk, which he was sure, was hot enough to melt the poor child he was giving it to.

Walking back into the play room, he handed Baekhyun the bottle, who gave him a questioning glance.

“Hot enough, do you think Minnie?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“Just let the demon child drink it, I can’t have another cry emit from that thing.”

Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak, but slowly closed it; Minseok wasn't one to lose an argument.

Lifting the quieting child in his arms, Baekhyun stood up and wandered over to the row of cots and small beds, slowly letting the youngster fall out his arms and into the warm cushioned area that did, to him, look like a baby prison.

“You know, for someone working at a nursery you sure hate kids, Minnie.”

Minseok let the comment fly over his shoulders. He didn't plan to end up working in a nursery that required all the things he despised – communicating, long hours and kids – but he grew to like the place.

He didn't mind stepping into the overcrowded nursery. The walls were painted ivy green, and then covered with illustrations of his favourite childhood stories and characters, which he did have the joy of reading to the older kids that came here. Some kids were cute – even Minseok would admit that. He took pleasure in picking out the good traits the kids carried, some had dimples, some had long eye lashes, and others had beautiful, pale skin.

But most of all, he didn't mind his work situation because of the man he shared his shift with – Mr over sensitive, Byun Baekhyun. Minseok would admit he despised Baekhyun at first. The way he cooed over the kids, the way he fussed that the milk had to be no higher than 37 degrees Celsius, and that you can’t just let that child hit another. But as his time here increased, so did he fondness for the weakling.

He found Baekhyun’s sensitivity cute now, almost. He enjoyed picking out the good traits in him too, just like he did with the children.

Baekhyun had soft, plump cheeks that went a rosy red every time he got the slightest praising, his teeth were immaculate, winning a gold star if teeth were ever a competition. His double eyelids were pretty adorable to; the made the brown in his eyes more prominent, Minseok thought. He didn't know how, but he thought that Baekhyun may even be perfect.

“Do you ever want kids, Minnie?”

Baekhyun’s voice suddenly pulled Minseok back to the real world, the world where the demon child had finally shut up.

“Do I what, Baekhyun?”

“Do you ever want kids when you become older?”

Minseok thought. Do I want kids? Don’t I want kids? And then, he knew the perfect answer.

“I think I’d want kids if they turned out to be like you, Baek. Maybe then I could tolerate them.” He smiled. He’d definitely want a little Baekhyun to fawn over.

 “Well, Minseok. I think a mixture between me and you would be my ideal child. How about it, Minnie? Us as parents together… seems pretty odd, don’t you think?”

“Nothing’s too odd for me, Baekhyun. I mean, I just admitted that I liked these terrors – maybe that could become reality one day.”

Minseok felt a hand brush against his own, and he swore that for the first time in his life, he was actually blushing.

“Oh, I hope it does Minnie. I really hope it does.”

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eudaimonia #1
Chapter 1: eep <3 I want a kid like that too
a mix of baekhyun and minseok ;A;
but who will top if they ahm... since they're like the ultimate bottom xD
anyway, why is this fic tagged chanyeol, suho and angst? e__e
TsukiyoHirasaki #2
Chapter 1: Awww~! it's a BaekMin/XiuBaek fanfic~! Me likey~!! XD
But I got confused a bit, is Baekhyun an adult like Minseok? A teenager? A tween??
joohyun007 #3
Chapter 1: it's really adorable i think. :D