Let him go

Let him go

Yongguk was bored as . He walked back and forth in the dorm not knowing what to do. Usually after he was finished with classes he would have to run away from Daehyun to sneak back into the dorm so he can get some alone time. Today he had too much alone time. He looked at the pile of magazines he had finished reading and a loud groan escaped his lips. He can always start on his upcoming homework. Knowing he is having that thought and not suppressing it meant he was that bored.


He took out his cell phone ready to call Daehyun’s number. He didn’t care if Daehyun was with his lover. He was BORED and nothing stops him when boredom took over. He held the phone to his ear and was contacted with the dial tone. He sighed as he walked out of the dorm, trying to find something to do. He can always make a new best friend. The campus was filled with a bunch of people. But that thought was also pushed aside, he knew that he can never replaced Daehyun. Daehyun had a special place in his heart, no matter how annoying that brat is.


His legs just walked wherever he felt like, he didn’t care about the directions and just kept walking to release his boredom. It wasn’t until he heard someone scream from a certain side of campus that attracted his attention. Usually he wasn’t nosy but today he was interested in everybody else’s business.


As he approached the fountain by the school he heard some girls whisper to each other some obscene words, “Why is that guy so desperate? It’s like he really needs a men to ”. Yongguk just stared at the two of them as they walked away. He didn’t bother caring about them so he just walked closer to the scene. It surprised him that it was his best friend holding onto the bastard’s arm, and from the look of it, it looked like the bastard wanted to walk away from Daehyun but Daehyun was pulling him back.


Yongguk didn’t want to get himself caught so he stood behind a table near the fountain. He scrunched down so he was hidden and they didn’t notice him. If he were to get caught, Minwoo would definitely flip out about him being the third wheel again. He did say he would stay away from the couple.


“Minwoo, please don’t act like this. I’m sorry. I…I made you food” Yongguk sighed when looking at his best friend pity state. What hurts even more is when Minwoo just threw the food that Daehyun took so much time to prepare and tossed it on the floor.


Yongguk wanted to get up from his hiding place and punch the bastard in the face for disrespecting his best friend like that but something inside of him told him not to. He would ruin the relationship between these two. Even though Minwoo is treating Daehyun badly, Daehyun really loved the guy and he cannot come between them.


“Get the away from me. I hate you now” he pushed Daehyun’s grip out of his hold and tried to walk away. Daehyun just followed the guy, not caring if he was embarrassing himself in front of the school campus.


Once they were out of sight Yongguk went over to the food that was thrown on the floor and sighed. Daehyun tried to hard to make these, Daehyun never thinks of others when it comes to food and this is the first time he cared so much, it proves how much he loves that bastard. The faces that Daehyun put on the onigiri were all over the place and Yongguk felt terrible for his best friend. That’s when he realized, if Daehyun made these for him, it will definitely make his heart flutter in all the right places. Yongguk was jealous of Minwoo, jealous that Minwoo had Daehyun to think of him over himself. Daehyun hardly put others first, which is why he is a brat. But it looks like when it comes to love, Daehyun makes a really good boyfriend.


Why does Minwoo take that for granted?




Yongguk took out his cell phone again to dial Daehyun’s number. He needed Daehyun to come back to the dorm now. He needed to question Daehyun about his whereabouts. Just when he reached the dial tone he heard the front door open and two voices coming inside. He got up from his bed and peaked out the door seeing Minwoo and Daehyun standing there. Daehyun had a grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around Minwoo snuggling into his chest. That moment made Yongguk’s heart race. He didn’t understand his feelings anymore. He only thought of Daehyun as a friend. What is going on with his heart? And how did the two make up so fast? Yongguk did not understand this couple at all.


“Bye honey” Daehyun’s soft voice spoke.


Minwoo hugged Daehyun back while using the tip of his thumb to push Daehyun’s face up so Daehyun could look at him. He leaned closer and closed the gap between them with a kiss. He onto Daehyun’s lips forcing Daehyun to open his mouth. Once Daehyun complied, they were french kissing each other. Minwoo hugged Daehyun’s waist closer and his hand was creeping up behind Daehyun’s shirt feeling Daehyun’s skin. Yongguk was disgusted with the sight, and as much as he wanted to look away, he couldn’t. He found himself dreaming that it could be him kissing Daehyun like that.


Wait did he just imagine that? No…Daehyun is just a friend, a best friend.


“When will you let me take you?” Minwoo asked and broke the kiss. Yongguk’s eyes widen, he cannot believe this bastard is moving on Daehyun so fast. Sure they dated over a month but he doesn’t approve of this erted bastard to take away Daehyun’s ity. Suddenly he made some noise while walking out of the room, it caused Daehyun to gasp when he saw Yongguk. He suddenly took a step back from Minwoo and his face was clearly red.


