Surprising news

Let him go

Yongguk sat on his couch with his legs straight out supporting themselves on the table while he held the magazine in his hands. He recently just finished with his last class and he needed some time in the dorm just to relax and enjoy alone time. He just got to the first page when all of a sudden he heard a loud ruckus in the background. “Yongguk-ahhhhh” Daehyun screech as he ran inside their shared dorm not bothering to knock and jumped on the couch, yes Daehyun was that comfortable with him. They were best friends but Daehyun was a bit on the hyperactive side. They did share a room but usually one would knock before entering just in case the other one was changing, today Daehyun just decided it was better to barge it unannounced.


“Do you not see me reading Hyunnie?” Yongguk asked in a stern voice while staring back at his magazine.


Daehyun pulled the magazine out of Yongguk’s hand and laughed, “You were just on the first page. I got important news for you!”


Yongguk pulled the magazine back and gave Daehyun a death glare, “What news? You finally learned how to cook? So now you won’t be a free loader and steal my food from the fridge?”


Daehyun pouted, “I do not free load…I don’t even eat that much. But the news is that, I got a boyfriend!”


“What the ! When?” Yongguk jumped from his seat and grabbed a hold of both of Daehyun’s hand. Daehyun just giggled and shook his head not wanting to tell Yongguk more details now. Yongguk couldn’t believe this kid was giving him the silent treatment; Daehyun can never stay silent for long. Yongguk let go of Daehyun’s hand and managed to tickle the guy letting him fall on the couch laughing.


“hahahaha stop it Yongguk” Daehyun laughed loudly while fidgeting his hands and feet everywhere. He could never stand being tickled. It was his biggest weakness.


“Tell me now Hyunnie”


“Fine I will, stop tickling me!” Daehyun had to give in and tell Yongguk what happened, he knew that Yongguk always gets what he wants in the end. That’s how it always is.


Yongguk finally let go of his best friend and Daehyun sat up, wiping the tears from his eyes that he managed to get from laughing. “Today after you ditched me on campus to read your magazine this guy came up to me with roses. He said I looked prettier than the roses and he rather hold onto me than the roses” Daehyun’s eyes lit up as he was smiling with his eyes. Daehyun can perfectly recall the incident and it made him want to fly away in his daydream.


“The ” was the only words that Yongguk could sputter out, “Who the hell let that guy eat so much cheese? Because that is cheesy as . First off, I am reading a celebrity magazine, not you idiot. Second, that guy has some eyesight problems because roses are way prettier than you. They are calm and fragile, you…you are more like the rose thorns. Poking people and annoying them”


“Jerk! Don’t be jealous” Daehyun stuck his tongue out at Yongguk earning a smile from Yongguk. Yongguk never thought that his friend would get a boyfriend, not to say Daehyun isn’t good looking because he definitely was. Yongguk just liked to , but deep down he thinks Daehyun looks better than a lot of girls on campus. They just had a great love-hate relationship so Yongguk liked to tease the poor boy, but deep down he was really happy for his friend.


Yongguk wrapped one of his arm around Daehyun’s shoulder, “I’m happy for you Hyunnie. Now what’s that bastard name?”


Daehyun huffed, “He’s not a bastard! His name is Minwoo. He is hot and really sweet”


Yongguk nodded, he wanted to give in some good inputs but it was hard to get the words to form. Especially when he loved teasing Daehyun, “If I knew asking you out would be that easy I would have watched some Korean dramas and copied them. Then you will just fall for it and cry like those actresses”


Daehyun laughed as a sign of enthusiasm, “In your dreams Yongguk. I would never agree to go out with you!”


“Why is that?” Yongguk couldn’t help but question. It’s not like he really cared but he just wondered what flaws he had (minus the teasing) that Daehyun might not want to be his potential boyfriend.


Daehyun thought for a moment, his thinking face was plain adorable. Yongguk always about learning how to think, because Daehyun tends to talk before he can process the information, which is why Yongguk was smarter academically. “Because you are my friend. I don’t want to ruin our friendship”


'Great. I’m being friendzoned' Yongguk thought but managed to not say anything. He didn’t even liked Daehyun that way so he was joking around with himself. He was actually really happy for his little friend. Now Daehyun has someone to take care of him. Yongguk could not wish anything but the best for the two.