“Oh hi. I didn’t know you two were home” Yongguk had to act stupid. He knew he had to do this so he doesn’t have to hear anymore of the gross things going on between Daehyun and this bastard.


Minwoo knew that Yongguk did it on purpose so he gave Yongguk a death glare. Yongguk of course didn’t mind. He was happy that he could have stopped this scene from going on any further.


“Of course you didn’t” Minwoo managed to sarcastically say, “I will leave now. See you tomorrow babe” he gave Daehyun a quick peck on the lips before heading out. Once he was gone Yongguk tapped his feet on the floor and his arms were folded across his chest. He did not look happy and Daehyun knew that as well.


Daehyun just gave Yongguk a big smile, “Hey Yongguk! How are you buddy?” his voice was so cheery and it was obvious he was faking it. Yongguk could clearly see through Daehyun, Daehyun wasn’t a good actor to begin with.


“Don’t give me that crap” Yongguk bluntly said. “Tell me, why didn’t you pick up your damn cell phone? I tried to contact you twice Hyunnie” Yongguk wanted to curse at himself. Even though he was mad at Daehyun, he still used his nickname.


Daehyun took his cell phone out of his backpack and Yongguk was right. There were two missed calls. He felt bad that the calls were ignored. He pouted, “I did not check my phone all day. Sorry. Did you need me for anything?”


Yongguk just shook his head as he walked back into his room and sat on his bed in a grumpy manner. As a matter of seconds he heard Daehyun barge inside, “Yongguk, please don’t be mad. I’m sorry. Now, what did you want?” Yongguk ignored Daehyun as he stared at the floor, but it didn’t help when Daehyun put his cute face there.


“Yonggukieeee, talk to meeee” great. He was being annoying again. Yongguk tried to look away but Daehyun kept following his eye contact and stuck his face there, “Hellooo Yonggukkkie. Talk to mee. You can’t ignore me. Lalalalalala”


“Don’t give me that Hyunnie! Don’t act like you are all happy when I know you are not! How did that bastard like your food you made for him huh?” Daehyun paused knowing that Yongguk caught on already. He didn’t understand how Yongguk caught on but he couldn’t lie to Yongguk. Yongguk could detect all of his lies. He stopped smiling as he sat down on the bed next to Yongguk.


Daehyun played with his fingers, “H…How did you know?”


“Because you didn’t pick up my call so I went around campus to have some fun. I called you because I was bored as . When I walked around campus I saw you and that bastard. I can’t believe you let the bastard throw your food like that. What happened to the bratty Daehyun that always gets his way? Why did you surrender to that bastard? You looked so weak in front of him…” Yongguk’s voice was getting soft at the end. He knew Daehyun was sad and he didn’t want to rub salt in his wounds.


Daehyun sniffed as a tear fell down his face, “It was my fault. I made him mad…I deserved it” just as Yongguk was going to question more Daehyun decided to continue, “He’s been wanting to have with me but each time I would say I’m not ready. Earlier today I pushed him away once I felt his hand on my skin and that’s what caused the fuss to happen. He tried to walk away from me but I kept chasing him…we ended up at the fountain, that’s where he threw my food. And I’m guessing you were there to witness the whole thing”


Yongguk grabbed Daehyun’s hand as he looked into Daehyun’s sorrow filled eyes, “Why would you apologize for that? He shouldn’t be pushing you. You made a good choice for not letting him go any further”


Daehyun shook his head s more tears fell down his face, “I…I’m not good enough. I can’t give him anything. I’m such a bad boyfriend”


Yongguk felt terrible for yelling at Daehyun earlier. Daehyun was a fool wrapped in love and it caused him to be like this. Minwoo was his first boyfriend. He hugged Daehyun tightly letting Daehyun cry into his chest, “Earlier if I didn’t walk out of that door. Would you let him continue touching you? Because I saw his hand on your back”


“I…I don’t know. I don’t know anymore” more crying sounds could be heard and Yongguk sighed. Daehyun was such a baby sometimes. But when Daehyun was like this, he felt the need to really cherish and protect Daehyun more than anything.


“If he cannot wait, then he just wants you for your body. He doesn’t truly love you. Honestly Hyunnie, if someone loves you enough, they can wait till you are ready. He shouldn’t be pushing you this much. Besides he shouldn’t want to have with you. He should want to make love to you, and in love there is patience”


Daehyun sniffed, “I really love him though. If I wasn’t so scared, I think I would have done it with him by now”


Yongguk gritted his teeth. He cannot image what would happen next if that really happened. He had to admit, he was beyond jealous. “You cannot give that bastard your ity! Even if you love him, he has to love you as well”


Yongguk let Daehyun go as he placed out his pinky, “Promise me. Once you feel that he loves you back, you will give it to him”. Daehyun gulped as he looked at Yongguk’s hanging pinky. He didn’t know what to do but Yongguk was determined to make him shake it. Finally he huffed in a big amount of air and shook Yongguk’s finger.


“I pinky promise” he said cutely making Yongguk smile. At moments like these Yongguk knew that he has fallen for his best friend.




The next day on campus Yongguk was trying to walk to his class. He had to get his mind away from Daehyun. Daehyun was all he thought about last night and it was driving him insane. Did he really love the guy? As his thoughts took over him he noticed a familiar presence walking somewhat a distant away from him. He walked closer to the person and was surprised by what he saw. Minwoo was walking with another pretty boy, hand in hand as they were smiling very brightly. Yongguk crushed his hand into a fist. He was pissed. How dare Minwoo cheat on Daehyun? Especially in public like this. Does he not care about Daehyun at all?


He was about to march over there to give Minwoo a piece of his mind but he felt a hand pull him back. He was surprised when he saw his best friend in front of him.


“Hyunnie, do you see...”


“I do. It’s fine, I always see them together” Daehyun didn’t seem as shocked as Yongguk. He seemed pretty calm.


Yongguk didn’t understand at all, it was cheating. “Are you stupid Hyunnie? That bastard is holding hands with another guy. How could you act like you don’t witness this cheating scene?” Yongguk really wanted to knock some sense into his friend.


Daehyun sighed, “I asked him about it before. He told me they are just close friends…I didn’t dare to ask more because he got scary. He said I have to trust him”


“You are so NAÏVE. We are friends but you don’t see me holding your hand. He even got mad at you warning you to not cheat on him with me but he’s doing the same. He’s a hypocrite and he is definitely cheating on you!”


Daehyun looked on the ground, “Even if he is cheating on me. At least he still wants me…he hasn’t thrown me away yet…”


Yongguk got frustrated. He grabbed Daehyun’s shoulder and shook him trying to wake his best friend up from his delusional state, “Wake up Hyunnie! He is only keeping you around because he hasn’t completely had with you yet! He’s a ing player. Why are you so naïve??”


“I…I love him Yongguk”


Yongguk didn’t know what happened next, it was definitely like word vomit because he couldn’t control his words. “I love you. I love you and it hurts me even more to see you get treated this way!”


Daehyun was speechless. He didn’t know what to say…Yongguk was his friend. When did Yongguk even fall for him? Why now? Was Yongguk just messing around because Yongguk hated Minwoo so much?


“I never thought I would love you but when Minwoo came, I got jealous. I got jealous that he took all of your attention. I got jealous that I’m not the one you are hugging and kissing. I wanted to be him”


“NO” Daehyun suddenly shouted while trying to place his hands over his ears, “You…You are just saying this because you want me to leave Minwoo. It’s all a lie…”


Yongguk grabbed Daehyun’s hand and looked at him with a piercing gaze, “I’m dead serious. Don’t let him hurt you any longer. Let him go…”




AN:  There, Yongguk confessed. I guess this story is going to be a 3shot…lol. I will end it the next chapter. Thanks for the comments! It definitely motivates me to update ^^

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 3: Omo, this is so sweet, I'm getting a tooth ache and heartache from this huhu

Thank you for writing xx
k0j3t4 #2
Chapter 3: Read this again, over and over yet, liking it over and over again. Hohoho~
Chapter 3: O.M.G ! Yongguk Is So SWEET I Want A Boyfriend Like HIM ! I Really Like This Oneshot && Im A Hopeless Romantic Too Lol :)
So beautifully written TT__TT bangdae ftw!
eliass #5
Chapter 3: Damn i need a sequel of this, pleease :3 this was just too awesome to be true
Chapter 3: OMO this is so cute and fluffy!! n_n
make a sequel, a rated one /dirtysmile xD
i loved~ ^^ chu~~
Chapter 3: Author, you have given me cavities. Curse you! /shakes fist in the air/ D:< But in all seriousness, that was really sweet. X3 Cheesy Bang and Feisty Dae. Best combination ever.
omg omg. bangdae is like my fav otp and its fic is kinda rare ;w;
then i went through bangdae tag on aff and found this!
reading this made me squeal so loud ;;;;~~~;;;;
thank you for writing this. rainbows are everywhere hehe
im sorry for leaving you a short comment ;v;
Chapter 3: Oh. my. gosh.