After several meetings with the bastard Minwoo, Yongguk thought the guy was pretty sweet. Everywhere they walked together Minwoo would have his arms around Daehyun’s waist holding him tightly. Yongguk could only walk behind them smiling at the cute sight in front of him. It was nice but awkward at the same time. He had his hands in his jacket while admiring the two. To be honest, it made him feel lonely. Finally he managed to say something, “I feel like a third wheel right now. I will go check out some books at the library first. I will see you back at the dorm Hyunnie” he waved and walked away.


“See you later Yong-” before Daehyun could finish saying Yongguk’s name his boyfriend pulled him away. Minwoo was filled with agitation and jealously, Daehyun was his, so he hated how Yongguk had nicknames for his boyfriend. Of course they were close, they were best friends, but not for long, Minwoo was planning on taking Daehyun away from Yongguk.


When Daehyun first introduced Minwoo to Yongguk, Minwoo already did not like the guy. Minwoo’s first thought was that sooner or later Yongguk was going to steal Daehyun away from him and he cannot let that happen. What is his will always be his. He was always possessive and with his boyfriend he is even more extreme. Around Yongguk he would pretend to be a nice guy and a sweet boyfriend to Daehyun, but it was hard to always maintain that role when he despised Yongguk to the core.


“Babe, what are you thinking about?” he heard Daehyun’s voice and it made him break away from his train of thoughts. He looked at the guy and Daehyun was gorgeous, beautiful, and a hot piece of meat. There are times he wanted to make their relationship go further than kissing but it was hard because Daehyun would always give him the same words, the “I’m not ready yet”. Every time Minwoo heard that sentence, it made him infuriated. Because he cannot get what he wants from Daehyun, he cheats on him with other pretty guys. Daehyun is too naïve to ever notice those things.


“It’s nothing” he finally answered Daehyun’s question. “Dae tell me, do you like being around me or Yongguk?”


Daehyun hesitated a bit because he was put in an awkward situation. It was hard to come up with an answer on the spot. “It’s incomparable. Yongguk is my best friend, he bullies me a lot but I know he truly cares for me and it’s fun being around him. You, you’re my boyfriend. Of course I enjoy being around you also”


Minwoo scoffed and looked away avoiding Daehyun’s gaze making Daehyun confused. “Why are you asking that question anyways? Don’t tell me you are jealous of Yongguk. He’s just a friend, we both never saw each other as anything more than that”


“Whatever. But I swear Dae, if you cheat on me. I won’t let you off easily”


Daehyun knew it was a threat but also he knew that it would never happen so he nodded. “Of course, Yongguk’s just my friend”




While in the dorm, Yongguk got to the end of his newest magazine. He cannot believe he is finishing all these magazines without distraction. Come to think of it, he missed having alone time with Daehyun. Daehyun might be a bratty friend but Yongguk loved him nevertheless. Yongguk couldn’t help but think of how shy Daehyun is around his boyfriend and how loud the guy really is. If only Minwoo knew the true side of Daehyun.


Speaking of the little devil he heard the door open and Daehyun walking inside, Yongguk thought Daehyun was going to annoy him but instead Daehyun just went to his bed and sat down. He has never seen Daehyun so down before, so his first thought was that something was wrong with his little friend.


“What’s wrong Hyunnie?” Yongguk got up from his bed and walked towards Daehyun’s.


Daehyun pouted, “Yongguk-ah, Minwoo doesn’t want us hanging out with each other anymore”


It felt like the world just crash down making Yongguk want to fall down on the floor. “Why did the bastard say that? We are roommates. Is he ing crazy?” Daehyun was used to Yongguk’s cursing at his boyfriend so he didn’t care anymore.


Daehyun just nodded and played with his fingers. “I think he’s jealous that we are so close. I know we are roommates but he doesn’t want you around when we are with each other. He’s irrational but I guess he is just overprotective of me. He’s afraid I will cheat on him”


Yongguk crunched his hand into a fist. He wanted to say something crude but couldn’t, he knew that Daehyun was truly happy with this guy and he cannot tear up Daehyun’s happiness. He had to be a good friend and put Daehyun’s happiness first. “It’s fine, I won’t be around you two on campus anymore. We will only meet each other at the dorms ok?”


“No, that’s like me choosing him over you” Daehyun tried to get up from his bed but Yongguk pushed him back down holding him on the shoulder. He had to calm Daehyun down, he knew that Daehyun was a good friend, but right now it’s important for Daehyun to hold onto his bastard of a boyfriend. Yongguk didn’t want Daehyun to break up with the guy over something silly like this, especially when the guy brought Daehyun so much happiness.


Yongguk stared at Daehyun in the eyes, “We will always be best friends. You just have a boyfriend now, we have to be more careful or he will break up with you. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t want to see my happy Hyunnie cry, especially when you are so bubbly”


Daehyun just nodded and wrapped his arms around Yongguk’s shoulder closing the space between them, “Thank you Yongguk. You are the best!”


Yongguk laughed and held Daehyun’s waist, “I know I am. You are lucky to have a friend like me kiddo”




The sound in the kitchen made Yongguk groaned while getting up from his bed. He didn’t understand where the ruckus was coming from. As he stood up he opened the bedroom door seeing Daehyun preparing a meal in the kitchen. That was a first; he has never seen Daehyun try to learn how to cook before. Daehyun just knew how to steal his food. “Is the world going to end today?” Yongguk spoke startling Daehyun.


Daehyun let out a small laugh, “No! I’m just trying to learn how to make some onigiri. Look at them, are they cute?” Daehyun showed Yongguk his little creation.


Yongguk walked closer and a smiled formed on his face. It was adorable. He has never seen Daehyun try to prepare anything before. Daehyun must really love this guy. For the first time, Yongguk felt kind of sad. If only Daehyun could make these for him. “They are very cute. That bastard better like them”


“Stop calling him that Yongguk”


“Can’t. He lives up to his name”


Daehyun didn’t even bother arguing with Yongguk as he placed the food in a small container and put it in his backpack. “Thanks for trying to make me food best friend” Yongguk had a sarcastic tone on and Daehyun knew Yongguk’s sarcasm too well.


“You always said that you rather go ask for food than eat anything I prepare. I’m just fulfilling your wish” Daehyun argued back.


Yongguk sighed in defeat. He did say that to Daehyun before, as a joke though. “That was because you would eat everything before serving it. You would only save it for your boyfriend”


Daehyun jumped over at Yongguk and managed to tackle him on the floor. “I do not eat that much! Are you missing me now that I have a boyfriend? Oh Yongguk, if only you asked me out before” Daehyun’s voice was mocking him and Yongguk knew it.


Yongguk pushed Daehyun off of him and reversed their position so he was on top instead, “So you could friendzone me? No thanks. Besides having you as a boyfriend would make me go get hearing aids, your voice is the epitome of loud” Daehyun tried to push Yongguk off of him but he couldn’t. Yongguk was always stronger than him.


“You know deep down you love me” Daehyun giggled as a sign of teasing Yongguk. For the first time Yongguk couldn’t deny that thought. He never thought he would develop anything for Daehyun. But why did he miss the kid so much after he got a boyfriend? It has to be a sign of something. His heartache is not helping either. Now that he was on top of the small boy he wanted to close the gap between them but that thought was quickly pushed aside. His best friend was no longer a single guy. He had someone for him now. Pretty soon Yongguk knew he was going to be the person watching Daehyun from behind. Just like his shadow. He will always be with Daehyun and be by his side, hoping nothing would ever happen to him.


“What are you thinking about?” Daehyun asked but got no reply from Yongguk as Yongguk got off of Daehyun. Daehyun just shrugged off that thought knowing Yongguk is weird sometimes.




AN: I guess this cannot be a one shot lol. Can’t finish it right away. Hope everyone likes it so far ^^

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 3: Omo, this is so sweet, I'm getting a tooth ache and heartache from this huhu

Thank you for writing xx
k0j3t4 #2
Chapter 3: Read this again, over and over yet, liking it over and over again. Hohoho~
Chapter 3: O.M.G ! Yongguk Is So SWEET I Want A Boyfriend Like HIM ! I Really Like This Oneshot && Im A Hopeless Romantic Too Lol :)
So beautifully written TT__TT bangdae ftw!
eliass #5
Chapter 3: Damn i need a sequel of this, pleease :3 this was just too awesome to be true
Chapter 3: OMO this is so cute and fluffy!! n_n
make a sequel, a rated one /dirtysmile xD
i loved~ ^^ chu~~
Chapter 3: Author, you have given me cavities. Curse you! /shakes fist in the air/ D:< But in all seriousness, that was really sweet. X3 Cheesy Bang and Feisty Dae. Best combination ever.
omg omg. bangdae is like my fav otp and its fic is kinda rare ;w;
then i went through bangdae tag on aff and found this!
reading this made me squeal so loud ;;;;~~~;;;;
thank you for writing this. rainbows are everywhere hehe
im sorry for leaving you a short comment ;v;
Chapter 3: Oh. my. gosh.